

【AS/AT】はじめてのじっけん! / Our First Experiment

 今日はドライフルーツ班、初めての実験! 実験といっても液体を混ぜて気体を発生させる...などというものではなく、5種類のお茶を飲んでもらい、それぞれの味やおいしさについてアンケートをとるというものです。

 昨日放課後にせっせと作った「甘いお茶」5種類... 何のお茶かは知らせず飲んでもらい、アンケートを取りました。2年生の生徒約20名が昼休みの時間に被験者として協力してくれました。























  Today we had our very first experiment! We had the students drink five kinds of tea and take a survey on the taste and deliciousness of each tea.  About 20 students in the second grade cooperated with us during their lunch break.

 ”What is this?” “It tastes surprisingly good!” “Yuck!” “Can I have another sip?" It was a very lively and enjoyable experiment. Between you and us, the five teas were green tea, roasted green tea, matcha, barley tea, and oolong tea, with sugar added. Which one do you think will be the most popular? 

 We will also ask some teachers to help us as test subjects after school. We cannot wait to see the result of this interesting experiment!