









【ASⅡ】班編制、できるかな♪ / Making Research Groups



調べなければならないかについて熱心に話していました。まず、出てきた意見は古民家の「構造」。それから...? みんな顔を見合わせています。しばらく時間を置いて、「地震のとき、古民家はどのような揺れ方をするか」「どの箇所がどのように破損するか」など、様々な意見が出てきました。一般的に、耐震化がなされていない建物は地震に弱いというイメージですが、果たして本当にそうなのか、弱いとしたら、どの部分が弱いのか? もっと具体的に調べてみる必要がありそうですね。

 また、運動学や運動力学に関する研究をしようと考えている生徒もいます(今のところ1人のため、班員募集中だそうです!)。何やら、先日行われたスポーツテストを1つの材料にしたいと考えているようですが....  さて、種目も様々なスポーツテストの、どこに焦点を当てるべきか? どのようにデータを取っていくのか?? 他の班の生徒も巻き込んで、物理の先生とのディスカッションが始まりました。例えば、反復横跳びでいい記録を出すには...? この種目では、左右の線と線との間を行ったり来たりする際、「素早く運動の向きを切り替える」動作が必要です。では、切り替える仕組みや力の働きはどうなっているか? 足のどの筋肉がどのように伸びたり縮んだりしているか? また、それらの動きのデータを、どのように取っていけば良いのか? 話せば話すほど、アイデアは広がっていきます。ディスカッションって面白いですね!
































  Exam week is over and it’s time for AS II again! Students have been discussing  various research topics with others, but it’s about time they need to form research groups so that they can actually start researching! The students are talking with their friends sitting next to them or walking around to find someone to work with. Let’s have a closer look at two groups discussing passionately.

 Here are three students who are planning to study earthquake resistance in old houses. They are talking enthusiastically about what they need to investigate first. The first opinion that came up was the structure of old buildings. And then...?  After some time, various opinions came up, such as "how old houses shake during an earthquake" and "which parts of the houses are damaged.” Many of us believe that old buildings without earthquake-proofing are sure to be vulnerable to earthquakes, but is this really the case, and if so, which parts are weak? It seems that more previous research is needed.

 Another student is thinking of doing research on kinematics or kinetics. To start with, he is thinking of analyzing the result of the “Physical fitness test” last week, which shows the students’ athletic ability. Speaking of the “Physical fitness test,” we have more than ten items, such as the 50 m run record or  standing broad jump. So, which record of the test should we use, and how will we get enough data? He started a discussion with the physics teacher, involving a student from another group. They decided to give “Repetitive horizontal jump” for example. When going back and forth between the left and right lines in this event, it is necessary to quickly switch the direction of motion. So, how does the switching mechanism or force work? Which muscles in the leg are being stretched or contracted? Also, how should we take data on these movements? The more they talk, the more ideas they get. Discussions are interesting!

 By the end of next week, they will have succeeded in making research groups according to what they want to study in this class. I hope they will enjoy their discussions so that they can deepen their research!







【ASⅠ・ATⅠ】 天草市×熊本大学 連携講義 2日目

 本日7限目は、天草市×熊本大学 連携講義の2日目でした。






【ASⅠ・ATⅠ】 天草市×熊本大学 連携講義 1日目


 初回である今回は「あまくさの人口減少について考える」というテーマのもと熊本大学 熊本創生推進機構地域連携部門部門長の金岡省吾先生より講義を受けました。










【ASⅡ】テーマの「深掘り」とは? / Delve Deeply into a Research Theme



     After an explanation about the SSH Singapore Study Tour in August, ASII students had an activity to make their research themes more specific. Mr. Matsubara explained how to delve deeply into a research theme using the “5W1H” method, raising the question of “red tides” as an example: “WHAT problems do red tides bring?”, “WHERE red tides are occurring?”, and so on. Students utilized a worksheet to brainstorm their ideas. While some of them have already decided on a research theme, there are still others who have decided on a direction, yet have no specific theme, and those who are, at a loss with so many ideas in mind. Working together, the students were sharing their ideas with their friends, or reviewing their previous research, so that they can have more ideas on what they really want to study in this class.

 The time available for research is limited, and it may be difficult for many of the students to make significant progress or achieve remarkable results while in high school. However, they can still develop the research they work on in high school further after graduation.Keeping this fact in mind, it would be easier for them to set research themes in high school, then to plan specific experiments or investigations to be done. Taking enough time to set a theme now will surely come alive in your future research. Good luck, everyone!

























【ATⅡ】より良い研究を目指して / Aiming for Better Research





     Students started today’s AT II with checking their research posters so that they could identify areas in need of improvement in their research. Many groups have been struggling with having enough data as well as discussing results clearly. Some groups may even need to check if their hypothesis could be verified within the limited time left. Students are having discussions to make their last year in high school fulfilling.

 A group trying to make a specialty of their town was reviewing the prototype product they made last year. They have been trying to make some orange pies using local oranges called “Dekopon.”  Today they were calculating costs of their future products and discussing whether they should also try other citrus fruits. (Sounds delicious!)

 Another group studying local folktales seemed to have decided to look into folk tales from inland areas as a comparison target. At the moment, the stories from Gifu Prefecture are in their mind. What are the characteristics of folktales from regions with different climates and culture from Amakusa? We cannot wait for the results!

 In ATII, there are many groups conducting research not only in the natural sciences such as chemistry, biology, and physics, but also in the social sciences and humanities. We hope that the members of the groups can collaborate and interact with other groups to promote research activities that can contribute to the local community in their respective fields of interest.







【ASⅢ】研究が進んでいます! / Research in Progress




     In today's second AS III, the head of SSH Department,  Mr. Miyazaki first explained the research schedule and presentations for the year.  Then the students immediately began their research activities in their groups. This year ASⅢ students moved to the Physics Room on the 3rd floor, and our 34 brilliant young researchers are now working on their research with enthusiasm!

     For an hour today, each group made use of their time by sharing the progress of their research, preparing for experiments, and discussing and analyzing data. The photo below shows the "Electromagnetic Induction" group working on their research using a handmade shishio-doshi (a traditional Japanese water-filled device used to scare birds in the garden), and group "Soundproof" is working hard to build a soundproof room. Surprisingly, they have been using a heated cutter to make walls in various shapes - they are such great craftworkers!  Anyway, each group is doing what they should be doing, not wasting a single second! 

 The biggest difference from last year is that their class period has been reduced to only 1 hour a week as opposed to 2, which means they must conduct their research even more efficiently than last year. First of all, the ARP Presentation in July will be the first presentation outside school this year for them. We hear that some of the groups have already started writing research papers! We hope that this year will be a fruitful one for all of you!



【ASⅡ】先行研究...からの情報交換会! / Sharing Information in Groups


 その後、生徒たちは先行研究の調べ方を学びました。昨年度のASⅠでも先行研究を経験してはいますが、信頼できる論文や研究をこれまで以上にしっかり調べることが、今後の研究テーマや仮説の設定、研究計画の立案などに必ず生きてくるはずです。今日の授業では論文検索サイトの「J Stage」を活用して、自分が興味のある分野の論文や、今後の研究の参考になりそうな論文を探す時間を取りました。ここで得た情報を自分の言葉でプリントにまとめ、7限目には6班に分かれての「情報交換会」を行いました。


Today in the ASⅡ, we had a talk from Mr. Inoue and Mr. Tanoue at the beginning of the class. First, Mr. Inoue, a math teacher, talked about "non-Euclidean geometry," which he learned in college, and how mathematical knowledge such as statistics can be used to substantiate research results. Then Mr. Tanoue, a physics teacher, talked about "Newtonian mechanics." He also talked about the "data acquisition," which many senior students have been struggling with. 

The students then learned how to research previous studies. Although they did some previous research in the AS I last year, researching reliable articles and studies more thoroughly will help them formulate research themes, hypotheses, and research plans in the future. Today, they spent some time using a website called "J-Stage" to find interesting articles. 

In the 7th period, the students exchanged the information they got in smaller groups.  Today’s classes would surely be another valuable learning opportunity! 












【ATⅡ】探究の総まとめ ~ATⅡ、スタート! / ATⅡ: To Conclude our Research




   The 3rd graders continued their inquiry activities from AT I (Amakusa Inquiry I) into AT II. This is the last year for them to finish up their research. Whilst some groups are making good progress in their research, some other groups are struggling to make results. In any case, their first goal this year is the ARP presentations in July.

 In today's class, Mr. Nakamura explained the schedule and activities for the year. After that, students gathered in groups and discussed their spring break activities, the problems they have at the moment, and their research plans this year.

 In two weeks, the 2nd graders, who are taking AT I classes, will come and ask about their seniors' research. This is not only a good learning opportunity for the 2nd graders but also a great opportunity for 3rd graders to look back on what they have done so far. Maybe they can even find someone to take over their research in progress after their graduation! Anyway, in order to make good progress in their research and to effectively communicate what they have done to the younger students, they need to make sure to have a good discussion in groups for now. Let’s have fun researching, everyone!

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】AS対面式 / Welcoming new students!






     In the 7th period today, 3rd year students in ASⅢ gave poster / slide presentations on their research to the new AS II students. 12 research groups, divided into 3 classrooms, spoke passionately about their research and the excitement of inquiry study.

    Conducting research usually requires a lot of time before results are obtained, moreover, some research can only be conducted (such as one's involving certain plants and animals),  in certain seasons.  Furthermore, in all fields, it is essential to collect reliable data through repeated experiments and increasing the number of subjects in order to verify hypotheses, which, again, inevitably takes time. From this perspective, having someone to take over their research makes many things possible that would have been difficult to do in the limited time before graduation. Each group tried their best to attract successors-to-be in a 10-minute presentation.

   For the new ASⅡ students, this is of course a great opportunity to listen to the details of research in various fields in a small-group. They were warmly welcomed by the seniors in their respective groups, and–while somewhat nervous–they were also actively asking questions.

    In this year's AS II and AS III, second-year and third-year students will have more opportunities than ever to conduct their research in the same classroom. Being close to each other, students will be able to easily ask their seniors questions about research techniques and how to use equipment. This is also a good opportunity for the third-year students: by teaching and explaining to their junior classmates, they would have more chances to have new ideas and refine their output devices.

AS II and AS III will continue to evolve - please stay with us and look forward to our future activities!