






【ASⅡ】質疑応答練習、スタート! / Our first Q&A practice in class



   Today, we had our first Q&A practice in the last 5 minutes of class. Today, the odd-numbered groups spent two minutes giving an overview of their research, followed by three minutes for the Q&A session. Since each of the 12 groups has been doing various research on their own, many basic questions were asked.  They were like "Why did you decide to research this item?” or “How will you verify your hypothesis?”  The presenting groups tried their best to answer each question by showing slides and actual items.

 Of course, the students are also enthusiastic about their activities.  Today we saw many interesting activities such as experiments in the darkroom, experiments using a giant cylinder, and observations using a biological microscope.  Everyone, please make sure to keep a record of these activities for future use.

【ATⅠ】本評価 / Evaluation Day

 Happy Halloween!  今日のATⅠは本評価の日でした(ハロウィンとは全く関係なく...)。今回は「A1:読み解く」の評価で、先日生徒がつけた自己評価を基に、一人ひとり担当者が面談をします。「A1」の項目では、生徒の研究に関連する専門知識や研究に関連するグラフや表についての評価です。これまで研究計画書の作成や研究活動で実践してきたことを、自分の言葉で説明できるかどうかがポイントとなります。



 Happy Halloween!  Today, in ATⅠ, is evaluation day (no treats,, just tricks!).  This time, we teachers check on students’ understanding of expertise in their fields.  They are required to explain what they have researched, using some data to support their idea.

   In the waiting room, some students are looking back at what they have done with a nervous look.  Meanwhile, in the evaluation room, other students are trying their best in answering questions and explaining what they are doing in their own words.

   Being evaluated is never a fun thing, but it would give them an opportunity to look back on what they have done in their research.  It also would help them in finding out what kind of data they need or what they should do in the future.  Good luck, everyone!



