

【ATⅡ】ようこそ、後輩! / Welcoming 2nd Graders

 本日のATⅡでは、2年生の後輩たちが3年生の研究について質問に訪れる「質問タイム」が設定され、3年生の教室がいつも以上ににぎわっていました。2年生は、昨年度末に作成されたポスターを見て、研究内容に関する不明点や継続研究を見据えての質問を準備してきたようです。3年生は班員と協力しながら、1つ1つの質問に丁寧に答えています。中には、21人もの後輩たちが質問に訪れた班も! 緊張した面持ちで、最初はなかなか質問できなかった2年生でしたが、3年生が逆に2年生の去年の研究について尋ねたり、研究に関する意見を求めたりすることで場の雰囲気が和んでいきました。  






  In today's ATII, our classrooms were more crowded than usual because of “Question Time,'' during which 2nd graders came to ask questions about 3rd graders’ research. They prepared questions beforehand by looking at their research posters. There even was a group which had as many as 21 visitors! The 2nd graders looked a little nervous at first and could not really ask questions, but the seniors gave them a warm welcome and talked to them with smiles, which gradually made the younger students feel more relaxed. 

    Group 4, shown in the photo (research theme: “Let's investigate bus usage and contribute to revitalization!), had eight visitors, who actively asked questions about the issues involved in conducting the study and the current efforts being made to promote the use of buses.

     Not only is this “Question Time” activity very meaningful for the 2nd graders, but it also helps the 3rd graders realize what they are missing in their research. Today, some of the groups found some research clues by talking with younger students. With this limited research time, making the most of each hour of activity means a lot. Keep up the good work, everyone!