

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 3日目(その1)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 3 [Vol. 1]

 南洋理工大学(NTU)での研修に向けて朝からパリッと制服姿の生徒たちは、心なしか緊張している樣子ですが、しっかり朝食をとると、大学へ向けて出発しました。ホテルから大学までは少し距離がありますが、最寄りのPioneer駅までは予想したほどの混雑もなく、無事に到着しました。駅からはバスで大学に向かうのですが、既に駅の時点で周りはNTUの学生と思われる若者で溢れています。そして、バスの車内は、人、人、人…! 短い乗車時間ではありましたが、3万人以上の学生数を誇るNTUの規模の大きさを改めて感じた出来事でした。


【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 2日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 2 [Vol. 2]

 さて、午後の研修ではチャンギ空港の近くにある離島「ウビン島」へ向かいます。今日の移動では、シンガポールで初めてのバス乗車に挑戦! ここで私たちが活用したのはシンガポールで販売されている「ツーリストパス」、つまり、公共機関が乗り放題になる旅行者向けのパスです。このパスを機械にタッチし、乗車。早速、2階に向かいます。そう、シンガポールの路線バスは2階建てバスが多いのです(ざっと見たところ半分以上!?)。2階からの眺めを楽しみつつ、ウビン島行きのフェリーターミナルに向かいます。終点のチャンギ・ヴィレッジから船に乗り、わずか10分ほどでウビン島へ! さぁ、いよいよ離島上陸です!




 In the afternoon, we are visiting Plau Ubin, a remote island near Changi Airport. For today's trip, we tried riding a bus for the first time in Singapore! We used the “Singapore Tourist Pass,” a pass for that allows unlimited rides on public transportation. All you need is touch this pass to the machine and board the bus. We immediately headed for the second floor. Yes, many buses in Singapore are double-decker buses (more than half of them, at a glance!). Enjoying the view from the second floor, we headed for the ferry terminal to Pulau Ubin. From the terminal at Changi Village, it is only a 10-minute boat ride to Pulau Ubin! Now, it is time to land on the remote island!
 According to the Singapore government website, Plau Ubin is approximately 10 square kilometers in area and retains the rustic beauty of a bygone era. The island, with its ponds, wetlands, coastal forests, and once-operating granite mines, is home to palm trees, mangroves, dragonflies, butterflies, fish, birds, small animals, and a wide variety of other creatures.
 Upon arrival there, we first had lunch in Kampong, one of the last villages in Singapore, and then headed for the wetlands, observing a wide variety of flora and fauna. We walked about 3 km, looking at colorful tropical flowers and trees with fruits that we had never seen before, and arrived at our destination. It was quite a good exercise! Unfortunately, the lizard we found eescaped quickly so we were unable to get a good look at it, but we observed cicadas with a different sound than in Japan, uniquely shaped fish, birds with a sound unlike anything we had ever heard, and even groups of monkeys. After the observation, we had a discussion about the differences in soil and vegetation from the Shiratake wetlands we observed in Japan, as well as the organisms we observed, and were able to deepen our understanding of the ecosystem of Ubin Island.
 The second day's schedule ended with a presentation practice after dinner, and the training at Nanyang Technological University will finally begin tomorrow. Our six students are looking both hopeful and anxious, wondering whether they will be able to give their presentations and answer questions in English. We will do our best to support them so that they can make the most of this unique training opportunity.

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 2日目(その1)



 余談ですが、この講義では国際交流の支援などを行っている「クレアシンガポール事務所」の会議室をお借りしました。クレアのオフィスがあるこのRuffle's Placeというエリアは、シンガポールの中心業務地区なのだそうです。駅を出ると立ち並ぶビル群に迎えられ、感嘆の声をあげるや否や、一斉に写真を撮り出す生徒たち。さらに、クレアが入っている近代的な高層ビルのセキュリティや近代的な設備(エレベーターも段違いの性能。30階まであっという間です!)に、自然豊かな天草からやってきた私たちは、ひたすら驚くやら圧倒されるやらでした。




 The second day in Singapore started with a buffet breakfast. In addition to bread and coffee, there were some unique dishes such as peanut porridge and kaya jam (jam made from sugar, eggs, coconut milk, and pandan leaves) used for kaya toast, which is considered one of Singapore's soul foods.

     In the morning, we had a lecture was given by Mr. Horie of HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited). In preparation for this lecture, the students had been researching HSBC's business and decarbonization initiatives, but he also talked about his past experiences in Japan and overseas, the differences between Singapore and Japan, and the way of thinking of the country and its people. The lecture, which was conducted in a discussion style, was very fulfilling, and the two hours went by very quickly.  As you can see one of the photos above, we also had a chance to see the Merlion, which was only a 3-minute walk from the lecture hall!

 By the way, for today's lecture, we borrowed the conference room of Clare Singapore Office.  Clare is an organization which provides support for international exchanges (We have a Clare in Kumamoto too!) The office is located in the area called Ruffle's Place is the central business district of Singapore. As soon as the students exited the station Ruffles Place, they were so amazed by a row of buildings, and they started to take pictures at once. We were all astonished and overwhelmed by the security and modern facilities of the modern high-rise building where Clare is located.

 We didn't know that the three active people who helped us, Mr. Kuroiwa and Mr. Yamaguchi of Clare, and the lecturer, Mr. Horie (from Amakusa), are all from Kyushu. Through this wonderful opportunity, the students should have become familiar with the idea of studying and working abroad and realized their own potential. We would like to thank everyone for their support - thank you very much!

 In the afternoon, we are saying goodbye to these high buidings in Ruffle's place and visiting “Ubin Island,” a remote island where nature remains as it did in the past. If you are interested, please stay tuned!


【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 1日目(その3)/ Singapore Study Tour [Vol. 3]




 After dinner, students had a presentation practice & meeting. First, they practiced their presentations in English and had a Q&A session. The students participating in this training program belong to three groups: the Sea Level Group, which aims to develop hazard maps reflecting sea level fluctuations; the AI Traffic Signal Group, which is researching the practical application of AI traffic signals in Japan; and the Cluster Amaryllis Group, which aims to inhibit weed growth on abandoned farmland by utilizing toxins contained in the flower. Although their presentations still need lots of improving, we could see each group tried hard to make their presentations easy to understand by memorizing their scripts or thinking of ways to attract the audience's attention. The students listening to the other groups also worked hard, asking questions and giving them advice in English. Well, we know it's not easy to have presentations in English, but you can continue to work hard to make it better until the last minute. We are sure you can do it!

 Tomorrow morning, we will have a lecture by a person who works at HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation), and in the afternoon, we will conduct an ecological survey on the island of Ubin. We expect that the students will make the most of their prior learning in Japan, and learn things that they can only experience here!

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 1日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour [Vol. 2]




 After a deceptively smooth immigration process which made us so releaved, we finally departed from the airport for the city of Singapore. Outside the baggage area, our tour guide, Alex, welcomed us with a warm smile. We used Singapore's MRT subway system during the tour There were some transfers, but thanks to Alex's attentive assistance, it didn't take long to get to the hotel.
 Although we did not have any classses or workshops today, the students seemed to have experienced and learned a lot. At Changi International Airport, we were surprised at its good smell (where did it come from?), and found using the Wi-Fi was so easy, or enjoyed a soothing green and water spots that made us feel as if we were in a park.They also made a discovery on the subway. Unlike the train and subway lines in Japan, the MRT in Singapore is so easy to change trains as the next train arrives just outside the door. No need to walk at all! Another learning experience was a stop at a shopping mall connected to the station. There were several Japanese chain stores (doughnuts, yakiniku, fried chicken, etc...), a big rock climbing facility at the end of the escalator, a sports store that only accepts credit cards, etc. They were all new to our students.
 Dinner was served at a restaurant in the hotel. We enjoyed a delicious meal of egg soup, fried rice and rice noodles, and stir-fried Chinese-style vegetables. After dinner, meeting & presentation practice awaits. Good luck, everyone!