

【AS・AT】ARP探究成果最終発表会 / ARP Final Presentations

 本日、天草市民センターにて、国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構理数学習推進部先端学習グループ主任専門員の野澤様をはじめ、SSH運営指導委員である熊本大学の渡邊教授、崇城大学の田丸教授を来賓にお迎えして、Amakusa Research Process (ARP) 探究成果最終発表会を開催しました。




     Today, the final presentation of the Amakusa Research Process (ARP) was held at the Amakusa Civic Center.  In the morning, we had explanations on what we do as a SSH (Super Science High school) followed by presentations from 8 groups. In the afternoon, we had poster presentations in the gym, then we had another 5 presentations on stage. For most of the 3rd graders, this was their last chance to do a presentation of their research results outside school. Each group had a limited amount of time to prepare for this big day, but they did their best to come up with a variety of ideas to attract the audience. We had some really great presentations, where the students made the audience smile, surprised, or even fascinated. Listeners were also eager to learn about what others had been absorbed in, and many incisive questions were asked by students of all grades. It was also a great opportunity for parents and community members to see the students' hard work.

 Summer vacation will come very soon, and many SSH-related events are waiting for us. First of all, we will be holding the “Amakusa Science Academy,” a Science Day for elementary and junior high school students in July. In August we will hold an environmental symposium named “Amapuro,” to discuss environmental issues in Amakusa and around the world. Also, we have many students studying outside Amakusa - some are taking part in “SSH Student Research Presentation” in Kobe, ‘SSH Kansai Study Tour,’ or ‘SSH Singapore Study Tour.’ The summer heat is rolling in and it makes us even more excited. Everyone, please enjoy yourself and keep learning during summer!



【ASⅢ】仮評価を行いました/ Tentative Evaluation Today
























   In today's AS III, Mr. Miyazaki, SSH head teacher, first explained about the “Science Inter-High @ SOJO” to be held at the end of July. Then we had a tentative evaluation of C2, in which they will be evaluated on "Consider and Draw Conclusions." At the moment, some groups can explain the verification of their hypotheses using numerical values, while some others are still struggling. Each group had discussions about the current situation and what they should accomplish by the time of their main evaluation scheduled in July.

 We have less than two months to go before the ARP Inquiry Results Presentation to be held on July 18 at the Amakusa Civic Center. The groups that made poster presentations last year will make slide presentations, and the groups that made slide presentations will make poster presentations on that day. Since the ARP presentation day is also the evaluation day for assessment item D2 (Presentation skill), students reconfirmed the rubric and reflected on their own research today. 

   We hope that their efforts, which have been made through a process of trial and error, will be conveyed to the audience on their big day!

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】AS対面式 / Welcoming new students!






     In the 7th period today, 3rd year students in ASⅢ gave poster / slide presentations on their research to the new AS II students. 12 research groups, divided into 3 classrooms, spoke passionately about their research and the excitement of inquiry study.

    Conducting research usually requires a lot of time before results are obtained, moreover, some research can only be conducted (such as one's involving certain plants and animals),  in certain seasons.  Furthermore, in all fields, it is essential to collect reliable data through repeated experiments and increasing the number of subjects in order to verify hypotheses, which, again, inevitably takes time. From this perspective, having someone to take over their research makes many things possible that would have been difficult to do in the limited time before graduation. Each group tried their best to attract successors-to-be in a 10-minute presentation.

   For the new ASⅡ students, this is of course a great opportunity to listen to the details of research in various fields in a small-group. They were warmly welcomed by the seniors in their respective groups, and–while somewhat nervous–they were also actively asking questions.

    In this year's AS II and AS III, second-year and third-year students will have more opportunities than ever to conduct their research in the same classroom. Being close to each other, students will be able to easily ask their seniors questions about research techniques and how to use equipment. This is also a good opportunity for the third-year students: by teaching and explaining to their junior classmates, they would have more chances to have new ideas and refine their output devices.

AS II and AS III will continue to evolve - please stay with us and look forward to our future activities!

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】プレゼンテーションを見てみよう! / Developing the ability to judge

本日のASⅡの授業では、まず初めにつくばScience Edge 2023で金賞を受賞した研究発表動画を視聴しました。視聴後、3・4人のグループで発表内容に関してディスカッションをしました。

まだ始まって間もないASⅡですが、グループの中で自然と「司会者」が出ていたり、級友の意見に質問したりなど、活発な話し合いができていました。出た意見は各グループがgoogle classroomに入力し、様々な意見を一度に見られる工夫がなされていました。研究の経験が浅い2年生にとっては「良い点」を挙げるのは比較的容易なものの、「改善点」については出すのが難しい面もあったようです。プレゼンテーションを見る目を養うことで、自分たちのプレゼンもきっと改善されていくことと思います。

その後、グループで今後やりたい研究テーマについてアイデアを出し合いました。バイオ燃料の研究や天草陶石に関する研究、消波ブロックについての研究などの意見が出ていたり、先輩方の研究を継続したいと考える生徒も多いようでした。中には、天草高校の先輩たちがこれまで作成してきた論文を検索することができるAmataka Scholorを活用したり、様々な学術論文にアクセスできるj-stageのサイトで情報収集している生徒もいました。今後が楽しみです!

In today’s ASⅡ class, students watched a Secondary School’s presentation on the Japanese Fire Belly Newt at the Tsukuba Science Edge 2023.  After watching it, they had a discussion on the presentation they had just watched.

Although it was only the second ASⅡ class they had, some students volunteered as a moderator in some groups, and some others asked questions to each other, which made their discussions very lively. Utilizing google classroom, they typed their ideas in a way where everyone could look through all the ideas and opinions they had.  Since most of them have only one year of experience in research, it seemed rather hard for many of them to find what was bad about the presentation they watched, only listing the good points. By developing the ability to judge others’ presentations, students will surely improve their own presentations in the future!

After the discussion, students talked about what kind of research they would like to start in ASⅡ classes.  There were many ideas, such as making biofuel using new material, studying Amakusa pottery stones—which account for 80 percent of all pottery stones produced in Japan—, or tetrapods which dissipate waves more effectively. Some students were using the website“Amataka Scholar” to read the thesis which graduates from our school had written in high school. Others were looking for the latest information on Science researches on J-STAGE, a platform of scholarly publications in Japan.  We teachers are looking forward to their creative ideas!