

【ASⅢ】「プロモーションビデオ」作成中! /  Making a AS Promotional Video






















     We have been making a promotional video of the AS, or Amakusa Science classes, so that many people can learn about us. (By the way, AS class is where you can do a lot of Scientific research and have precious studying experiences in and out of classes). Yesterday we filmed the 2nd graders, and today the 3rd graders. The photos above show the students during the rehearsal. The students had a lot to say, and we shot up to “Take 4”! This AS introduction video will be shown on July 2, the day of the first-year students' career path lecture. We are working hard on the editing! We hope that this video will help many people understand our AS classes more.

【ATⅡ】本評価を実施しました / An Evaluation Interview Day


 さて、今日はARP探究成果発表会のスライド・ポスターの1次提出締切日にもなっています。特にスライド発表班は1からスライドを作るので大変ですが、どの班も少ない時間を有効利用して頑張っています! 7月の発表会でこれまでの探究成果をしっかり伝えられるよう、担当者とのディスカッションを重ね、より良い発表資料に仕上げていってください!

 An evaluation has come! After completing their evaluation sheets, each student is interviewed by their supervisor in a separate room for the main evaluation. The evaluation this time is called “C2,” which evaluates if the students have considered things well in their research and drew proper conclusions. As this is the third year of the inquiry activity, the evaluation is becoming a little more difficult. The students all looked a little nervous in the interview. In class, students are almost always using their chromebooks  to gather and summarize information, but during the interview, of course, they are unable to refer to chrome or anything else. Each student was recalling their previous research and carefully explaining in their own words how they had discussed with others, how they had set up and tested new hypotheses, and so on.

 Today is also the deadline for the first submission of the slides and posters for the ARP Inquiry Results Presentation. The slide presentation groups in particular need lots of work in creating their slides from scratch, but all groups, including poster presentation groups are trying their best. Students, please keep discussing with other students or teachers to make your slides or posters even better so that you can convey the results of your research at the presentation in July.

【AS・AT】SSH特別講演会 / SSH Special Lecture







【ASⅡ】「運命の」論文探し!? / For “Fateful Encounter” with Papers



 論文の調べ方・活用の仕方は、その後の研究の質に大きな影響を与えます。研究がはじまって間もないこの段階でしっかりと論文を読みこむことにより、今後の研究活動はより充実したものになることでしょう。ひらめきは大切、でも、研究が思い込みや行き当たりばったりにならないよう、しっかりとした下調べもまた大切です! 専門家が書いたボリュームのある論文を読むのは、高校生にとってなかなか根気のいる作業かもしれません。それでも、今後の研究を左右する論文と出会えるよう、検索の仕方も工夫しながら、あきらめず1つ1つ論文にあたっていきましょう!











     In AS II, each group has been coming up with various ideas and discussing them with their teachers, but students are beginning to feel that it’s getting harder to make plans based only on their own ideas. As such, it was decided what the students should do in today’s class, which is  "searching for papers." This is to find out what is known and what is not, in order to understand the current status of the research they want to do.

 Mr. Miyazaki, the SSH Research Director, gave them some tips on how to search for papers on the electronic journal platform called "J-STAGE." He gave them specific search tips, such as sorting by "publication date" instead of "hit rate," excluding too old articles, and searching for other articles and materials from the references in the articles. The students were trying to use these methods so that they could search for papers that were more relevant to their research.

 Researching good quality papers will surely have a great impact on the quality of subsequent research. By reading papers carefully at this early stage of research, future research activities will be more fulfilling. Inspiration is important, but it is also important to do thorough preliminary research to ensure that our research does not become conjectural or haphazard! Reading voluminous papers written by experts may be quite time-taking and a hard task for high school students. Even so, by searching through papers one by one, without giving up, the students can come across papers that will lead you to better research in the future. Never give up!



