

【AS・AT】桃園国際空港到着!/ At Taoyuan Airport


 今日はちょうど3年生のAT IIが3年間のまとめの最後をしており、AT担当者である、研修引率の小玉先生が台湾からオンラインで話す機会もありました。外国からも繋がれるとは、meetの本領発揮ですね!


   We arrived in Taiwan on schedule and passed through immigration without any trouble. Hearing Chinese all the time, we realize that we are not in Japan anymore.

 Something nice happened to us at the airport, by the way. Two students tried to buy a drink from a vending machine but they couldn't since they had no coins but only bills. Then a Taiwanese young man walked by and found that they were at a loss. He was kind enough to offer them his own water, which he had just purchased! The students thanked him and said, “No, we can't take it." because they thought that's too much. However, this is not the end of the story. He once left, but came back shortly to tell them where to buy drinks - he walked around and found a store for us. What a kind man he is! 多謝!


【AS・AT】搭乗口にて / Boarding!

 さて、到着しました、熊本空港! わたしの記憶によると昔は別のビルにあった国際線のチェックカウンターですが、令和の今は国内線と仲良く隣同士で並んでいます。但し、国際線の列の長いこと長いこと! 見たところ、ほぼほぼ外国からのお客さまのようです。


【AS・AT】SSH台湾研修へ出発! / The Beginning of Our Study Tour



     Today at 7:30 a.m., four students participating in the SSH Taiwan Study Tour safely departed, being seen off by their teachers and families.

 The weather in Taiwan looks good for the three days, and students are very excited about the program. We are sure they will learn a lot and have a great exprience abroad. Our next post will be from Kumamoto Airport!

【AS・AT】いよいよ!/ Tomorrow!



   Four students will be leaving for the SSH training program tomorrow. All looked a little nervous but did their best in their English presentation rehearsal in the Earth Science Room after school. ALTs, English teachers, and members of the science club were listening to them and helped them a lot. Students were worried about the Q&A session because they hadn’t had enough practice, but they managed to answer the questions in their own words.

 Finally, tomorrow morning, they will fly from Kumamoto to Taiwan. We’re sure this will be a great learning opportunity for them all, and we hope they can do their best with confidence. Gambatte!




【ASⅢ】 後輩につなぐバトン / Mini Presentations Next Week




























  Next week in AS III, students will be giving a mini-presentation to the sophomore to share the results of their own research and the tips they have learned through our research. In today’s class, students prepared their presentations for next week.

 Each group summarized on their worksheets advice that could be applied to research based on their past experiences. In our school, inquiry activities are designed to facilitate research through interactions between different grades. The AS class in particular has many opportunities for interaction, and the 2nd and 3rd graders are deeply involved. Even if the research fields are different, there must be many viewpoints and research methods that can be used as references, and we hope that the “maxims” of the 3rd year students will encourage the younger students in their future research!