

【ASⅡ】崇城大学・田丸教授の講義 / Welcome, Professor Tamaru!
























 Today, Professor Tamaru from Sojo University visited school and gave a lecture on “Getting Started in Research and Inquiry Activities” to AS II students.

 First, he talked about the importance of conducting thorough preliminary research on the research subject students have come up with, and the specific methods for doing so. He explained that by gathering as much reliable information as possible, students can formulate more convincing hypotheses and experimental designs. He explained in an easy-to-understand manner how to distinguish reliable information from the mishmash of information flooding the Internet. He also explained the essential points for setting up a policy for successful research.

 The students were drawn into Mr. Tamaru's energetic lecture. He even explained the path of his research plan using the example of “a research plan to create ‘Kamen Rider.’” In the limited time he had with us, he taught so many other things. It was a very valuable time for the students indeed.

 In the following period, the students discussed their future research plans in their new research groups. They seemed to gradually begin to get a concrete image of their activities in the near future. From next week, the ASⅡ students will be either in the Earth Science Room or in the Physics Room, with their senior students. In that way, they have more chances to ask questions and learn from others. A start of new research - doesn’t it sound exciting? Please stay tuned to our future researchers!

【ATⅡ】仮評価を行いました / Tentative Evaluation Today














 A tentative evaluation of “C2”: "Consider and Draw Conclusions" was conducted in today’s ATⅡ. Each group was enthusiastically discussing with each other and their teachers about their current situation and what they need to proceed with before the main evaluation planned in June.

 In our school, we use a rubric to evaluate research projects, which consists of "tentative evaluations" conducted in a discussion format and "main evaluations" conducted in the form of individual interviews. The tentative evaluation is an opportunity for the students themselves and the teachers in charge to look at the current situation of the research objectively and consider how they need to move forward to deepen their research. If they haven’t reached their goals at this point, students need to consider and implement specific steps (experiments and investigations) in order to achieve their goals with the time given until the main evaluation.

 In today's evaluation, some of the groups seemed to realize that their research was not progressing as well as they had expected, and they had a chance to revise their plans for experiments and surveys. Verification of hypotheses is one of the key points of this evaluation, but it seems that some teams still need to consider the way they verify their hypotheses. The students will be even busier since mid-term examinations will begin tomorrow, but, to the students: please use your time wisely and do your best in your research activities too!

【ATⅡ】探究の総まとめ ~ATⅡ、スタート! / ATⅡ: To Conclude our Research




   The 3rd graders continued their inquiry activities from AT I (Amakusa Inquiry I) into AT II. This is the last year for them to finish up their research. Whilst some groups are making good progress in their research, some other groups are struggling to make results. In any case, their first goal this year is the ARP presentations in July.

 In today's class, Mr. Nakamura explained the schedule and activities for the year. After that, students gathered in groups and discussed their spring break activities, the problems they have at the moment, and their research plans this year.

 In two weeks, the 2nd graders, who are taking AT I classes, will come and ask about their seniors' research. This is not only a good learning opportunity for the 2nd graders but also a great opportunity for 3rd graders to look back on what they have done so far. Maybe they can even find someone to take over their research in progress after their graduation! Anyway, in order to make good progress in their research and to effectively communicate what they have done to the younger students, they need to make sure to have a good discussion in groups for now. Let’s have fun researching, everyone!