

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 1日目(その1)/ Singapore Study Tour [Vol. 1]



 シンガポールまでの搭乗時間は5時間と少し。備え付けのテレビでは定番のものから新しいものまで映画も見放題で、この分だとあっという間に着いてしまいそうです。映画には英語で字幕もつけることができ、入国前に耳慣らしもできそうですね! 当たり前かもしれませんが、外国の航空会社ということで、機内食やドリンクの注文もすべて英語。大丈夫かな?と生徒たちの樣子をうかがってみましたが、日頃の英語の勉強の成果か!?それぞれしっかりお目当ての食事をゲットしたようです。ちなみに、今日の機内食は「牛丼orシーフードパスタ」。キンキンに冷えたざるそばまで付いています。食事後はハーゲンダッツのアイスクリームまで出ました。早起きと移動の疲れも、少し取れた気がします。次の記事は、シンガポールからお送りしますね!

   It's a departure day! The six students gathered at the school before dawn, looking excited.  After taking a bus, a bullulet train, and underground, we arrived at Fukuoka Airport for our international flight - it is alreay a long way from Amakusa! The airport was a bit crowded, but the automatic baggage check-in machine, which was introduced in May this year, did a great job and made our check-in very smooth.

 We passed the passport control without any problem, and we were on our way to the boarding gate in no time at all. We will be flying with Singapore Airlines, which won first place in the “World Airline Ranking” last year. On the plane, we could hear languages other than Japanese here and there, and we were feeling we were going abroad finally.

 The flight to Singapore takes a little over 5 hours. The TV set on the plane is equipped with so many movies you can watch, both new and old favorites. The movies can be subtitled in English, so it's good for our students who need to familiarize themselves with the language before entering the country! Needless to say, all in-flight meals and drink orders are in English, but against our worries, each of the student succeded in getting the meal they wanted.  Today's meal was either "Beef bowl (gyudon)" or "Seafood pasta." It even came with a bowl of cold Zaru soba (buckwheat noodles), which was acutally very tasty. After the meal, Haagen-Dazs ice cream was served. Hurray! It relieved our fatigue of waking up early and traveling.

    More articles from Singapore shortly!