

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 4日目(その1)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 4 [Vol. 1]

 南洋理工大学(NTU)での研修も2日目に入りました。昨日の反省を踏まえて、朝から研究室のみなさんに英語で話しかけようとする生徒が増えてきました。また、講義や実習時にも自分から手を挙げたり、英語で質問を頑張ってみたりと、英語を活用しよう!この研修で何かを得て帰ろう! という意欲が少しずつ表に見えはじめたように思います。 


 お昼前には、学生さんに、NTUの象徴とも言われる特徴的な建物The Hive(日本語で「蜂の巣)という意味)、昨年できたばかりだというアジア最大級の木造建築「ガイヤ」、雲南庭園と呼ばれ、観光客にも人気の中国式の庭園など、南洋理工大学を代表する様々な場所を案内していただきました。建物の構造や植えられている植物などに生徒たちは興味津々です。東京ドーム43個分とも言われる広大な敷地を一部分ですが巡ることができ、学生さんたちの普段の姿も見ることができて、とても貴重な体験でした。

     We are now on the second day of training at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). More and more students have been trying harder in speaking English. We can see their attitude and action have been changing day by day. 

 Today's training began with a session on motion capture systems. This is a technology that digitizes the movements of people and objects, and is widely used in movies and games. The students put on helmets and gloves with markers and moved freely to see how their movements were reproduced on the computer. Later on, they also had the opportunity to try on a VR camera and move around in a virtual world, providing a fulfilling experience for them to learn something new.

 Before lunch, the students were guided around the various representative sites, including "The Hive," a distinctive building that is said to be the symbol of NTU; "Gaia," one of the largest wooden buildings in Asia, which was completed just last year; and a Chinese-style garden called the "Yunnan Garden," which is popular among tourists. The students were given a tour of the building's structure, plantings, and plants. They were very interested in the structure of the buildings and the plants planted here and there in the campus. It was a very valuable experience for us to be able to visit a part of the vast site, which is said to be 43 times the size of Tokyo Dome, and to see the NTU students in their daily lives.