
【SSH】ARP探究成果発表会 / ARP Inquiry Research Presentations

 本日、天草市民センターにてARP(Amakusa Research Process)探究成果発表会を実施しました。ステージでは台湾研修報告に始まり、研究発表としてはASⅠ(1年生)の代表6班とASⅡ(2年ASクラス)の代表4班に加え、アメリカ・モンタナ州にあるカーター郡立博物館の学芸員であるネイサン・キャロル博士の講演もありました。ASⅡの化石班の発表と学芸員講演は全て英語で行われ、生徒たちが英語でのプレゼンテーションに必死でついていこうとする姿、何とか英語で質問しようと奮闘する姿も見られました。





   Today, the ARP (Amakusa Research Process) Inquiry Results Presentation was held at the Amakusa Civic Center. We had eleven presentations on stage, including a guest lecture by Dr. Nathan Carroll at Carter County Museum in Montana. 

 In the gym, poster presentations were given by over 50 groups.  There were also two poster presentations by graduates, which attracted so many students.  The students gave enthusiastic presentations about their research, showing models used in their experiments and using gestures.

 For the students in AS class, this presentation was their debut as participants playing an active role. They were working so diligently in various areas of the Civic Center, such as at the reception desk, backstage, and in the gym as moderators, keeping a close eye on their surroundings. Although it was the first time for most of the students to give a presentation on stage, their magnificent presentations and easy-to-understand slides showed that they had been doing so much for today's presentation.

 Thank you to all the guests and visitors who came to see the event and to those who viewed it online. The students' exploration will continue in the future. Please stay with us!




タグ ARP  AS  AT  探究  課題研究