

【ASⅡ】今年度のASⅡ、始動します!/ The Very Beginning of ASⅡ!





  Today we had the very first ASⅡ with our 23 brilliant students. Since it is still early in the new school year, they are still very much in their infancy!

  First of all, Mr. Matsubara, the homeroom teacher as well as an SSH department member, had a talk about matters such as what to bring to the classes and the schedule of the year. With markers, the students took note of their very first important event of the year - the ARP presentation in July. There are about 3 months to go before their first presentation, which means they need to choose the research theme and make plans by that time. Well, can you imagine what you will be doing in ASⅡ in three months?

  In the class, students first wrote down "exciting words to you" and "social problems you can think of" on their worksheet. Each student wrote various "exciting" words such as "Internet" or "sound.” They also wrote various keywords for social problems, such as "aging population” or “invasive alien species” etc. Listening to the teachers and senior students today will surely help students  expand their imagination. We’re looking forward to their future exploration activities!

       In AS I last year, some students have conducted non-scientific research such as ones related to tourism and local government, but in AS II, they will be pursuing research in scientific fields such as biology or physics. 

To the Students: Please make use of what you have learned so far and proceed with your own unique research in your respective groups!

【ATⅠ】お茶日和! / An Ideal Day for A Cup of Tea?

 春休みが始まって早1週間。あれ? 春休み中だというのに教室から何だかにぎやかな声が聞こえてきます。突撃してみると、机をくっつけて何やら作業中の2年生でした。ATⅠの研究活動のために集まっているとのこと、各々の手にははさみが握られ、オリーブの葉を切っているようです。この葉っぱ、実は天草高校のご近所の「本渡南小の運動場」直送。実は、12月の台湾研修のときに、オリーブの実を分けていただいて以来のご縁です。今回も快く許可をいただけたとのこと、本当にありがたいことです。大事に使わせていただきます!

 さて、しばらくすると「オリーブ班」の班員たちは家庭科室に大移動。市立図書館から借りた資料を手に、「オリーブ茶」の製作に入るそうです。葉を洗ったり、熱湯で下処理をしたりと作業を進める一方、手の空いた生徒はオリーブの葉に含まれるポリフェノールを検出する方法について調べています。そう、ただの「調理実習」になってしまっては、探究活動にはなりません。「どんな数値を取りたいのか」「何と比較するのか」などなど考えながら研究を進めていくのが大事ですね! 本格的なカメラでしっかり記録も取りつつ、和やかに、かつ、てきぱきと作業を進める生徒のみなさんでした。



 One day, during spring break, we heard some lively voices coming from a classroom.  With scissors in each hand, students were cutting olive leaves. These leaves were picked in the "playground" at Hondo Minami Elementary School, a neighbor of ours. In fact, another study group visited them for olives in December. We are very grateful that they kindly helped us again this time.  

   After cutting the leaves, the students of the "Olive Group" moved to the cooking room. With a book borrowed from the city library in hand, they were planning to make some olive tea. While some students were pre-treating the leaves with boiling water, some were researching how to detect polyphenol contained in the leaves. Yes, the students cannot just “cook”, they must “study” olives as well -  they must think about what kind of data to obtain, or what to compare the results with, and so on. But don’t worry, these students are smart enough to know what to do!

 In the third grade AT II, students will have to analyze and summarize the results of their research conducted since they were 2nd graders. They will need to present the results of their research at the ARP Research Results Presentation in July, and make "proposals" to–at first–the locals, then eventually to the world! With a limited time of one hour per week, students need to systematically carry out their research and accumulate reliable data. Good luck!

【SSH】ARP探究成果発表会 / ARP Inquiry Research Presentations

 本日、天草市民センターにてARP(Amakusa Research Process)探究成果発表会を実施しました。ステージでは台湾研修報告に始まり、研究発表としてはASⅠ(1年生)の代表6班とASⅡ(2年ASクラス)の代表4班に加え、アメリカ・モンタナ州にあるカーター郡立博物館の学芸員であるネイサン・キャロル博士の講演もありました。ASⅡの化石班の発表と学芸員講演は全て英語で行われ、生徒たちが英語でのプレゼンテーションに必死でついていこうとする姿、何とか英語で質問しようと奮闘する姿も見られました。





   Today, the ARP (Amakusa Research Process) Inquiry Results Presentation was held at the Amakusa Civic Center. We had eleven presentations on stage, including a guest lecture by Dr. Nathan Carroll at Carter County Museum in Montana. 

 In the gym, poster presentations were given by over 50 groups.  There were also two poster presentations by graduates, which attracted so many students.  The students gave enthusiastic presentations about their research, showing models used in their experiments and using gestures.

 For the students in AS class, this presentation was their debut as participants playing an active role. They were working so diligently in various areas of the Civic Center, such as at the reception desk, backstage, and in the gym as moderators, keeping a close eye on their surroundings. Although it was the first time for most of the students to give a presentation on stage, their magnificent presentations and easy-to-understand slides showed that they had been doing so much for today's presentation.

 Thank you to all the guests and visitors who came to see the event and to those who viewed it online. The students' exploration will continue in the future. Please stay with us!








































【SSH】SSH職員研修 ~結果と考察の指導について~












【ATⅠ】本評価を行いました / Another Evaluation Day



     Today at ATⅠ, students had an evaluation called ‘B2’ (collecting numerical data). Students were asked how many times they had conducted controlled experiments or surveys, and what they were about. They also had a chance to talk about their additional experiments if they had any. As usual, students had an interview with teachers in which they tried their best to explain how their research had been going so far.

 After the evaluation, each group organized data from their research in preparation for their poster. This was for their small presentation that will be held at the school in March. This will be a valuable opportunity to share what they have been researching, and to learn about other groups' research methods and presentation techniques. Good luck!

【ASⅡ】久々の研究活動 / Enjoying our research

 海外研修の代替研修も無事終了し、今週のASⅡでは久々の研究活動が活発に行われています。何かを作ったり、機械や装置などを使ったりしている班も多く、みんな生き生きとしています! 中には、3月19日に行われるARP探究成果発表会に向けて、スライドを作り始めた班もあります。KSH、JICA研修など、学校外での発表経験も少しずつ増えてきています。これまでの経験を活かし、データに基づいた考察をしっかりと行うことで、発表会では各班、研究の成果をしっかり見せたいところです。


 色鮮やかな鯉や、のんびり日向ぼっこをする鴨たちを見ながら歩くこと15分。わが町が誇る、国の重要文化財!祇園橋までやってきました。なかなか風情があって素敵な石橋です。でも、うーん、川底は石や砂ばかりで、お目当てのヘドロは見つからず。困って「ヘドロはどこ?」と検索したところ、検索結果の上位に来たのは人気ゲームの「くろいヘドロ」の入手方法でした... すみません。ちゃんと自分たちの足で探すことにします。

 またしばらく歩くと、だんだん海の匂いがしてきました。塩分濃度を測り、水の流れが少ないところを探して、スコップを挿してみます。「黒いのあった!」「匂ってみて!」「くさい!やった!ヘドロだ!!」...うん、若者にこんなに喜んでもらえるなんて、ヘドロもきっと本望だと思います。バケツに「戦利品」を入れて、ついでにプラスチックゴミも拾いつつ、帰路についた2人。学校に帰ったら、このヘドロからの発電量を調べる作業が待っています。汽水域のヘドロと、それ以外の場所のヘドロの発電量はどう異なるのでしょうか? もしかしたら他にも違いがあるかも!? 気になる人は、是非3月の成果発表会で「汽水域班」の発表をお聞きください!






















   In AS II this week, Many of the groups are making something or doing some experiments, and it looks like everyone is enjoying their research! Some of the groups have started to make slides for the ARP presentation to be held on March 19.  We hope that each group can make the best of their presentation experience, and of course, can share what they have been devoting themselves with the audience!

      Today, the “Brackish-water” group went out to the river wearing waders. They were walking towards the ocean in search of sludge outside the brackish water area, as well as measuring the salinity of the river water. After 15 minutes of walking, they arrived at the Gion Bridge, which is a lovely and elegant stone bridge built in 1832.  Searching around the bridge, the river bottom was full of stones and sand, and there was none of the sludge they had been longing for…  feeling lost, they googled: "where is sludge?"  Do you know what they got? - Well, the top result was how to get one of the Pokemon items, "Black Sludge"...  looks like they have no other choice but to look for the “real” sludge by themselves.

       After walking again for a while, they gradually began to smell the ocean. The students measured the salinity, looked for a place where the water flow was low, and inserted a shovel into the mud - “I can see the black stuff!” “It smells really bad!” “Hurray! We got it!”  With their black "treasure" in the bucket, they headed back to school, picking up some plastic trash along the way.  After returning to school, they will have to investigate the amount of electricity generated from this sludge. How does the amount of electricity generated from sludge in brackish water differ from that of sludge in other areas? Maybe there are other differences too! If you are interested, please come and listen to the presentation by the "Brackish Water Group" in March!














【ATⅠ】中間発表会まであと1週間 / One Week to go…!


 さて、本日のATⅠでは12月に実施されるSSH台湾海外研修についての説明があり、その後、グループに分かれて各教室で研究計画書の仕上げを行いました。研究の背景に先行研究で調べたことがうまく入っていなかったり、検証が困難な仮説だったり... 一見仕上がっているようでも、細かく見ていくとまだまだ課題の残る計画書も多いです。SSH中間発表会まであと1週間。限られた時間で、計画書の練り直しだけではなく、発表練習も行わなければなりません。日々忙しい2年生ですが、去年度の研究を通した学びも活かして、より良い発表ができますように。また、発表や質疑応答を通して1年生とも学び合える、充実した発表会になりますように。あと1週間、班長を中心に協力して頑張ってくれると信じています。

 In ATⅠ, students go to many different classrooms to meet in groups. However, there is only one room in which both 2nd and 3rd graders meet in the same period - the Earth Science room.  2nd graders can envision what they will be doing in the future through seeing what their seniors are doing now: writing proposals to Amakusa city with their research results.  The result? A unique atmosphere that could help younger students a lot!

  In today’s class, students listened to an explanation about the Taiwan Study Tour in December, and then went to each classroom to complete their study plans in groups.   At first glance, all the study plans look well, but actually, most of them need revision- some don’t include what they learned from previous research, and others have hypotheses which seem almost impossible to be verified in a year.   Now that they have a week to go before the “SSH Interim Presentation” on the 24th, they need to not only complete their study plans, but also prepare and practice their presentations.  Well, we know how busy they are, but we believe they can.  They should be able to use their research experiences last year and make the best use of this presentation opportunity with 1st graders.  Go for it, our young researchers!








【ASⅡ】研究日和です! / Under the Beautiful Autumn Sky




 In today’s AS, the students went outdoors to continue their research.  Under the beautiful autumn sky, the students were either shooting a video to check the movement of their bodies, or doing research in the river.  Some groups have already succeeded in collecting useful data for their study.

  Meanwhile, in the Earth Science room, a group called “Tetrapods” was doing something interesting.  They were using mini-tetrapods made with a 3D printer to simulate the best way to assemble them.  According to the students, the gaps between tetrapods is called “porosity.” The smaller the porosity between the tetrapods, the higher their ability to absorb the shock of the waves, thus, the students have been trying to achieve less porosity.  The tetrapods we see along the seashore are usually assembled randomly using a lot of tetrapods, but, if they could be assembled in a better way, the amount of tetrapods used would be less.  The students were trying different ways to assemble the tetrapods by measuring heights, and discussing the best way to measure the porosity at the same time.

   There are many presentation contests available for the students to join.  We hope they will make the best of these great learning opportunities.