

【ATⅠ】「発熱した!」 / A Fever!

 終礼も終わり、職員室でほっと一息ついた私(SSH研究部員)のもとにかかってきた一本の内線電話。受話器を取ると、開口一番、聞こえてきた言葉は「先生、発熱しました!」 発熱? インフルエンザ? 意味が分かるまでに3秒かかりましたが、結論から言うと、発熱したのは生徒ではなく、なんと「貝殻」でした。

 この貝殻(ちなみにシジミです)、もちろん、「世界津波の日」高校生サミットに参加予定の2年生「貝殻班」のもの。話を聞くと、先日の実験(失敗)を受け、今日もあきらめずに地学室で実験をしたものの、今日も発熱せず。がっかりしつつも、片付けをしていたところ、貝殻を入れた容器がほんのり温かいような... そう! 「貝殻+水」が反応して発熱するまでには、時間が必要だったのです!!

 「発熱」に大盛り上がりの地学室では、貝殻班の3人が赤外線サーモグラフィカメラを使って発熱の様子と温度を記録しています。温度は31℃から32℃、33℃、1秒に1度くらいの速度でどんどん上昇しています。ついに40℃を越えました! さて、何℃までいけるのでしょうか?
















  After the closing assembly, when I (a teacher) was having a cup of tea in the teachers’ room, there was a sudden phone call, saying “We have a fever!”  - Who’s got a fever? Flu? It took me a while to figure out what it meant, but as it turned out, it was not a student who had a fever, but a “shell.

 The shells belonged to the “shell group” which will participate in the “World Tsunami Day” high school students' summit in Oct. The students told me that, after their failed experiment the other day, they had another try today, but again no heat had been generated. Disappointed, they were cleaning up when they noticed that the container in which they had placed the shells seemed to be slightly warm... Yes! It took some time for the “shells + water” to react and generate heat!

 In the Earth Science Lab, three members of the group were excitedly recording the heat generation and temperature using an infrared thermography camera. The temperature was rising rapidly from 31°, 32°, and 33°C, at a rate of about one degree per second. Finally, the temperature exceeded 40°C! Now, how high can it go?

 ”Failure is the mother of success” - everyone knows this proverb, but seeing the students overjoyed by the success of today's experiment was an event that made us happy as well.

【ATⅠ】 貝殻班の実験 / Perfect Day for Experiments

 土曜日、地学室に何か気配がする...! と覗いてみると、そこにいたのは、ATⅠ「貝殻」班の2名でした。


 今日、彼女たちが何をするかというと、天草の特産品でカラフルな色が目を引く「緋扇貝(ヒオウギ貝)」を粉砕したものを、地学室にある電気炉で焼くのだそうです。それも、1,000度という高温で! 初めて「電気炉」なるものを見ましたが、意外とコンパクト&ちょっとレトロな色使いのかわいい仕様。これがそんなに熱くなるんでしょうか?想像もつきません。

 さて、緋扇貝を焼いている間に、実験に入ります。実は、焼いた貝に水を加えてどれくらい発熱するかを実験するのは、今回が初めて。(ちなみに、今日使う貝は「シジミ」だそうです)実験道具の選定に始まり、水と貝殻の割合はどうするのか、水を加える方法はどうするのか... 科学部の宮﨑先生ともディスカッションをしながら、最適な実験方法を考えていく生徒たち。そして、いよいよ水を加えます! すると...???











 Today we’ll introduce you to the “Seashell” group!  They are one of the groups which are going to join the High School Students Summit on “World Tsunami Awareness Day” 2024 in Kumamoto. Today, they are baking the crushed shells as preparation for their experiments. With the tiny electric furnace in the Earth Science room, can we heat it to 1,000 degrees Celsius? 

 While baking, they get to the experiment. Actually, this is their very first time to experiment how much heat is generated by adding water to baked shellfish. Starting with the selection of tools for the experiment, what proportion of water and shells to use, how to add water.... The students discussed with their teacher and came up with the best way to conduct the experiment. Now they are finally adding some water - what would be happening?

 The results of this experiment will be presented in English at the summit in October. There is still a lot of work to be done, but we are sure that the students can make it!