








【ATⅡ】探究の総まとめ ~ATⅡ、スタート! / ATⅡ: To Conclude our Research




   The 3rd graders continued their inquiry activities from AT I (Amakusa Inquiry I) into AT II. This is the last year for them to finish up their research. Whilst some groups are making good progress in their research, some other groups are struggling to make results. In any case, their first goal this year is the ARP presentations in July.

 In today's class, Mr. Nakamura explained the schedule and activities for the year. After that, students gathered in groups and discussed their spring break activities, the problems they have at the moment, and their research plans this year.

 In two weeks, the 2nd graders, who are taking AT I classes, will come and ask about their seniors' research. This is not only a good learning opportunity for the 2nd graders but also a great opportunity for 3rd graders to look back on what they have done so far. Maybe they can even find someone to take over their research in progress after their graduation! Anyway, in order to make good progress in their research and to effectively communicate what they have done to the younger students, they need to make sure to have a good discussion in groups for now. Let’s have fun researching, everyone!

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】AS対面式 / Welcoming new students!






     In the 7th period today, 3rd year students in ASⅢ gave poster / slide presentations on their research to the new AS II students. 12 research groups, divided into 3 classrooms, spoke passionately about their research and the excitement of inquiry study.

    Conducting research usually requires a lot of time before results are obtained, moreover, some research can only be conducted (such as one's involving certain plants and animals),  in certain seasons.  Furthermore, in all fields, it is essential to collect reliable data through repeated experiments and increasing the number of subjects in order to verify hypotheses, which, again, inevitably takes time. From this perspective, having someone to take over their research makes many things possible that would have been difficult to do in the limited time before graduation. Each group tried their best to attract successors-to-be in a 10-minute presentation.

   For the new ASⅡ students, this is of course a great opportunity to listen to the details of research in various fields in a small-group. They were warmly welcomed by the seniors in their respective groups, and–while somewhat nervous–they were also actively asking questions.

    In this year's AS II and AS III, second-year and third-year students will have more opportunities than ever to conduct their research in the same classroom. Being close to each other, students will be able to easily ask their seniors questions about research techniques and how to use equipment. This is also a good opportunity for the third-year students: by teaching and explaining to their junior classmates, they would have more chances to have new ideas and refine their output devices.

AS II and AS III will continue to evolve - please stay with us and look forward to our future activities!