

【SSH】SSH中間発表会 / SSH Interim Presentations




 Today we had SSH Interim Presentations with students taking ASⅠ and ATⅠ.  We had five sessions in total, each consisting of a 5-minute presentation and a 3-minute question and answer session.  In today’s presentations, so many students asked questions during the session, which indicated great progress.  We had this event last year too, but 2nd graders participated just as listeners that time.  This year, both 1st and 2nd graders had opportunities to present.  This experience will surely help them a lot when they plan and discuss their study in the future.

   Meanwhile, we could see the students were struggling at some points.  Some didn’t speak loud enough, or just read their notes with their faces down.  Others tried to answer questions but ended up revealing they had no reliable data to support their answers.  It seems that many groups need more discussions to find out how they can verify their hypothesis. 

   After all the presentations, the vice-president had a word to students.  He encouraged them to keep asking good questions because that would help make the research better.  Also, he emphasized the quality and quantity of the data; students need to consider what data they take so that they can make their research more reliable.  We hope today’s presentations gave them wider perspectives that can help them in the future.