

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 4日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 4 [Vol. 2]




 In the afternoon, we attended a training course on anatomy and the response of the nervous system using “Madagascar cockroaches” used in Prof. Sato's laboratory. This insect, which is essential to his research, is a large cockroach of about 7 cm that lives in the forests of Madagascar. We stimulated the nerves of this cockroach and observed together how it moves. It was the first time for all the students to see a dissection up close, and although the cockroach looks quite different from Japanese cockroaches, some students looked scared and observed it from a distance at first. In the latter half, however, they got used to it and were stimulating the nerves precisely. 
 The last part of the training was on machine learning. The students were able to learn how to process and utilize images taken by the camera used in “Bilological machine” through practical training, starting with learning the mechanism of machine learning, the process of image processing, and how to determine whether or not a human being is included in the image to be taken. The students were able to learn how to recognize and judge people and objects with a camera so small that even an insect could carry it, along with the actual process. This must have been a particularly great learning opportunity for the “AI Traffic Light” group, which plans to utilize this technology in its research in the future.
 During this two-day, fulfilling training program, students were able to experience a variety of hands-on training that they would not have learned otherwise. Although some of the content was difficult, they were able to learn a lot from the easy-to-understand and detailed instruction, and it gave them an opportunity to think about their future research and after graduation. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Professor Sato, the laboratory staff, and all the students.

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 4日目(その1)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 4 [Vol. 1]

 南洋理工大学(NTU)での研修も2日目に入りました。昨日の反省を踏まえて、朝から研究室のみなさんに英語で話しかけようとする生徒が増えてきました。また、講義や実習時にも自分から手を挙げたり、英語で質問を頑張ってみたりと、英語を活用しよう!この研修で何かを得て帰ろう! という意欲が少しずつ表に見えはじめたように思います。 


 お昼前には、学生さんに、NTUの象徴とも言われる特徴的な建物The Hive(日本語で「蜂の巣)という意味)、昨年できたばかりだというアジア最大級の木造建築「ガイヤ」、雲南庭園と呼ばれ、観光客にも人気の中国式の庭園など、南洋理工大学を代表する様々な場所を案内していただきました。建物の構造や植えられている植物などに生徒たちは興味津々です。東京ドーム43個分とも言われる広大な敷地を一部分ですが巡ることができ、学生さんたちの普段の姿も見ることができて、とても貴重な体験でした。

     We are now on the second day of training at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). More and more students have been trying harder in speaking English. We can see their attitude and action have been changing day by day. 

 Today's training began with a session on motion capture systems. This is a technology that digitizes the movements of people and objects, and is widely used in movies and games. The students put on helmets and gloves with markers and moved freely to see how their movements were reproduced on the computer. Later on, they also had the opportunity to try on a VR camera and move around in a virtual world, providing a fulfilling experience for them to learn something new.

 Before lunch, the students were guided around the various representative sites, including "The Hive," a distinctive building that is said to be the symbol of NTU; "Gaia," one of the largest wooden buildings in Asia, which was completed just last year; and a Chinese-style garden called the "Yunnan Garden," which is popular among tourists. The students were given a tour of the building's structure, plantings, and plants. They were very interested in the structure of the buildings and the plants planted here and there in the campus. It was a very valuable experience for us to be able to visit a part of the vast site, which is said to be 43 times the size of Tokyo Dome, and to see the NTU students in their daily lives.

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 3日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 3 [Vol. 2]





 The first group to present today was the “AI Traffic Signal” group, who worked hard together to present the mechanism of AI Traffic Signals, the differences between AI Traffic Signals and ordinary Traffic Signals, and the challenges faced by AI Traffic Signals and their proposed solutions (in English, of course!). The second was the “Sea Level” group, which had a presentation on the prediction of sea level rise using diatoms and pollen, and making a hazard map based on the prediction. The last group, the “Cluster Amaryllis” group, presented how to utilize the poison contained in the flowers called Cluster Amaryllis, for weeding abandoned farmlands. Do you want to know how the presentations were? Well, although they had practiced, when it came time to present, they got nervous and confused. Especially in the Q&A session, some groups had difficulty in understanding the questions, and there were many occasions when they froze. It was also pointed out that the presentation slides lacked creativity in making them easy to understand. On the other hand, they were praised for their interesting subject of our research and received some very helpful advice for their future research.

 At the meeting afterwards, students reflected on today's results and expressed their opinions and determination on what they would like to try harder tomorrow. Although there were many aspects of today's activities that did not go well, they realized some important things; what they should have done beforehand, or what they should do to improve their English skills to make their presentations more effective. There is only one day left of our stay in Singapore. Let's each of us do our best so that we will not have any regrets!

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 3日目(その1)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 3 [Vol. 1]

 南洋理工大学(NTU)での研修に向けて朝からパリッと制服姿の生徒たちは、心なしか緊張している樣子ですが、しっかり朝食をとると、大学へ向けて出発しました。ホテルから大学までは少し距離がありますが、最寄りのPioneer駅までは予想したほどの混雑もなく、無事に到着しました。駅からはバスで大学に向かうのですが、既に駅の時点で周りはNTUの学生と思われる若者で溢れています。そして、バスの車内は、人、人、人…! 短い乗車時間ではありましたが、3万人以上の学生数を誇るNTUの規模の大きさを改めて感じた出来事でした。


【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 2日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 2 [Vol. 2]

 さて、午後の研修ではチャンギ空港の近くにある離島「ウビン島」へ向かいます。今日の移動では、シンガポールで初めてのバス乗車に挑戦! ここで私たちが活用したのはシンガポールで販売されている「ツーリストパス」、つまり、公共機関が乗り放題になる旅行者向けのパスです。このパスを機械にタッチし、乗車。早速、2階に向かいます。そう、シンガポールの路線バスは2階建てバスが多いのです(ざっと見たところ半分以上!?)。2階からの眺めを楽しみつつ、ウビン島行きのフェリーターミナルに向かいます。終点のチャンギ・ヴィレッジから船に乗り、わずか10分ほどでウビン島へ! さぁ、いよいよ離島上陸です!




 In the afternoon, we are visiting Plau Ubin, a remote island near Changi Airport. For today's trip, we tried riding a bus for the first time in Singapore! We used the “Singapore Tourist Pass,” a pass for that allows unlimited rides on public transportation. All you need is touch this pass to the machine and board the bus. We immediately headed for the second floor. Yes, many buses in Singapore are double-decker buses (more than half of them, at a glance!). Enjoying the view from the second floor, we headed for the ferry terminal to Pulau Ubin. From the terminal at Changi Village, it is only a 10-minute boat ride to Pulau Ubin! Now, it is time to land on the remote island!
 According to the Singapore government website, Plau Ubin is approximately 10 square kilometers in area and retains the rustic beauty of a bygone era. The island, with its ponds, wetlands, coastal forests, and once-operating granite mines, is home to palm trees, mangroves, dragonflies, butterflies, fish, birds, small animals, and a wide variety of other creatures.
 Upon arrival there, we first had lunch in Kampong, one of the last villages in Singapore, and then headed for the wetlands, observing a wide variety of flora and fauna. We walked about 3 km, looking at colorful tropical flowers and trees with fruits that we had never seen before, and arrived at our destination. It was quite a good exercise! Unfortunately, the lizard we found eescaped quickly so we were unable to get a good look at it, but we observed cicadas with a different sound than in Japan, uniquely shaped fish, birds with a sound unlike anything we had ever heard, and even groups of monkeys. After the observation, we had a discussion about the differences in soil and vegetation from the Shiratake wetlands we observed in Japan, as well as the organisms we observed, and were able to deepen our understanding of the ecosystem of Ubin Island.
 The second day's schedule ended with a presentation practice after dinner, and the training at Nanyang Technological University will finally begin tomorrow. Our six students are looking both hopeful and anxious, wondering whether they will be able to give their presentations and answer questions in English. We will do our best to support them so that they can make the most of this unique training opportunity.