

【ASⅡ】海外研修代替研修 その2 / JICA Study Tour Part 2

 昼食後、いよいよ本格的に研修がスタートしました。まず最初に、九州海外協力協会の宮原様にJICAの事業説明をしていただきました。動画を交えた分かりやすいプレゼンテーションで、生徒たちは開発途上国の状況と、JICAがどのような方法で途上国に支援を行っているかを学びます。その後は、同じく九州海外協力協会の原口様のワークショップ「世界の観方をシフトする “Think globally, act locally”」。このワークショップでは、あるベストセラー本からのクイズ(「チンパンジークイズ」、聞いたことありますか?)や、数種類の世界地図を用いてその違いを考えたりする活動などを行いました。生徒たちだけでなく、私たち引率者も、今まで一方向からしか物事を見ていなかったことに気づかせてくれる、まさに「目からウロコ」の体験をさせていただきました。


 記事「海外研修代替研修 その3」に続きます。

   We had various activities after lunch. First, Ms. Miyahara from the Kyushu Overseas Cooperation Association explained what JICA is about and what they do to help people in developing countries. Through her presentation, which contained some videos, students gained an overview of JICA. This was followed by a workshop by Mr. Haraguchi called, "Think globally, act locally.”  In this workshop, we first had a chance to see if we were any wiser than Chimpanzees!  (Well, it’s a kind of joke - if you want to know in detail, you can look up “Chimpanzee quiz.”)  We also had an activity using several different world maps and discussed the differences between them. His workshop truly gave us an eye-opening experience that made not only the students, but also us teachers, realize that we had been looking at things with a one-sided view.

 After that, we finally met the 10 trainees from Serbia. After their self-introductions, five students gave presentations about our town and what we do at our school. Then all the students interacted with the Serbians in small groups. They made origami warrior helmets or wrote the names of the Serbian participants in Japanese using brush pens. At first, students seemed a little nervous, but they gradually became more relaxed as they learned more about each other through these activities. Some learned about beautiful places in Serbia, and some learned how to represent the Serbian "peace sign" (which is different from the Japanese way!). During the break time, we were even treated to Serbian snacks (chocolate, peanut-flavored snacks, pretzels, etc.)!

 Want to know more about what we did? Please proceed to "JICA Study Tour Part 3.”