

【ASⅡ】海外研修代替研修 その1 / JICA Study Tour Part 1 

 いよいよやってきました、JICA研修! ASⅡの生徒33名はまだ暗い朝6時半に学校を出発し、11時前に北九州市にあるJICA九州に到着しました。今回の研修で予定されている大まかな内容は以下のとおりです。



 3.JICA Exchange Program(JICA研修員の方々との交流)





 さて、少し早い昼食はJICAのカフェ、「JICAFe」でいただきます。天高生の一番人気は、ジンガマサラと呼ばれるエビがごろごろ入ったインドカレー。ちなみに、このメニューには「TFTランチ」という名前がついています。TFTは「Table for Two」の略。開発途上国の子どもたちの食事に貢献できる、20円の寄付が含まれたメニューです。美味しい食事を楽しみながら少しだけ世界に貢献できるって素敵ですね! また、「ジーローハン」という、台湾のメニューもなかなかの人気。ごはんに鶏肉や野菜がのっていて、こちらもとても美味しそうです。世界に目を向けたメニューに加え、唐揚げやミートパスタなどベーシックなものもあります。中には2食注文する食べ盛り男子も! みんな、4時間のバスの旅の疲れからもすっかり回復した様子です。

 記事「海外研修代替研修 その2」に続きます。

   Leaving school at 6:30 am in the dark, we 33 students and 4 teachers arrived at JICA Kyushu just before 11:00 am. The program they will join today will go as follows: 

 1. An Introduction to JICA Kyushu and its trainee system

 2. JICA Workshop "Think Globally, Act Locally”

 3. JICA Exchange Program (with JICA participants)

  - Introduction of Amakusa and our School
       - Self-introduction and cultural exchange in groups
       - Poster presentations and Q&A sessions

 Upon arrival, the students were guided through the various exhibits by the staff. In the hall, there were so many things they could see and experience - such as displays on SDGs, a whale made from debris of the sea, and photos of JICA volunteers. Some students are currently checking the location of Serbia on the map, the country where the JICA participants we will meet today are from. (BTW, do you know where Serbia is?)


 Now, we are just finishing lunch at JICAFe. The most popular dish for our students today was an Indian prawn curry called "Jhinga masala."  This week they set this menu as "TFT" lunch, or "Table for Two” - which means the price includes a 20 yen donation to help children in developing countries. Isn’t it wonderful that we can contribute to the world over a delicious meal? Also, a Taiwanese dish called "鶏肉飯 (Chicken rice)" is also quite popular. There are also basic dishes such as fried chicken and meat pasta. They were all so delicious, and some students even ordered two meals! 

 You can read more in the next post "JICA Study Tour Part 2.”