

【ASⅡ】サンタがやってきた!? / Santa has brought us “presents”!

 12月といえばクリスマス! 今日のASでは、ずっと欲しかったおもちゃ、ならぬ実験道具を手に入れてウキウキしている班がたくさんありました。汽水域班は塩分濃度計をついにゲット! これで汽水域がはっきり分かりますね。早速ウェーダーを身につけていつもの川へレッツゴー! ヘドロを発見してはしゃぐJK。これも青春ですね。

 「走る」班が手に入れたのは「AI骨格検出システム」。こちらはかなり本格的です。動画の3D解析ができるツールらしく、英文の説明書もお手のもの! 早速パソコンにつないで、運動場で走ったときの体の動きを解析していました。実に楽しそうにしています! その頃、「音」班もやっとベニア板(T2ラワン合板というらしいです。さて、ラワンとは?)を手に入れ、どれくらい防音できるかを調べるための小さな「部屋」づくりに勤しんでいます。やっと「インスタ映え」する写真が撮れました!!

 23日のKSHでは、各班ポスター発表を行うことになっていますが、班によっては1人での発表となる班も... 久しぶりにお越しいただいた崇城大学の田丸先生には、「ポスターの分かりづらいところを指摘し合い、より分かりやすいポスターで伝わる発表を目指す」ようご助言をいただきました。(また、継続している質疑応答練習についてもお褒めいただきました。ありがとうございます!)


     It’s December - that means Christmas is coming VERY soon! Today there were many groups who were excited to get a toy from Santa. Well, actually what they got were experimental tools that they had long wanted. The group “Brackish water” finally got a salinity meter they dreamed of! Wearing waders, they went to the river excitedly.

 The group "Running" got the "AI Skeleton Detection System.” It seems to be a tool that can perform 3D analysis of videos. The students set it up and started analyzing their body movements they had shot. They really seemed to be enjoying themselves!

 Meanwhile, the"Sound" group finally got their hands on a veneer board (called T2 Lauan Plywood. What is “Lauan” by the way?)  They were working on building a small "room" to see how well it can be soundproofed. While the boys were quietly making posters for their presentations on the computer, the girls were assembling the boards with hammers in their hands. Finally, we could take some "instagrammable" photos of this group!

 At the KSH presentation on the 23rd, each group will have a poster presentation.  Dr. Tamaru of Sojo University came to today’s classes and gave some advice on making good and easy-to-understand posters. (He also complimented us on our ongoing Q&A practice. Thank you!)

 Today is the last ASII in this term. We will have a closing ceremony in about two weeks, but they have presentations and “Science Academy (Science Day with Elementary and Junior High Students)” during the winter holiday. It is going to be a busy winter. Good luck everyone!