

【ATⅡ】本評価&提言書最終締切 / The Evaluation and Proposals



    Today ATⅡstudents had their last evaluation, E2 (Creating a Community) , which asks whether they were able to show the results based on their research to the community. Through this evaluation, students reflected on how they have connected with the community in their research, and how they have collaborated with local businesses and communities.

 After the evaluation, the students worked on their final proposals, which are due today. In their proposals, they are expected to present concrete and numerical proposals for solving local issues based on the results of their research. Since students had their evaluation interview separately, not all group members were able to work face to face. Still, they could communicate with each other and edit their proposals by sharing a document on a computer. Hope all went well, also, we are all looking forward to reading your persuasive proposals. Good luck!

【ASⅢ】最後の本評価 / The Last Evaluations


 面談が終わった生徒たちは、論文のリライトに取り組みます。先日提出した論文に加えるのは、「継続研究する後輩へのアドバイス」と「天草市に対して貢献できること」の2項目です。AS(天草サイエンス)の総まとめのASⅢ。ASⅠ~ASⅢの3年間、地域に密着した研究をしてきた人も、そうでない人も、何らかの形で研究の成果を天草市 に還元し、地域とつながりつづけていってほしいと思っています。

    Today in AS III, we conducted two evaluations, E1 (Creating a proposal) and E2 (Creating a community). The students first completed their self-evaluation by filling out the evaluation sheet in the computer room and then went to the rooms where their respective supervisors were waiting for them. In the interview, the students were able to explain in their own words, including whether they were able to make use of their previous research, what proposals they were able to make to the community, and whether they were able to promote their research in cooperation with the community.

 After the interviews were over, the students worked on rewriting their paper as a summary of AS (Amakusa Science) classes. We hope everyone can return the results of their research to Amakusa City in some way and continue to be connected with the local community.


【ATⅡ】本評価を行いました / An Evaluation Day



  We had evaluation interviews in today’s ATII class. This time, we had E1, which evaluates on “Creating Proposals,”, and of course all the students did their best. Each tried hard to explain their research in their own words, by answering questions such as the use of previous research or ways to solve regional problems.

   Students who finished the interview-style evaluations, worked on editing their proposals to the city.They were discussing how to make their proposals more persuasive by referring to the comments of their teachers. The final deadline for the proposal is coming up next week. We hope that their proposals will have everyone's wisdom to make Amakusa even more attractive “Treasure Islands.”






















【ASⅢ】研究成果の波及のために / How can we contribute to the city? 


 「音」班が「うーん」と頭を抱えていたのは、「天草市への貢献」の部分。この班はこれまで、防音壁の形状を主に研究してきました。天草に特有のものを研究対象としていないため、自分たちの研究と天草がどうつながるか、悩んでいるようです。「難しく考えずに、身のまわりで『うるさいな』って思う場面を思い浮かべてみたら?」というアドバイスに、ぽつぽつ意見が出始めました。「いつも使っている防音室が、意外と防音できていない」「模試のリスニングのとき、部活の声が気になる」「吹奏楽の練習時間と定時制の授業時間が重なっていて工夫している」などなど、どんどん身近な「音」問題が出てきます。さて、これをどう「市への貢献」につなげるか? ここからが腕の見せ所です!













  In today's AS III, each group worked on rewriting their papers they submitted last week. They need to add some advice to the 2nd graders, and also write about how their research could contribute to Amakusa city. 

    The “Sound” group was having a discussion with a puzzled look. They have mainly studied the shape of soundproof walls, and were wondering how their research could be connected to Amakusa city. Then they got a piece of advice from a teacher, saying “why don’t you just simply think of some situation where you wish to have soundproof walls?” Students started to state their opinions little by little. “The soundproof room I always use is surprisingly not soundproof,” ‘I am bothered by the voices of club activities outside during mock exams,’ ‘Our brass band practice after school might bother students of night school,’ Now that they have some good ideas - they should be able to think how they can contribute to the city too! 

     With only five AS III classes left, each group is working hard until the last minute. We are sure they can pass on what they have learned through their research activities to the younger students, and spread the results of their research to the local community. Good luck!

【ASⅡ】「耕作放棄地」班の奮闘 / An adventure to the abandoned land 


 今日のASⅡでは、多くの班が発表のためのポスター製作に取り組む一方、「耕作放棄地」班はデータ収集のために、校外に出かけました。発表会までにもう少しデータを集めたいと考えているようです。目星をつけていた1つ目の候補地は、土地の所有者が熊本にお住まいとのことで断念。あきらめずに次の候補にあたってみます。学校から出てしばらく西に行ったところに放棄地らしき土地を見つけた班員たち。隣にある立派なお屋敷に許可をお願いしに行 くことにしました。ドキドキ… 少し緊張しましたが快くOKしてくださり、しかも、4、5年前まで稲を植えていたという情報もいただくことができました。背丈を超えるススキやセイタカアワダチソウが元気よく育っている、まさにお手本のような放棄地で、計測地点までの道のりもちょっとした冒険気分。いやー、これはなかなかの「インスタ映えする」活動になりそうです。




















   Our school holds three presentations of research projects per year. Two of these presentations are held in March and July, outside the school. The other presentation, called the “Interim presentation” is what the second-year students are currently preparing for.

 Today in AS II, while many of the groups were working on posters for their presentations, the “Abandoned Land” group went outside the school to collect more data before the presentation. They went to the first candidate site they had chosen in vain - the owner of the land lives in Kumamoto. They decided not to give up easily, and found a piece of land that looked abandoned after a while. They decided to ask permission from the owner of a house next to and the owner kindly gave them permission. Hooray! The abandoned land was filled with tall grasses which were even taller than their height. Well, this is going to be quite an “instagrammable” activity.

 “The cobwebs! Watch out!” “Grasshoppers, here and there!” “Mosquitoes are biting us!” ”Oh, my feet got wet!’ - they seem to be enjoying themselves a lot. After their little adventure to the abandoned land, the three students returned safely to the school. Although they were bitten so badly by mosquitoes and looked a little tired, they were filled with a sense of fulfillment, saying, “We did our best today!” Well done, students, we are looking forward to seeing their interim presentation too!











【ASⅠ】探究スキルアップ講座⑭ プレゼンテーション②





【ATⅡ】より良い提言書を目指して / To make proposals better
















 During today's ATII, students got their checked proposals and shared the evaluation criteria to be used for the final submission on November 19. Is our proposal clear enough to anyone who would read it? Do we have enough evidence to support our proposal?  Students discussed how to make their proposals better by checking the comments.  

   The students have been working on a proposal to Amakusa City. In other words, they need to state the positive impacts their proposals have on the city. We cannot call it a “ proposal” if it is just an introduction to their research or a wish list of what they would like to see in the future. I hope many can make proposals that will convince the people of the city. Good luck to all the groups!




