

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 4日目(その3)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 4 [Vol. 3]



 保護区に入るとすぐに私たちを迎えてくれたのは、一匹のカワウソ! 仲間を探しているのか、辺りをキョロキョロ見回しながら、通路を私たちの方に走ってきました。驚かさないよう、じっと見守ります。その後観察を続けると、木にくっついている一見貝のような「望遠鏡カタツムリ」、まだ赤ちゃんサイズの「ミズオオトカゲ」、サヨリにも似ている「ブッフォンズリバーガーフィッシュ」、絵本から抜け出してきたような可愛い「オオバコリス」など、様々な生物に出会えます。(若干水位が高く、ワニとの出会いは果たせませんでした…残念!)渡り鳥の季節には少し早いとのことですが、小さめの渡り鳥の集団が羽を休めている姿も見ることができました。


 The final part of our study tour is a field trip to the Sungai Buloh Wetlands Reserve. According to the Singapore Tourism Board website, this 87-hectare tourist reserve was designated a Nature Park by the government in 1989 and is internationally recognized for its importance. It is a stopover for many migratory birds on their way to Australia, and the mangrove-lined park is home to a wide variety of species, including the water monitor and the tanager.

  We were first welcomed by the sound of lively birds and cicadas. As a protected area, the park is well maintained with pathways for observation, small huts, information boards on the trails, and explanations of the creatures. While we were observing, some construction workers were repairing the pathways, and vending machines at the rest area were selling raincoats and insect repellents along with water, giving us the impression that the park is making efforts to protect the environment as well as educate citizens about the environment. Above all, the admission fee is free!

 As we walked further, suddenly came a lone otter! It came running down the aisle toward us, looking around as if he were looking for a mate. We watched him closely so as not to startle him. We continued our observation and came across a variety of creatures, including a “Telescope snail” that looked like a shell attached to a tree, a baby-sized “Water monitor,” and a “Buffon's river garfish” that looked like a Japanese anchovy, or "Plantain squirrel" that was as cute as a stuffed animal! Although it was a little early in the season for migratory birds, we also saw a small group of migratory birds resting their wings. It was a pity that we couldn't meet the crocodile as the water level was slightly high, still, we had a very valuable learning opportunity there.
 It rained on and off today, with occasional blue skies, but luckily, it always stopped raining during outdoor activities. Now we're heading for Changi International Airport.