


 今日の体育大会決団式の後、「世界津波の日 2024年高校生サミットin熊本」に向けた2回目のミーティングを行いました。本校では、事前に希望を募った2年生13人が3チームに分かれて研究を行い、10月に行われるサミットで研究成果を発表します。

 このサミットは、世界約50か国の高校生が参加し、津波などの自然災害の脅威と対策を学ぶ場として、2016年から開催されているものです。(実は、2018年の和歌山での開催時に天高の先輩方が県代表として参加したこともあります!)第6回目となる今回は、総会や分科会に加え、レセプションやスタディーツアー、記念植樹などが熊本市または熊本県の各地で行われる予定です。世界約 50 か国からの参加者が予定されており、国内・県内の高校生 約 500 人 が参加する大規模なサミットです。

 今日のミーティングでは、3チームのメンバー決定と研究内容についてのざっくりとした話し合いがありました。メンバーは文系と理系が半々くらい、弓道部、バドミントン部、ソフト部、科学部などなど、所属部活も様々なメンバー(女子多め)が集結し、面白い研究が生まれそうです! これから、グーグルクラスルームで連絡を取りつつ、10月に向けてそれぞれのチームで研究を進めていくことになります。それぞれの研究の様子はまた追ってお知らせしますので、どうぞお楽しみに!

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】AS対面式 / Welcoming new students!






     In the 7th period today, 3rd year students in ASⅢ gave poster / slide presentations on their research to the new AS II students. 12 research groups, divided into 3 classrooms, spoke passionately about their research and the excitement of inquiry study.

    Conducting research usually requires a lot of time before results are obtained, moreover, some research can only be conducted (such as one's involving certain plants and animals),  in certain seasons.  Furthermore, in all fields, it is essential to collect reliable data through repeated experiments and increasing the number of subjects in order to verify hypotheses, which, again, inevitably takes time. From this perspective, having someone to take over their research makes many things possible that would have been difficult to do in the limited time before graduation. Each group tried their best to attract successors-to-be in a 10-minute presentation.

   For the new ASⅡ students, this is of course a great opportunity to listen to the details of research in various fields in a small-group. They were warmly welcomed by the seniors in their respective groups, and–while somewhat nervous–they were also actively asking questions.

    In this year's AS II and AS III, second-year and third-year students will have more opportunities than ever to conduct their research in the same classroom. Being close to each other, students will be able to easily ask their seniors questions about research techniques and how to use equipment. This is also a good opportunity for the third-year students: by teaching and explaining to their junior classmates, they would have more chances to have new ideas and refine their output devices.

AS II and AS III will continue to evolve - please stay with us and look forward to our future activities!

【ASⅡ】今年度のASⅡ、始動します!/ The Very Beginning of ASⅡ!





  Today we had the very first ASⅡ with our 23 brilliant students. Since it is still early in the new school year, they are still very much in their infancy!

  First of all, Mr. Matsubara, the homeroom teacher as well as an SSH department member, had a talk about matters such as what to bring to the classes and the schedule of the year. With markers, the students took note of their very first important event of the year - the ARP presentation in July. There are about 3 months to go before their first presentation, which means they need to choose the research theme and make plans by that time. Well, can you imagine what you will be doing in ASⅡ in three months?

  In the class, students first wrote down "exciting words to you" and "social problems you can think of" on their worksheet. Each student wrote various "exciting" words such as "Internet" or "sound.” They also wrote various keywords for social problems, such as "aging population” or “invasive alien species” etc. Listening to the teachers and senior students today will surely help students  expand their imagination. We’re looking forward to their future exploration activities!

       In AS I last year, some students have conducted non-scientific research such as ones related to tourism and local government, but in AS II, they will be pursuing research in scientific fields such as biology or physics. 

To the Students: Please make use of what you have learned so far and proceed with your own unique research in your respective groups!

【ATⅠ】お茶日和! / An Ideal Day for A Cup of Tea?

 春休みが始まって早1週間。あれ? 春休み中だというのに教室から何だかにぎやかな声が聞こえてきます。突撃してみると、机をくっつけて何やら作業中の2年生でした。ATⅠの研究活動のために集まっているとのこと、各々の手にははさみが握られ、オリーブの葉を切っているようです。この葉っぱ、実は天草高校のご近所の「本渡南小の運動場」直送。実は、12月の台湾研修のときに、オリーブの実を分けていただいて以来のご縁です。今回も快く許可をいただけたとのこと、本当にありがたいことです。大事に使わせていただきます!

 さて、しばらくすると「オリーブ班」の班員たちは家庭科室に大移動。市立図書館から借りた資料を手に、「オリーブ茶」の製作に入るそうです。葉を洗ったり、熱湯で下処理をしたりと作業を進める一方、手の空いた生徒はオリーブの葉に含まれるポリフェノールを検出する方法について調べています。そう、ただの「調理実習」になってしまっては、探究活動にはなりません。「どんな数値を取りたいのか」「何と比較するのか」などなど考えながら研究を進めていくのが大事ですね! 本格的なカメラでしっかり記録も取りつつ、和やかに、かつ、てきぱきと作業を進める生徒のみなさんでした。



 One day, during spring break, we heard some lively voices coming from a classroom.  With scissors in each hand, students were cutting olive leaves. These leaves were picked in the "playground" at Hondo Minami Elementary School, a neighbor of ours. In fact, another study group visited them for olives in December. We are very grateful that they kindly helped us again this time.  

   After cutting the leaves, the students of the "Olive Group" moved to the cooking room. With a book borrowed from the city library in hand, they were planning to make some olive tea. While some students were pre-treating the leaves with boiling water, some were researching how to detect polyphenol contained in the leaves. Yes, the students cannot just “cook”, they must “study” olives as well -  they must think about what kind of data to obtain, or what to compare the results with, and so on. But don’t worry, these students are smart enough to know what to do!

 In the third grade AT II, students will have to analyze and summarize the results of their research conducted since they were 2nd graders. They will need to present the results of their research at the ARP Research Results Presentation in July, and make "proposals" to–at first–the locals, then eventually to the world! With a limited time of one hour per week, students need to systematically carry out their research and accumulate reliable data. Good luck!

【SSH】ARP探究成果発表会 / ARP Inquiry Research Presentations

 本日、天草市民センターにてARP(Amakusa Research Process)探究成果発表会を実施しました。ステージでは台湾研修報告に始まり、研究発表としてはASⅠ(1年生)の代表6班とASⅡ(2年ASクラス)の代表4班に加え、アメリカ・モンタナ州にあるカーター郡立博物館の学芸員であるネイサン・キャロル博士の講演もありました。ASⅡの化石班の発表と学芸員講演は全て英語で行われ、生徒たちが英語でのプレゼンテーションに必死でついていこうとする姿、何とか英語で質問しようと奮闘する姿も見られました。





   Today, the ARP (Amakusa Research Process) Inquiry Results Presentation was held at the Amakusa Civic Center. We had eleven presentations on stage, including a guest lecture by Dr. Nathan Carroll at Carter County Museum in Montana. 

 In the gym, poster presentations were given by over 50 groups.  There were also two poster presentations by graduates, which attracted so many students.  The students gave enthusiastic presentations about their research, showing models used in their experiments and using gestures.

 For the students in AS class, this presentation was their debut as participants playing an active role. They were working so diligently in various areas of the Civic Center, such as at the reception desk, backstage, and in the gym as moderators, keeping a close eye on their surroundings. Although it was the first time for most of the students to give a presentation on stage, their magnificent presentations and easy-to-understand slides showed that they had been doing so much for today's presentation.

 Thank you to all the guests and visitors who came to see the event and to those who viewed it online. The students' exploration will continue in the future. Please stay with us!




【ATⅠ】校内ポスター発表会 / Poster Presentation at School



Today, we had a poster presentation in ATⅠ. The students were a bit nervous because it has been a while since their last presentation in October.

 Each group had a 6-minute presentation and a 2-minute Q&A session afterwards. The students tried their best to tell others about the results of their experiments and investigations so far, pointing to their posters and using gestures. Some of the groups finished their presentations so quickly, which required them to have a longer Q&A time. There were many questions that got to the heart of the matter, and the presentations became very informative.


















【AS・AT】SSH特別講演会 / SSH Special Lecture





   Today, we invited Professor Hirotaka Sato of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, to deliver the SSH Special Lecture. Professor Sato is the world's first developer of "cyborg insects," a fusion of insects and computers, and has opened a laboratory at NTU, where he is applying "cyborg insects" to save lives at disaster sites.

 In his lecture, he explained in detail the background and content of his research, including the advantages of "cyborg insects" compared to some flying robots being developed elsewhere. Based on his own research experience, he told students the significance of not giving up when faced with obstacles, and of making various innovations and trial-and-error attempts.

 He also introduced us to Singapore and what NTU is like. He talked about how safe and comfortable it is to live there, and the importance the country places on disaster rescue, which he has devoted himself to. He also told us about the eagerness which NTU students have in learning.  After listening to him, we felt Singapore and the students’ lives to be more familiar. Later in his lecture, he said that the capability of English can expand our possibilities. He also told us not to worry about the "naysayers," who always complain or object to what we do. In his words, we can aim for a “niche" rather than becoming a superstar.

 Students were engaged in his unique and outstanding lecture, taking notes busily. It was an unforgettable 100 minutes for all students and us teachers, to learn and think about how to expand their own possibilities. 














【ASⅡ】超集中(?)の2時間 / Two weeks to go!



 先生方もあちこちの班で、生徒たちの研究に対して愛のある「つっこみ」をしています。化石班では、「コロニーの判定を80%にした、その数字の根拠は?」との指摘。魚糞班では、「アルカリ化の原因を魚糞と特定する根拠は? アマモは、どの部分から、どのように枯れていく?」という問いかけ。「何となく」や「多分これくらい」のような「感覚」で研究を進めてしまうと、より説得力のある考察から遠ざかってしまいかねません。なぜこの方法で実験をするのか? 対照実験は必要ないのか? その結論に至る根拠はどこにあるのか? 他の可能性はないのか? 数値を集めようと必死になるあまり大切なことを見落としていないか、時に立ち止まって考えることも大事なのかもしれませんね。

 さぁ、3月になりました。ASⅡのみんなが主役の成果発表会まで約2週間。今週は高校入試期間となり、登校して研究を進めることが難しくなってきます。各班、工夫が必要そうですね! この2週間を最大限活用して発表会を成功させましょう!!






















      Today is the last ASⅡ class period before the ARP presentation, and all the groups are working so hard to compile their research and data. The "Fossil Group," which is preparing to give a presentation in English, is discussing and editing their English presentation slides and manuscript with William-sensei. The "Fish Manure" group is measuring the PH of the water in the eelgrass jars.  They are growing eelgrass using unheated fish waste as fertilizer, and expecting that the water will become more alkalized and the eelgrass will die off in the future. The "Arm Swingers" are about to head outside, drone in hand!

  We also visited the physics room to see two groups. The "Tetrapod" group is doing experiments in a water tank. They’re using a blue cart which measures the force by the extension of the spring and calculates the amplitude of the swing (amplitude of the wave). The "Electromagnetic Induction" group is currently working on the "No.3 Shishi-Oshi (version without spring). While checking the trajectory of the PET bottles, they are working on a body that can withstand use in the river. Both groups seemed to be having fun!

 Teachers are also helping the students by asking some questions. In the fossil group, one teacher asked, "You gave 80% for the colony, but where is the proof?" The fish manure group was asked, "What is the basis for identifying fish feces as the cause of alkalinization? Which part of the eelgrass dies first and how?" 

    If we proceed with our research based on feelings without clear reasons or proof, we may be getting away from more convincing considerations. Why are we conducting the experiment in this way? Don’t we need some control experiments? What is the basis for reaching this conclusion? Are there any other possibilities? Even when we are in a rush, we may need to stop and think once in a while to see whether or not we have overlooked something important.

 It’s already March, and we are about two weeks away from the ARP presentation. Since there will be high school entrance examinations this week, it is hard for them to come to school to conduct their research. Let's make the most of these two weeks and make the presentation a success!



















The day of the presentation is coming, and students are busy working on their studies.

In one group, which tries to get to know the best movement of a runner to run the fastest, all three of the members are watching a movie of their experiment.

They are planning to analyze the result of the experiment later, and add the date they got it on their poster.

Students in another group are making the draft of their presentation and are practicing reading it.

I was moved by their hard work to get as much of a good result on their experiments as possible.

I hope they will have a wonderful performance on their presentation.


【ATⅠ】今年度最後の本評価でした / The last evaluation interview this semester




    In today's AT I, we conducted the C1 assessment: Processing Numerical Data. In this assessment, students are evaluated on what kind of numerical data they have obtained in previous experiments and surveys, and whether they can summarize their discussion of the data through writing and graphs. The students looked somewhat nervous going into the interview with the teacher in charge.

 After the evaluation, the students regrouped to discuss and include graphs and other information in order to finish up their posters. They have only one more ATⅠ class to go before the deadline.

 Their "mini presentation" on March 14 will be a valuable opportunity to summarize what they have done throughout the year, explain it to people outside the group and receive some advice. We cannot wait to see what their posters will be like. Keep up the good work!



【ASⅡ】時間との戦い / Against the clock

 研究成果発表会まで約1か月となりました。限られた時間の中で可能な限りデータを追加しようと、どの班も実験などに必死な様子です。実験や調査結果の考察をするには、「信頼できる」かつ「ある程度の数の」データを集めることが必要です。さて、あと1か月で必要なデータを揃えることはできるのでしょうか? 時間との戦いです!

 とはいえ、色々な道具を駆使して実験を行っているみなさんは、いつ見ても楽しそうです。イシクラゲの細胞を観察したり、発電量を調べたり、ドローンを飛ばしたり! 研究は一日にしてならず。仮説の検証に向けて、一歩一歩進んでいくしかありません。みんなの「コツコツ」の集大成を3月の発表会で多くの方々に見てもらえますように!




















   Students have about a month to go before the presentation at Amakusa Civic Center. All the groups have been working hard to add as much data as possible in the limited time, and they are struggling with their experiments and other activities. In order to discuss the results of experiments and surveys, it is necessary to collect a “sufficient” amount of "reliable" data. Now, will they be able to gather the necessary data in just one month? It is a race against the clock!

 Although many of them are in a big hurry to collect more data, it is always fun to see everyone conducting experiments using a variety of tools. We can see a group observing the cells of a kind of cyanobacterium, another checking the amount of electricity generated, and another flying a drone outside. Needless to say, research is not done in a day - they have to go step by step to verify their hypotheses. We hope that many people will come and see the fruits of our labor at the presentation in March!

【ATⅠ】ポスターできるかな? / Poster Time!






  Today in AT I, each group began making posters for their presentations in preparation for the mini "Exploratory Results Presentation" scheduled for March 14. The students, who have not made posters since last year's presentation, must create graphs and tables based on the research proposal they made in October, and summarize their findings from the subsequent experiments and investigations. They realized that they did not have enough data, so they had to plan additional surveys (questionnaires), discuss whether they could formulate a hypothesis in the first place, and work on their posters at a rapid pace, as there was not much time for preparation before their presentations.

 In ATi I, students in the four second-year classes are divided into 26 groups for group research. Students choose their research themes based on their interests, both in the humanities and the sciences. Some research is in the sciences or physics, while others are working on social themes such as tourism or regional development. Although one hour per week is not a lot of time, each group is systematically working on their research, and they will spend two years carefully completing their research and making recommendations to the local community and the world.

 Now, we have one month until the mini presentation. Will they be able to present the results of their research to the other groups of students and teachers in an easy-to-understand manner? Each group should do their best, making use of the advice of their teachers.





