

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】久しぶりに集結! / After a long summer...

 木曜日はASの日♪ 久しぶりに理科棟に大集合したASⅡ・Ⅲの生徒たちです。さて、ASクラスの3年生はこれから2年間の研究のまとめとして論文作成に入ります。(この論文は、「日本学生科学賞」にも応募予定です。入賞目指して頑張って!) 論文といっても、これまで書いたことのある小論文とは桁違い、なんと、5,000字という文量です...! これは、計画的に進めることはもちろん、書く内容にもちょっと工夫が必要そうですね。生徒たちは、論文作成手順やポイントについてSSH主任の宮﨑先生から説明を受けた後、それぞれの班で話し合いながら、早速論文の構想を練っていました。

 2年生はというと、担当の松原先生と2学期の活動予定を確認した後、8月に神戸国際展示場で行われた生徒研究発表会に参加した3年生のポスター発表と報告を聞きました。さすが、天高初の「ポスター発表賞」を受賞した化石班! これまでの研究の様子や成果がしっかり伝わる、堂々とした発表に2年生は聞き入っていました。



















  It’s Thursday again! AS II and III students gathered in the science building for the first time in a while. Now, the third graders will begin writing their thesis as a summary of their two-year research. The thesis paper is a whopping 5,000 words, a far cry from the essays they have written in the past...! Right after receiving an explanation on the procedure and key points for writing the paper, the students began working on their papers while discussing in their groups.

 What are the second-year students doing today? Today they had a chance to learn from the third-graders, who received the “Poster Presentation Award” in the Student Research Presentation held at the Kobe International Exhibition Hall in August. The third-year “Fossil group” first gave a poster presentation, then gave a slide presentation on what they had learned for younger students. For example, they taught what to do in the  Q&A session, or shared some of the tips to make good posters.  

  The second-year students have learned a lot through the Science Academy, SSH Kansai Study Tour, and SSH Singapore Overseas Study Program during the summer vacation. From now on, each group will work together to advance their own research in ASⅡ. We hope everyone will enjoy themselves in their future research!