

【科学部】GLS最終日(その2) / The last day of GLS - vol. 2

 お昼にラオパサ・フェスティバル・マーケットで各々好きな料理を食べ(お店の人とのやり取りにも大分慣れてきました)、向かったのはセントーサ島にあるS.E.A. Aquarium、シンガポール最大の水族館です。





   In the afternoon, we went to Lau Pa Sat Festival market by MRT.  MRT stands for Mass Rapid Transit, which is the subway in Singapore.   At the market, which has so many different restaurants, such as Chinese, Indian, or even Korean food, students ordered what they wanted for lunch by themselves.  Now they have confidence to buy whatever they want to buy in English. 

     After lunch, we visited Sentosa Island to go to the S.E.A. Aquarium,  one of the worlds' largest aquariums.  Soon from the entrance, we can see a long water tunnel with lots of fishes inside.  Going through the tunnel, it is almost like the world under the sea!  There were millions of fishes, including sharks, manta rays, colorful tropical fishes, and so many others.  What the students were attracted to most was sharks and jellyfish.  One of the students in our group has been studying about jellyfish, so the students were reading the explanations on the fish and taking a lot of photos and movies.  The first thing they said when they saw sharks first was "kawaii"!!  There were many other interesting living things such as poisonous frogs or deep sea creatures, which made them so excited.  They enjoyed their visit there very much.

     We're heading for Singapore Changi International Airport soon.  Now that we have finished all the activities in Singapore and going back, we feel kind of relieved, and feel partly sad.  We already miss Singapore.  Still, we are excited to go back to see people there.  See you all soon in Amakusa!

【科学部】GLS最終日(その1) / The last day of GLS - vol. 1





  It is hard to believe - but today is the last day of GLS.  In the morning we went to NTU and had a campus tour.  We went to see laboratories, and learned about its facilities.  We also visited one room with experiment animals - Madagascar hissing cockroaches.  Although they ARE cockroaches, their appearance is quite different from Japanese ones.  They are much bigger, 5 to 7 centimeters when adults, and they are half dark brown in head, and half light brown in body.  They have strong legs which look like beetles'.  Well, cockroaches ARE cockroaches to the students.  They were looking at them from far, far away, never wanting to take a closer look.

     After the tour, we had a chance to listen to Prof. Sato Hirotaka's lecture.  He has been studying "Cyborg Insect" with wearable solar cells.  He told students about not only his career and study, but also about some important things they need to keep in their mind.  For instance, he told us things such as "finding a niche can help us" and "learning English to have more opportunities."  He also told us "don't mind people who just love criticizing" or "excitement can lead us to a new finding."  After the lecture, everyone there looked so excited.  It was such a wonderful lecture.

【科学部】GLS 1日目(番外編)/ This is Singapore!






    Now that we’re in Singapore, why not go and see these two spots!

    The principal took us to the world-famous Merlion and the Marina Bay Sands.  The gorgeous night-view and the energetic people there cheered us up.  The taxi driver who drove us was so kind, and he explained to us about the buildings we saw from the taxi and told us about the traffic conditions in Singapore. 

     We took trains too.  It took us a while to buy a ticket (it’s a little different from the way we do in Japan) , but it was another good experience.  Now we have something like “Singapore Suica” – that means we can come back here and use trains again some day (hopefully in the near future)!

     It’s nice if we could make the best use of this opportunity abroad, by not only doing our best at GLS, but also experiencing many things we cannot in Japan.

【科学部】GLS 1日目(その2)Global Link Singapore – 1st day Vol.2






In the afternoon, the students had “Summary Presentations.”  Through this, they had a chance to learn about presentations that they couldn’t listen to in the morning.  They also had a chance to tell many people about their research, including students, teachers, or professors.  This summary presentation seems to have taught them the importance of face-to-face communication.  The students made new friends from in, and outside, Japan!

   After that, they enjoyed the supper and the activities that NTU students hosted, (the firefly girls danced "Amakusa Haiya" in front of all, and then everyone danced Haiya in a circle!) and then the GLS staff announced which groups were to be on stage tomorrow. – Well, going straight to the point, the result is not what we had longed for.   At night, back at the hotel, we discussed what we did well, and what we couldn’t, and what else should have been done.  We know no one cannot change the result – it IS over. Still, we know we could still do something for our future.   Tomorrow we’ll listen to other schools on stage and think more about our future opportunities.


【科学部】GLS 1日目(その1)Global Link Singapore – 1st day Vol.1

 Global Link Singapore1日目の今朝は、Nanyang Technological Universityへの移動から始まりました。

 優れた国立大学として世界でも名を馳せているここNTUには、優秀な教授陣と最新の設備、豊かな緑が共存しています。今回のGLSでは5つの国と地域からの200名弱が参加者し、学内のホールでKeynote Lectureを受けた後、11の会場に分かれ、英語でのプレゼンテーション(8分+質疑応答10分)を行いました。


     In the morning, we went to Nanyang Technological University to have our presentations. NTU is a globally well-known university, which has great professors and advanced facilities.

     We listened to Prof. Hong's keynote lecture, and had presentation sessions afterwards. Our students were able to successfully attract the audience's attention, and judges praised them for the clarity of the presentation and the content of their study. Right after they were done, they went to the judges, asking for some advice. They also learned a lot from the presentations of other schools.  More in the next post.






