

【ATⅡ】本評価を実施しました / An Evaluation Interview Day


 さて、今日はARP探究成果発表会のスライド・ポスターの1次提出締切日にもなっています。特にスライド発表班は1からスライドを作るので大変ですが、どの班も少ない時間を有効利用して頑張っています! 7月の発表会でこれまでの探究成果をしっかり伝えられるよう、担当者とのディスカッションを重ね、より良い発表資料に仕上げていってください!

 An evaluation has come! After completing their evaluation sheets, each student is interviewed by their supervisor in a separate room for the main evaluation. The evaluation this time is called “C2,” which evaluates if the students have considered things well in their research and drew proper conclusions. As this is the third year of the inquiry activity, the evaluation is becoming a little more difficult. The students all looked a little nervous in the interview. In class, students are almost always using their chromebooks  to gather and summarize information, but during the interview, of course, they are unable to refer to chrome or anything else. Each student was recalling their previous research and carefully explaining in their own words how they had discussed with others, how they had set up and tested new hypotheses, and so on.

 Today is also the deadline for the first submission of the slides and posters for the ARP Inquiry Results Presentation. The slide presentation groups in particular need lots of work in creating their slides from scratch, but all groups, including poster presentation groups are trying their best. Students, please keep discussing with other students or teachers to make your slides or posters even better so that you can convey the results of your research at the presentation in July.

【ASⅢ】研究&アブスト&ポスター&more... / So Many Things To Do!

 ASⅢの生徒たちは先週仮評価も終わり、久々にじっくりと研究活動を行っています。とはいえ、研究を進めるだけではなく、サイエンスインターハイのアブストラクト作成や、探究成果発表会に向けたスライドやポスターの準備など、やることがたくさん! それぞれ思い思いに、かつ、着実に研究を進めているようです。

 さて、地学室では、久々にヘドロ入りバケツを手にした「汽水域班」を発見しました。採取直後に測ったBOD(生物化学的酸素要求量)と、採取して1週間たったヘドロのBODを比較することで、微生物の代謝活動を調べているそうです。その後ろには、「魚糞班」が金魚の水槽から魚糞を採取しているのが見えます。また、2年生に混じって「農業班」の3年生の姿が! 2年生の生徒にアドバイスしているようです(頼もしい!)。



       農業班           魚糞班            汽水域班







       音班             走り班            精油班








     「つなぐ」班         バイオマス発電班         化石班








    消波ブロック班          電磁誘導班          イシクラゲ班









 After the provisional evaluation last week, students in AS III are enjoying their research again. Each of them seems to be moving forward with their research activities thoughtfully and steadily. However, that’s not the only thing they need to do - they also have a lot of other work to do, such as preparing abstracts for the “Science Interhigh” and preparing slides or posters for their presentations in July. 

 Now, in the Earth Science room, we found the “Brackish water group” with a bucket of sludge in their hands! They are studying the metabolic activity of microorganisms by comparing the BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) measured immediately after collection of the sludge and the BOD after one week. Behind them, the group “Fish Waste” can be seen collecting fish waste from a goldfish tank. Also, among the second-year students is a third-year student from the “Agriculture” group! He seems to be advising the second-year students - how nice!

 Above you can see the pictures of all ASⅢ 12 groups doing research in class. They all looked like they were having fun and working hard. They are such busy 3rd graders, but they are all doing their best in everything!

【ATⅡ】仮評価を行いました / Tentative Evaluation Today














 A tentative evaluation of “C2”: "Consider and Draw Conclusions" was conducted in today’s ATⅡ. Each group was enthusiastically discussing with each other and their teachers about their current situation and what they need to proceed with before the main evaluation planned in June.

 In our school, we use a rubric to evaluate research projects, which consists of "tentative evaluations" conducted in a discussion format and "main evaluations" conducted in the form of individual interviews. The tentative evaluation is an opportunity for the students themselves and the teachers in charge to look at the current situation of the research objectively and consider how they need to move forward to deepen their research. If they haven’t reached their goals at this point, students need to consider and implement specific steps (experiments and investigations) in order to achieve their goals with the time given until the main evaluation.

 In today's evaluation, some of the groups seemed to realize that their research was not progressing as well as they had expected, and they had a chance to revise their plans for experiments and surveys. Verification of hypotheses is one of the key points of this evaluation, but it seems that some teams still need to consider the way they verify their hypotheses. The students will be even busier since mid-term examinations will begin tomorrow, but, to the students: please use your time wisely and do your best in your research activities too!




