

【ATⅠ】中間発表会まであと1週間 / One Week to go…!


 さて、本日のATⅠでは12月に実施されるSSH台湾海外研修についての説明があり、その後、グループに分かれて各教室で研究計画書の仕上げを行いました。研究の背景に先行研究で調べたことがうまく入っていなかったり、検証が困難な仮説だったり... 一見仕上がっているようでも、細かく見ていくとまだまだ課題の残る計画書も多いです。SSH中間発表会まであと1週間。限られた時間で、計画書の練り直しだけではなく、発表練習も行わなければなりません。日々忙しい2年生ですが、去年度の研究を通した学びも活かして、より良い発表ができますように。また、発表や質疑応答を通して1年生とも学び合える、充実した発表会になりますように。あと1週間、班長を中心に協力して頑張ってくれると信じています。

 In ATⅠ, students go to many different classrooms to meet in groups. However, there is only one room in which both 2nd and 3rd graders meet in the same period - the Earth Science room.  2nd graders can envision what they will be doing in the future through seeing what their seniors are doing now: writing proposals to Amakusa city with their research results.  The result? A unique atmosphere that could help younger students a lot!

  In today’s class, students listened to an explanation about the Taiwan Study Tour in December, and then went to each classroom to complete their study plans in groups.   At first glance, all the study plans look well, but actually, most of them need revision- some don’t include what they learned from previous research, and others have hypotheses which seem almost impossible to be verified in a year.   Now that they have a week to go before the “SSH Interim Presentation” on the 24th, they need to not only complete their study plans, but also prepare and practice their presentations.  Well, we know how busy they are, but we believe they can.  They should be able to use their research experiences last year and make the best use of this presentation opportunity with 1st graders.  Go for it, our young researchers!