

【ASⅡ】バイオエタノール班にインタビュー / An interview with a group producing Bioethanol






Q どんな作物を使ってバイオエタノールを生成する予定ですか。

A 現時点では、サトウキビを原料として考えています。天草で栽培されていることと、廃棄する部分が多いのも理由です。


Q ほかの材料も考えていますか。

A サトウキビは穫れる期間があまり長くないので、麦芽や米、ぶどうやじゃがいもなども候補には入っています。


Q 先生方などから受けた助言があれば、教えてください。

A 3年生の先輩がアマモからバイオエタノールを生成する研究をされているので、よくお話を伺ったり、相談したりしています。今日、化学の先生から研究の新規性をもう少し考えることと、初めから多くの原料を試すのではなく、1つの原料でポイントを絞って研究するという助言をいただいたので、もう少しグループで話し合ってみたいと思います。


Today's AS class started with a presentation as usual.  Although students watch a presentation every week, each presentation has a teacher's particular intention.  Today they watched a presentation about producing hydrogen by using tea leaves.  Students were expected to learn how to visualize what we cannot actually see with our eyes (in this case, hydrogen).  After discussing the presentation, students formed 11 groups and planned how they will proceed with their research this year.

Here is an interview with students who study the production of bioethanol. They are to produce bioethanol from crops harvested in Amakusa, aiming for the future production of ethylene, without making noxious chemicals.   

Interviewer (I): Which crops do you have in mind to use for your study?

Students(S): We’re thinking of sugar canes because they are grown here, and we hear much of their stems are not being used and are thrown away.

I: Do you have any other crops in mind too?

S: Yes, since sugar canes are seasonal crops, we might also consider some other local crops such as malt, rice, grapes, or potatoes too.

I: Have you received any useful advice from others?

S: There is a 3rd-grader’s group studying “production of bioethanol from eelgrass, so we talk to them and ask for advice now and then.  Still, one teacher pointed out we needed to have novelty in our research, so we need to discuss it more.