

【ASⅡ】超集中(?)の2時間 / Two weeks to go!



 先生方もあちこちの班で、生徒たちの研究に対して愛のある「つっこみ」をしています。化石班では、「コロニーの判定を80%にした、その数字の根拠は?」との指摘。魚糞班では、「アルカリ化の原因を魚糞と特定する根拠は? アマモは、どの部分から、どのように枯れていく?」という問いかけ。「何となく」や「多分これくらい」のような「感覚」で研究を進めてしまうと、より説得力のある考察から遠ざかってしまいかねません。なぜこの方法で実験をするのか? 対照実験は必要ないのか? その結論に至る根拠はどこにあるのか? 他の可能性はないのか? 数値を集めようと必死になるあまり大切なことを見落としていないか、時に立ち止まって考えることも大事なのかもしれませんね。

 さぁ、3月になりました。ASⅡのみんなが主役の成果発表会まで約2週間。今週は高校入試期間となり、登校して研究を進めることが難しくなってきます。各班、工夫が必要そうですね! この2週間を最大限活用して発表会を成功させましょう!!






















      Today is the last ASⅡ class period before the ARP presentation, and all the groups are working so hard to compile their research and data. The "Fossil Group," which is preparing to give a presentation in English, is discussing and editing their English presentation slides and manuscript with William-sensei. The "Fish Manure" group is measuring the PH of the water in the eelgrass jars.  They are growing eelgrass using unheated fish waste as fertilizer, and expecting that the water will become more alkalized and the eelgrass will die off in the future. The "Arm Swingers" are about to head outside, drone in hand!

  We also visited the physics room to see two groups. The "Tetrapod" group is doing experiments in a water tank. They’re using a blue cart which measures the force by the extension of the spring and calculates the amplitude of the swing (amplitude of the wave). The "Electromagnetic Induction" group is currently working on the "No.3 Shishi-Oshi (version without spring). While checking the trajectory of the PET bottles, they are working on a body that can withstand use in the river. Both groups seemed to be having fun!

 Teachers are also helping the students by asking some questions. In the fossil group, one teacher asked, "You gave 80% for the colony, but where is the proof?" The fish manure group was asked, "What is the basis for identifying fish feces as the cause of alkalinization? Which part of the eelgrass dies first and how?" 

    If we proceed with our research based on feelings without clear reasons or proof, we may be getting away from more convincing considerations. Why are we conducting the experiment in this way? Don’t we need some control experiments? What is the basis for reaching this conclusion? Are there any other possibilities? Even when we are in a rush, we may need to stop and think once in a while to see whether or not we have overlooked something important.

 It’s already March, and we are about two weeks away from the ARP presentation. Since there will be high school entrance examinations this week, it is hard for them to come to school to conduct their research. Let's make the most of these two weeks and make the presentation a success!