

【ASⅢ】「クスサン」との出会い(番外編) / Meeting “A Very Hungry Caterpillar”

 今年度、3階の物理室をホームにして活動しているASⅢ。授業終わり、ふと外を見ると大きな毛虫が壁をよちよち上っています!!! 化石班の調査(グーグル検索)によると、このふわふわ毛虫は「クスサン」という、蛾の幼虫とのこと。すぐに興味津々の男子が集まってきました。近くに木はあるけれど、ここは3階。さて、どうしよう?




At the end of the class, a student found a fat caterpillar outside the windows.  It’s so fat and fluffy! A student in the “Fossil group” googled and found that it was the caterpillar called “Saturnia Japonica.” 

   What should we do with him (or her)? Looks like they came from a tree nearby, but can we touch them?  Many boys came to observe. Finally a brave girl came and guided the poor caterpillar onto a dried seaweed, and ran outside so that she/he could safely return home. Good job!

   If you ever see this green caterpillar at school, please watch over them with a warm heart!