

Making Takoyaki in English! / 第2回「英語でクッキング」

     As a congratulations to students' efforts during exam week, we all gathered in the cooking room for our very first ESS takoyaki party! It was Jennifer’s first time ever making takoyaki, so students explained to her the method in English. As for me, since I am allergic to octopus, we all brought many different ingredients to put in the takoyaki, from traditional octopus, to cheese and even chocolate and gummies! 

     We had a total of 15 students come through, and the environment was full of laughs and fun! Some students even played a kind of Russian Roulette around a hidden, gummy takoyaki.  And between the 3 takoyaki machines going at once, it was a wonderful feast! 

     All in all, it was a great opportunity for students to practice English, Jennifer to learn about Japanese culture, and for me to finally try a chocoyaki (chocolate filled takoyaki). But let's ask Jennifer Sensei what she thinks! 

     I had a lot of fun learning from the students and trying some interesting flavour combinations. The students made gummy takoyaki. While I was not brave enough to try it, the students had a lot of laughs around it. I really enjoyed the chocolate takoyaki and the cheese takoyaki the most. I had so much fun making it that I went home and taught my husband. - Jeniffer

 今日のESSでは生徒の普段のがんばりを労う「お疲れさまの会」も兼ねて、初めての「たこ焼きパーテイー」を調理室で開きました。これは、先日ジェニファー先生がニュージーランドのお菓子作りを教えてくれたお返しでもあります。生徒たちはたこ焼きを作ったことがないジェニファー先生に、英語で作り方を丁寧に説明してくれました。また、アレルギーでタコが食べられない私(William, ALT)のために、伝統的なタコだけでなくチーズやウインナー、チョコやグミ(!)に至るまで、様々な材料を準備してくれました。


 「生徒からたこやきの作り方を学ぶことができ、面白い味の組み合わせも経験できて楽しかったです! 生徒が作った「グミ焼き」を食べてみる勇気はなかったけれど、周りはすごく盛り上がっていて楽しかったです。個人的には、チョコ焼きとチーズ焼きが一番美味しいと感じました。あまりにも帰宅後、夫に教えたくなるとほどとても楽しかったです!」ージェニファー