

【ATⅡ】わくわく交流タイム!/ "Exciting Exchange" time!



 少し時間があるので、隣の班も覗いてみましょう。こちらでは、商品開発に取り組んできた3年生が熱く語っています。「…やっぱりね、どうやって数値で見せられるかが本当に大事。何回かデータを取って比較したり、自分の研究以外でも同じような研究があれば、そこから使えるデータがないか探してみたり。数値がないと、説得力に欠けるって絶対突っ込まれるから、まずは使えるデータをしっかり集められるように…」なるほど! ポスター作成時などに担当者から「数値データは?」と繰り返し「突っ込まれた」実体験が、ここで活かせましたね!



 ↓ 班の前方にいる2名が3年生、班でまとまって話を聞いているのが2年生です。実りある交流会になりました!










    In ATⅡand Ⅲ, 3rd-year students will be working on their “Proposals” and 2-year students on their “Research Plans. In the last ten minutes of the class today, we had the “Exciting Exchange” time. During this 10 minutes' of time, two students of the 3rd grade are visiting a 2nd graders' group, and they will listen to the 2nd graders and answer their questions on their research. 

    Well, let's have a close look at one of the groups. After introducing themselves and explaining what they have done, the 3rd-year students are listening to the second-year students talk about their research. "Have you decided on your research theme?" "How far along are you with your research plan?" "How are you going to do your research?" -  The third-year students are excellent listeners, and they lead the meeting by eliciting the second-year students' words. The 3rd-year students continue, "We used the data we got from the city hall for our research. This is the slide that we used in our presentation...” - They are explaining while showing the materials they used in the final presentation of the ARP research results, which is so easy to understand!

 Now, let's take a peek at another group. Here, the 3rd-year students, who have been working on product development, are speaking passionately: “...I think it's really important to be able to show the results in numerical form. You should take data several times and compare them. Also, you may find some data you can use in similar research. If you don't have enough data to support your hypothesis, you will be criticized for not being persuasive enough, so I recommend you try to gather ALL the data you can...” - Wow! He is surely making use of his experience this time, and it would be a great help for the 2nd graders!

 So, this is what happened during our first “Exciting Exchange” in AT class. The students, who were shy at first, naturally started smiling in the latter half of the period, and some of the groups even ran out of time. Thank you so much, 3rd-graders, and please help the younger students next week again!