

【AS・AT】世界津波の日(番外編)/ In Three Days!

    ジャジャーン! 見てください!! 今年度の世界津波の日高校生サミットにかかる天草でのスタディーツアーで使用する手ぬぐいが、ついに完成しました!


 いよいよ3日後に迫った22日の天草交流で、この手ぬぐいがお披露目されます。さて、どのように活用されるのか、海外の高校生の反応はいかに…!? 当日の様子は、またブログ記事でご紹介します。是非お楽しみに!

    Ta-da! Look at our ”tenugui," or Japanese hand towel, to be used during the study tour in Amakusa for the High School Students Summit on the World Tsunami Awareness Day! This tenugui was designed by two of the 2nd-year students who will participate in the summit, and then made by a dye shop called "Shikoku Somemonoten” in Amakusa. The blue used for the simple yet dynamic design is called “Royal blue,” which is known as the official color of the British Royal Family. We would like to thank everyone at the Shop for their great assistance from the design stage to the finishing touches. We will use it with great care!

 You are interested in how this tenugui will be used, and how the students from overseas will like it, right? Please visit our blog again in three days and find out!

【AS・AT】世界津波の日(番外編その2)/ Time for Art!

 芸術の秋! 2年生の生徒数名がせっせとコラージュをしています。外国の美しい建物の写真もあれば、神社の写真もあり、美味しそうなウインナーの写真と海鮮丼の写真がコラボ…














 A beautiful autumn day! Several 2nd-year students are working hard on their collages. We can see pictures of beautiful foreign buildings, a shrine, delicious-looking sausages or a picture of a seafood bowl....

Now, what are these “works of art”?

 Actually, it is the Earth Science Lab where they are enjoying themselves. This group is going to exchange with German students on the 22nd, which is an activity planned as part of the World Tsunami Awareness Day Study Tour. They were making a welcome board with a collage of things famous in Germany and things they wanted to introduce from Amakusa.

 Three days later, high school students from Germany, Cambodia, India, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu will be coming to our school. In the Earth Science Room, welcome boards for the other countries are also being made. We hope that our students can have a wonderful exchange with the young people coming from all over the world.






【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】質疑応答は難しい! / Another Q and A session


 その頃3年生は... もちろん今日も、必死で(?)研究論文に取り組んでいます。ついこの間、あちこちで楽しそうに実験していたような気もしますが、もう論文を書いている姿を見ると、時が過ぎるのは早いものです。さて、あっという間に授業終了10分前になりました。質疑応答の時間です! 各班、先週とは別の3年生を対象に、それぞれの研究について説明し、質問に1つ1つ答えていきます。今日お邪魔したある班は、3年生からの鋭い質問に、班員同士顔を見合わせ、言葉に詰まってしまいました...  

    質疑応答、難しいですよね。でも、実践あるのみ! 今日答えられた質問と答えられなかった質問を整理して、今後につなげていきましょう!





















3年生、論文頑張っています!           実践あるのみ! 2年生の質疑応答


   In the seventh period, the AS II “Turf” group returned from outside and measured chlorophyll in the turf they grew using a measuring device. However, all the members here have never seen or touched the device before. Now, will they be able to measure the data successfully...?? 

 Meanwhile, the 3rd graders... as usual, they are working hard on their research papers. It seems like just a few weeks ago that they were doing experiments, but time flies and now we see them writing their final papers. 

    Now, the time for the Q&A session has come! Each group explains their research and answers questions one by one to the 3rd-year students. One of the groups we visited today, was at a loss for words as they looked at each other in response to the sharp questions. Q&A sessions are difficult, but we can be better only by practicing again and again! Let's all review the questions we had today, and keep trying hard!

【ASⅡ】外へレッツゴー! / Let's go outside!



 さて、活動が始まると、「芝」班は育成中の芝の生育状況の確認と葉の採取に、「ヒガンバナ」班はもちろん実験に用いる彼岸花を取りに、そして「耕作放棄地」班は、雑草の状況を測定しに、それぞれ元気よく飛び出して行きました(すみません、あまりに早かったので追いつかず、今回写真がありません,,, 次回こそ!)。クロームブックや論文とのにらめっこそろそろ、じっくりディスカッションすることももちろん大事ですが、やはり、そろそろ実際にアクションを起こし、データを集めていきたいところです。











 In ASII today, students were first told about their presentation to be held next month; each group is scheduled to make a poster presentation. Then, they checked what they needed to do before the “main evaluation.”  

   After that three groups went outside for their research:  the “Turf” group went out to check the growth status of growing turf and collect leaves, the “Cluster amaryllis” group went to get some flowers for the experiment, and the “Abandoned Land” group went to measure the weed situation. They all looked excited!

【ASⅠ】探究スキルアップ講座⑪ データ処理②




【ATⅡ】2回目の「ワクワク」は... / How did the “Exchange Time” go?


 2、3年生の活動風景をカメラに収めるべく、ある教室にお邪魔したところ、ややっ! 窓の外に怪しい人影が!! ...よくよく話を聞いてみると、「外来種」の植物の研究を始めたばかりの、2年生たちでした。まずは、校内の外来種の植物を調査・記録しているとのことです。2年生の多くの班は教室内で研究計画を立てている一方、既に調査やアンケート、実験の準備などにとりかかっている班もあります。(これは11月の「中間発表会」も期待できそうですね!)




















    We have become accustomed to seeing third-year and second-year students working on their proposals and research plans, respectively, in the same classroom.

 At one such classroom, while taking some photos of them, we see a ”suspicious figure” outside the window! ... Well, it turned out to be a group of second-year students who had just started research on “invasive species,” and they were walking outside for their research.  Surprisingly, while many 2nd graders are still planning their research, some have already started to conduct surveys, questionnaires, and prepare for experiments.  

 Today, we had another “Exciting Exchange Time” in the last 10 minutes of the class. Different groups and different members from last week visit each of the 2nd grade groups. To be honest, some of the groups seemed to have a good time talking with each other, while others tended to look down in embarrassment. Exchanging opinions with people from a different group or a different grade will be an important experience for 3rd-year students who will be going to a college or finding a job in the near future. We plan to continue to provide this opportunity for exchange, and as the 2nd-year students' research progresses, we expect to see an even more active exchange of ideas. We are counting on you, 3rd graders!












【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】質疑応答、始めました♪ / Question and answer session




 授業の最後に、いよいよ「質疑応答」の時間がやってきました。今回は2年生が2分間で研究内容を説明し、その後の3分間で3年生からの質問に答えます。最後に、その場で答えられた質問とその回答をワークシートに書き込みます。答えられなかった質問には、それに対する回答を後日調べて記録することで、今後の研究につなげることができます。初日の今日は、どの班も少し緊張した面持ちながら、一生懸命説明や質疑応答を頑張っていました。継続は力なり! 来週も引き続き、研究&質疑応答を頑張っていきましょう♪




















 Autumn has come and flowers called Cluster amaryllis are at their best here and there in Amakusa. In ASⅡ, a group called ”Cluster amaryllis” has been  working on utilizing the toxicity of the flower for weed control, and today they are trying to extract a liquid containing lycorine by crushing a particularly poisonous bulb. They told us that they struggled a bit in extracting liquid because the viscosity of the bulb was higher than they expected. Next time, they will try to extract while adding a little more water.

 The third-year students, who began their activities in the seventh period, were all writing papers with their chromebooks. The deadline is coming up at the end of this month, and everyone is working really hard. We hope they can produce a good paper that summarizes their research!

 At the end of class, the second-year students began a new “question and answer” activity. This time, they will have two minutes to explain their research, followed by three minutes to answer questions from the third graders. At the end of the session, they write down the questions and their answers on a worksheet. For questions that were not answered, the answers to them will be researched and written down later for future research. Today, the first day, all the groups looked a little nervous, but tried their best to explain and answer questions. Question and answer sessions are not so easy, but never give up, great things take time!












【ASⅠ】探究スキルアップ講座⑩ データ処理①





【ATⅡ】わくわく交流タイム!/ "Exciting Exchange" time!



 少し時間があるので、隣の班も覗いてみましょう。こちらでは、商品開発に取り組んできた3年生が熱く語っています。「…やっぱりね、どうやって数値で見せられるかが本当に大事。何回かデータを取って比較したり、自分の研究以外でも同じような研究があれば、そこから使えるデータがないか探してみたり。数値がないと、説得力に欠けるって絶対突っ込まれるから、まずは使えるデータをしっかり集められるように…」なるほど! ポスター作成時などに担当者から「数値データは?」と繰り返し「突っ込まれた」実体験が、ここで活かせましたね!



 ↓ 班の前方にいる2名が3年生、班でまとまって話を聞いているのが2年生です。実りある交流会になりました!










    In ATⅡand Ⅲ, 3rd-year students will be working on their “Proposals” and 2-year students on their “Research Plans. In the last ten minutes of the class today, we had the “Exciting Exchange” time. During this 10 minutes' of time, two students of the 3rd grade are visiting a 2nd graders' group, and they will listen to the 2nd graders and answer their questions on their research. 

    Well, let's have a close look at one of the groups. After introducing themselves and explaining what they have done, the 3rd-year students are listening to the second-year students talk about their research. "Have you decided on your research theme?" "How far along are you with your research plan?" "How are you going to do your research?" -  The third-year students are excellent listeners, and they lead the meeting by eliciting the second-year students' words. The 3rd-year students continue, "We used the data we got from the city hall for our research. This is the slide that we used in our presentation...” - They are explaining while showing the materials they used in the final presentation of the ARP research results, which is so easy to understand!

 Now, let's take a peek at another group. Here, the 3rd-year students, who have been working on product development, are speaking passionately: “...I think it's really important to be able to show the results in numerical form. You should take data several times and compare them. Also, you may find some data you can use in similar research. If you don't have enough data to support your hypothesis, you will be criticized for not being persuasive enough, so I recommend you try to gather ALL the data you can...” - Wow! He is surely making use of his experience this time, and it would be a great help for the 2nd graders!

 So, this is what happened during our first “Exciting Exchange” in AT class. The students, who were shy at first, naturally started smiling in the latter half of the period, and some of the groups even ran out of time. Thank you so much, 3rd-graders, and please help the younger students next week again!



 天草高校からこのサミットに参加する3班は、それぞれ「災害時における夜間の避難」「火災避難のためのハザードマップ」「貝殻を利用したカイロの開発」に関する研究をしており、それぞれ英語でのプレゼンテーションを予定しています。10月23日, 24日に行われるサミットでは、世界50カ国の高校生とともに災害の脅威と対策を学び、世界各国の「きずな」を深めます。

 いよいよサミット本番が近づき、どの生徒もいつにも増して真剣な表情で活動を行っていました。天草高校からサミットに参加する13名にとって、これほど大規模なイベントでオール・イングリッシュで活動するというのは、初めての経験です。緊張して言葉につまることもあるかもしれませんが、コミュニケーションではまず、伝えようとする気持ちが大事です。まずは、練習あるのみ! みんな、がんばって! 

【ASⅠ】探究スキルアップ講座⑨ データ収集④




















 Today's ATII began with a brainstorming session for each group after last week's discussion meeting. The third-year students will compile the results of their research into a “proposal” for Amakusa city. The proposals must include not only what they have learned from their research, but also numerical evidence based on data obtained from previous research and studies and surveys conducted by other organizations, as well as measures that could be implemented in the region and their expected effects. The group leaders were trying their best to lead the discussion on what kind of recommendations they wanted to make. The deadline for the submission of proposals is October 27. We hope that everyone will come up with a proposal that will make the most of the research they have done so far.

 Now, in ATII next week and the week after that, we will hold “Exciting Exchange Time”. This was planned to encourage some of the shy students to know each other in class. During the last 10 minutes of class, two 3rd-year students from each group will come over to consult with the 2nd graders who have just begun to write their research plans. We expect that the 3rd graders can offer useful advice that will help the 2nd-year students in improving their research.

 To the kind and caring 3rd year students, please lead the 2nd year students in class. We are counting on you!







【ASⅡ】第2グラウンドへ出動! / Research under the beautiful autumn sky!




 読書の秋、スポーツの秋、そして研究の秋! ASⅡの様々な研究が今後どう発展していくのか、楽しみです!!

     Today's class began with an explanation about the external presentations contests to be held in the 2nd and 3rd semesters. Although everyone in AS II has decided on a theme and made a research plan, there are many groups that have not yet conducted experiments. So, it is natural that many students are still wondering how far they need to advance their research before the presentation and what and how they will present it at the presentation. 

     However, it is not true that they cannot present their research until they have enough data and have finished verifying their hypotheses. Making presentations could also be a means to improve their research by learning from others and receiving opinions from experts. We hope many will make use of those opportunities!

 Today, the "Turf” group went outside for their research. They have been conducting an experiment on how to plant winter turf on top of summer turf, and grow turf that does not die all year round. This time, they were maintaining the summer turf before planting the winter turf.

 Autumn is the season for reading, sports, and research! We look forward to seeing how students' various research projects will develop in the future!









(※この「5つの力」の詳細をご覧になりたい方は、本校ホームページ内 A天草サイエンス(AS)ルーブリック(R6,04改訂).pdf をご参照ください)




























【ASⅡ、ATⅡ】より良いプレゼンテーションに向けて / Better slides, better presentations!



 聞く人のことを考えてスライドを工夫することが、きっとより良い発表につながります。大変なこともあるけれどいつも前向きに頑張る、笑顔の素敵な生徒の姿に、ALTの先生方からも"Great work!" "Amazing!"と、お褒めの言葉をいただいていました。











  During lunchtime, students gathered in the conference room with their chromebooks in hand. They are the students participating in the “World Tsunami Awareness Day” High School Summit in October. They came here to have their English teachers and ALTs look over the slides they were going to submit. As you can see in the photos, they were all so motivated!

 The students showed their slides and received advice from the teachers. "What does this mean?" “Why not have an illustration here?" "Could you make the titles of the graphs easier to understand? The students made corrections one by one. They shared shared their opinions in groups and worked together to improve the slides. Great teamwork, everybody!

 Thinking about the audience and devising slides will surely lead to better presentations. Keep it up and you can have a wonderful time on the big day!





【ATⅠ】「発熱した!」 / A Fever!

 終礼も終わり、職員室でほっと一息ついた私(SSH研究部員)のもとにかかってきた一本の内線電話。受話器を取ると、開口一番、聞こえてきた言葉は「先生、発熱しました!」 発熱? インフルエンザ? 意味が分かるまでに3秒かかりましたが、結論から言うと、発熱したのは生徒ではなく、なんと「貝殻」でした。

 この貝殻(ちなみにシジミです)、もちろん、「世界津波の日」高校生サミットに参加予定の2年生「貝殻班」のもの。話を聞くと、先日の実験(失敗)を受け、今日もあきらめずに地学室で実験をしたものの、今日も発熱せず。がっかりしつつも、片付けをしていたところ、貝殻を入れた容器がほんのり温かいような... そう! 「貝殻+水」が反応して発熱するまでには、時間が必要だったのです!!

 「発熱」に大盛り上がりの地学室では、貝殻班の3人が赤外線サーモグラフィカメラを使って発熱の様子と温度を記録しています。温度は31℃から32℃、33℃、1秒に1度くらいの速度でどんどん上昇しています。ついに40℃を越えました! さて、何℃までいけるのでしょうか?
















  After the closing assembly, when I (a teacher) was having a cup of tea in the teachers’ room, there was a sudden phone call, saying “We have a fever!”  - Who’s got a fever? Flu? It took me a while to figure out what it meant, but as it turned out, it was not a student who had a fever, but a “shell.

 The shells belonged to the “shell group” which will participate in the “World Tsunami Day” high school students' summit in Oct. The students told me that, after their failed experiment the other day, they had another try today, but again no heat had been generated. Disappointed, they were cleaning up when they noticed that the container in which they had placed the shells seemed to be slightly warm... Yes! It took some time for the “shells + water” to react and generate heat!

 In the Earth Science Lab, three members of the group were excitedly recording the heat generation and temperature using an infrared thermography camera. The temperature was rising rapidly from 31°, 32°, and 33°C, at a rate of about one degree per second. Finally, the temperature exceeded 40°C! Now, how high can it go?

 ”Failure is the mother of success” - everyone knows this proverb, but seeing the students overjoyed by the success of today's experiment was an event that made us happy as well.






【ATⅡ】 討論会に向けて... / Getting ready for the "AT Debate"


 さて、本日の活動では、3年生には来週の討論会の流れとそれまでにすべきこと、研究テーマ決めのための話し合いをしている2年生には、テーマ設定の際のポイントの確認やAmataka Scholorの活用の仕方のアドバイスがあった後、それぞれ活動に入っていました。

 1学期末に「異学年交流」が始まって、今日で3回目のAT。少しずつ一緒の教室での活動が当たり前になりつつも、教室によってはどことなくよそよそしい雰囲気も感じられる2,3年生です...。でも、研究はやっぱり一人ではできません。自分だけでなく、班のメンバー、他の班の人たち、他学年の生徒との話し合いや教え合いを経て、きっと研究の質も向上していくはずです! ATでは今後、2、3年生のシャイなみなさんのために、授業中の「ワクワク交流タイム(仮)」も設けようと思っています。これを機にぜひ、仲良くなってください!



















  In today’s AT, the third-year students prepared for the ”debate” to be held at the next AT. It will be an opportunity to exchange opinions prior to the preparation of proposals. Each group makes a presentation to the other students about their research and how they will propose the results of their research to the community. Groups listening to the presentations can point out areas that are difficult to understand, ask questions, and offer advice. We expect that the experience of this debate will lead to better proposals.

 This is the third AT since the “Cross-Grade Exchange” program started at the end of the first semester. While it is becoming natural for the students from the different grades to stay in the same classroom, we teachers know that it takes a little more longer for some students to get used to this new environment. However, the quality of research will surely improve through discussions and mutual learning among students in other grades! In the future, we are planning to have time for “socializing” during AT class. We hope you will get to know each other and make your research even better!

【科学部】One Teamプロジェクト事業 ドローン実技講習会


 これは熊本県立高校One Teamプロジェクト事業として行われている活動の1つで、ドローンに対する理解とその操縦技術を高めることで、課題研究及び授業・実習等における探究的な学びの充実を図ることを目的に実施されているものです。今回の講習会には、本校のほかに倉岳校、拓心高校、天草工業高校が参加し、天草の高校生が交流を深める場ともなりました。





 実は、この家、長い、ながーい間、地学室の冷凍庫に眠っていたのです。というのも、この美味しそうな家はそもそも「お菓子の家の日光や雨風への耐久性を検証するために」作ったものだったのです。が、その後、なかなか実験に適した天候&タイミングが訪れず(科学部数名は夏休みの宿題にも追われ...笑)、冷蔵庫の中でスタンバイしていたこの家がやっと!! 今日デビューの日を迎えたというのです。良かった良かった...!

  本日、多くの部員は校外でドローンの講習会(※この後の別記事でご報告します)に参加したのですが、出発前に体育館の渡り廊下にこのお菓子の家をセッティングしていました。およそ3時間後の帰校時に、どうなっているかを確認しにきたのですが... 渡り廊下に足を踏み入れるやいなや、3人の「うわーっ!」という悲鳴に近い声が聞こえてきたのです...!

 お菓子の家に何が起こっていたのか? 何でこんなことに!?


【ATⅠ】 貝殻班の実験 / Perfect Day for Experiments

 土曜日、地学室に何か気配がする...! と覗いてみると、そこにいたのは、ATⅠ「貝殻」班の2名でした。


 今日、彼女たちが何をするかというと、天草の特産品でカラフルな色が目を引く「緋扇貝(ヒオウギ貝)」を粉砕したものを、地学室にある電気炉で焼くのだそうです。それも、1,000度という高温で! 初めて「電気炉」なるものを見ましたが、意外とコンパクト&ちょっとレトロな色使いのかわいい仕様。これがそんなに熱くなるんでしょうか?想像もつきません。

 さて、緋扇貝を焼いている間に、実験に入ります。実は、焼いた貝に水を加えてどれくらい発熱するかを実験するのは、今回が初めて。(ちなみに、今日使う貝は「シジミ」だそうです)実験道具の選定に始まり、水と貝殻の割合はどうするのか、水を加える方法はどうするのか... 科学部の宮﨑先生ともディスカッションをしながら、最適な実験方法を考えていく生徒たち。そして、いよいよ水を加えます! すると...???











 Today we’ll introduce you to the “Seashell” group!  They are one of the groups which are going to join the High School Students Summit on “World Tsunami Awareness Day” 2024 in Kumamoto. Today, they are baking the crushed shells as preparation for their experiments. With the tiny electric furnace in the Earth Science room, can we heat it to 1,000 degrees Celsius? 

 While baking, they get to the experiment. Actually, this is their very first time to experiment how much heat is generated by adding water to baked shellfish. Starting with the selection of tools for the experiment, what proportion of water and shells to use, how to add water.... The students discussed with their teacher and came up with the best way to conduct the experiment. Now they are finally adding some water - what would be happening?

 The results of this experiment will be presented in English at the summit in October. There is still a lot of work to be done, but we are sure that the students can make it!

【ASⅡ・ATⅠ】「津波の日」高校生サミット に向けて / Getting Ready for Summit on "World Tsunami Awareness Day"























 The “World Tsunami Day” 2024 High School Student Summit in Kumamoto will be held on October 23-24, and 13 second-year students from our school will be participating. High school students from around the world will participate in this summit to learn and discuss threats and countermeasures against natural hazards, as well as to deepen mutual bonds through exchange. This summit is held every year, and this year, 250 high school students from overseas and 250 from Japan are scheduled to participate. Of course, English will be the language of instruction.

 The participating students from our school are working on research related to disaster prevention, disaster risk reduction, and creative reconstruction, and will give presentations on their research. On the day of the summit, in addition to the presentations, there will be activities to listen to others and have discussions on the three themes mentioned before.

 After school today, the students gathered in the Earth Science Room to review the progress of their research and slides, and to confirm what they need to do for the summit. The photo shows one of the three groups, the “Shells” group. This group is working on a way to keep warm in the event of a winter disaster by generating heat from shells through a chemical reaction. Today, they were preparing for the experiment by crushing the shells they prepared during the summer vacation. Later, these shells are going to be burned at high temperatures. We wish them success in their experiments!

 It is hard work to prepare for the summit while also having classes and other activities. However, this will be a very special opportunity for every participant to meet and talk with high school students from various countries using English. We hope that everyone will help each other in preparation and do their best so that they can enjoy themselves in the summit!

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】久しぶりに集結! / After a long summer...

 木曜日はASの日♪ 久しぶりに理科棟に大集合したASⅡ・Ⅲの生徒たちです。さて、ASクラスの3年生はこれから2年間の研究のまとめとして論文作成に入ります。(この論文は、「日本学生科学賞」にも応募予定です。入賞目指して頑張って!) 論文といっても、これまで書いたことのある小論文とは桁違い、なんと、5,000字という文量です...! これは、計画的に進めることはもちろん、書く内容にもちょっと工夫が必要そうですね。生徒たちは、論文作成手順やポイントについてSSH主任の宮﨑先生から説明を受けた後、それぞれの班で話し合いながら、早速論文の構想を練っていました。

 2年生はというと、担当の松原先生と2学期の活動予定を確認した後、8月に神戸国際展示場で行われた生徒研究発表会に参加した3年生のポスター発表と報告を聞きました。さすが、天高初の「ポスター発表賞」を受賞した化石班! これまでの研究の様子や成果がしっかり伝わる、堂々とした発表に2年生は聞き入っていました。



















  It’s Thursday again! AS II and III students gathered in the science building for the first time in a while. Now, the third graders will begin writing their thesis as a summary of their two-year research. The thesis paper is a whopping 5,000 words, a far cry from the essays they have written in the past...! Right after receiving an explanation on the procedure and key points for writing the paper, the students began working on their papers while discussing in their groups.

 What are the second-year students doing today? Today they had a chance to learn from the third-graders, who received the “Poster Presentation Award” in the Student Research Presentation held at the Kobe International Exhibition Hall in August. The third-year “Fossil group” first gave a poster presentation, then gave a slide presentation on what they had learned for younger students. For example, they taught what to do in the  Q&A session, or shared some of the tips to make good posters.  

  The second-year students have learned a lot through the Science Academy, SSH Kansai Study Tour, and SSH Singapore Overseas Study Program during the summer vacation. From now on, each group will work together to advance their own research in ASⅡ. We hope everyone will enjoy themselves in their future research!

【ATⅡ】2学期スタート! / Long time no see!






















    In today’s AT, after listening to Mr. Nakamura, the teacher in charge of ATII, 3rd-year students went into their classrooms, which they shared with 2nd graders. Although the students from different grades are in the same classroom, they do not usually engage in the same activities. 3rd graders will begin writing their proposals to their city. 2nd-year students, who have just formed their research groups, will be deciding on their research themes. By conducting activities in the same classroom, the 2nd-year students will have an opportunity to observe the activities of the upperclassmen, and we hope that they will make use of the activities of the group leaders and members in their respective groups and the discussions in their groups in their own activities (3rd-year students, you have a lot of responsibility!). ).

   Now, our 3rd-year students had their first “Tentative evaluation” today. This time, we conducted two items, E1 (Creating Proposals) and E2 (Creating Community). Although this activity is called “evaluation,” the purpose is not to obtain a perfect score at this stage. Rather, they are expected to improve the quality of the research by having the groups look back on their past research activities, confirm what they have achieved and what they have not, and what they should do in the future, and discuss their future activities as a group. Once the evaluation sheets were distributed, the group leaders took the leadership and the group members actively expressed their opinions as they reflected on their research to date. Each group had a thorough discussion with their teacher to confirm the evaluation items, and the tentative evaluation was successfully completed. All groups seemed to have a clear idea of what they would need to do before the final evaluation in November. Keep up your great work, everyone!












【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 帰国日 / Singapore Study Tour Day 5 [The Last Day]

 スンガイ・ブローの動植物に別れを告げ、私たちは帰路につきました。シンガポールの玄関口、シンガポール・チャンギ国際空港は世界中の空港利用者からの投票による「世界の空港トップ10」でアジア1位、世界2位に選ばれている空港です。入国日は通過しただけでしたが、何と言っても今日は出発便まで待ち時間が何時間もあり、これを利用しない手はありません! 二手に分かれて夕食をとった後(カレーor牛丼でした)、みんな揃って空港内の「ジュエル・チャンギ」に向かいます。ここはアート、建築、自然が1つの建造物に集約された構造になっており、熱帯植物や2,000本を超える樹木が囲む高さ40メートルの滝はかなりの存在感です。「緑の都市」として知られるシンガポールの環境保護に対する姿勢を空港内でも感じることができました。滝をライトアップして行われる光と音のショーを見た後は、滝を間近で見ることができるスカイ・トレインにも乗ってみました。これは、ターミナル間の移動に使われている、数分おきに運行されている列車です。空港使用料に含まれているといえばそれまでですが、ジュエルチャンギの散策やショー、スカイトレインの利用も全て無料になっています。他にも、この空港には巨大滑り台やアスレチック、映画館やプールまであるとのこと、是非いつの日か行ってみたいものです!

 さて、福岡行きのフライトが近づいてくる頃には、みんなかなり眠そうです。それもそのはず、日本時間では午前2時20分です… 何とか飛行機に乗り込み、暗くなるとみんなあっという間に眠りについたようです。福岡空港に着くと、みんな慣れた樣子で入国審査を済ませ、天草に向かいます。飛行機が少し遅れたこともあり、台風接近もあり、色々と心配していましたが、新幹線からバスに乗り換え、予定の13時頃には無事天草高校に帰ってくることができました。


 We bid farewell to Sungai Buloh and headed home. Singapore Changi International Airport, the gateway to Singapore, is ranked first in Asia and second in the world in the “Top 10 Airports in the World.” After splitting up for dinner, we all headed to “Jewel Changi” together. The structure combines art, architecture, and nature in one structure, and the 40-meter-high indoor waterfall surrounded by tropical plants and over 2,000 trees is quite a sight.  

    By the time our flight to Fukuoka was approaching, everyone was getting quite sleepy. It was 2:20 a.m. Japan time... We managed to board the plane, and when it got dark, everyone fell asleep in no time. The plane was a little delayed and there was a typhoon approaching, so we were worried about many things, but we were able to return to Amakusa High School safely at around 1:00 p.m. as scheduled.

 Thanks to the support of many people in Japan and abroad, we were able to successfully complete the entire program. We hope that the students themselves will make use of what they have learned during the training, and we will also spread the results of the training both inside and outside the classroom to further enhance the exploration activities of the school as a whole. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who supported us on this tour.

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 4日目(その3)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 4 [Vol. 3]



 保護区に入るとすぐに私たちを迎えてくれたのは、一匹のカワウソ! 仲間を探しているのか、辺りをキョロキョロ見回しながら、通路を私たちの方に走ってきました。驚かさないよう、じっと見守ります。その後観察を続けると、木にくっついている一見貝のような「望遠鏡カタツムリ」、まだ赤ちゃんサイズの「ミズオオトカゲ」、サヨリにも似ている「ブッフォンズリバーガーフィッシュ」、絵本から抜け出してきたような可愛い「オオバコリス」など、様々な生物に出会えます。(若干水位が高く、ワニとの出会いは果たせませんでした…残念!)渡り鳥の季節には少し早いとのことですが、小さめの渡り鳥の集団が羽を休めている姿も見ることができました。


 The final part of our study tour is a field trip to the Sungai Buloh Wetlands Reserve. According to the Singapore Tourism Board website, this 87-hectare tourist reserve was designated a Nature Park by the government in 1989 and is internationally recognized for its importance. It is a stopover for many migratory birds on their way to Australia, and the mangrove-lined park is home to a wide variety of species, including the water monitor and the tanager.

  We were first welcomed by the sound of lively birds and cicadas. As a protected area, the park is well maintained with pathways for observation, small huts, information boards on the trails, and explanations of the creatures. While we were observing, some construction workers were repairing the pathways, and vending machines at the rest area were selling raincoats and insect repellents along with water, giving us the impression that the park is making efforts to protect the environment as well as educate citizens about the environment. Above all, the admission fee is free!

 As we walked further, suddenly came a lone otter! It came running down the aisle toward us, looking around as if he were looking for a mate. We watched him closely so as not to startle him. We continued our observation and came across a variety of creatures, including a “Telescope snail” that looked like a shell attached to a tree, a baby-sized “Water monitor,” and a “Buffon's river garfish” that looked like a Japanese anchovy, or "Plantain squirrel" that was as cute as a stuffed animal! Although it was a little early in the season for migratory birds, we also saw a small group of migratory birds resting their wings. It was a pity that we couldn't meet the crocodile as the water level was slightly high, still, we had a very valuable learning opportunity there.
 It rained on and off today, with occasional blue skies, but luckily, it always stopped raining during outdoor activities. Now we're heading for Changi International Airport.

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 4日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 4 [Vol. 2]




 In the afternoon, we attended a training course on anatomy and the response of the nervous system using “Madagascar cockroaches” used in Prof. Sato's laboratory. This insect, which is essential to his research, is a large cockroach of about 7 cm that lives in the forests of Madagascar. We stimulated the nerves of this cockroach and observed together how it moves. It was the first time for all the students to see a dissection up close, and although the cockroach looks quite different from Japanese cockroaches, some students looked scared and observed it from a distance at first. In the latter half, however, they got used to it and were stimulating the nerves precisely. 
 The last part of the training was on machine learning. The students were able to learn how to process and utilize images taken by the camera used in “Bilological machine” through practical training, starting with learning the mechanism of machine learning, the process of image processing, and how to determine whether or not a human being is included in the image to be taken. The students were able to learn how to recognize and judge people and objects with a camera so small that even an insect could carry it, along with the actual process. This must have been a particularly great learning opportunity for the “AI Traffic Light” group, which plans to utilize this technology in its research in the future.
 During this two-day, fulfilling training program, students were able to experience a variety of hands-on training that they would not have learned otherwise. Although some of the content was difficult, they were able to learn a lot from the easy-to-understand and detailed instruction, and it gave them an opportunity to think about their future research and after graduation. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Professor Sato, the laboratory staff, and all the students.

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 4日目(その1)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 4 [Vol. 1]

 南洋理工大学(NTU)での研修も2日目に入りました。昨日の反省を踏まえて、朝から研究室のみなさんに英語で話しかけようとする生徒が増えてきました。また、講義や実習時にも自分から手を挙げたり、英語で質問を頑張ってみたりと、英語を活用しよう!この研修で何かを得て帰ろう! という意欲が少しずつ表に見えはじめたように思います。 


 お昼前には、学生さんに、NTUの象徴とも言われる特徴的な建物The Hive(日本語で「蜂の巣)という意味)、昨年できたばかりだというアジア最大級の木造建築「ガイヤ」、雲南庭園と呼ばれ、観光客にも人気の中国式の庭園など、南洋理工大学を代表する様々な場所を案内していただきました。建物の構造や植えられている植物などに生徒たちは興味津々です。東京ドーム43個分とも言われる広大な敷地を一部分ですが巡ることができ、学生さんたちの普段の姿も見ることができて、とても貴重な体験でした。

     We are now on the second day of training at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). More and more students have been trying harder in speaking English. We can see their attitude and action have been changing day by day. 

 Today's training began with a session on motion capture systems. This is a technology that digitizes the movements of people and objects, and is widely used in movies and games. The students put on helmets and gloves with markers and moved freely to see how their movements were reproduced on the computer. Later on, they also had the opportunity to try on a VR camera and move around in a virtual world, providing a fulfilling experience for them to learn something new.

 Before lunch, the students were guided around the various representative sites, including "The Hive," a distinctive building that is said to be the symbol of NTU; "Gaia," one of the largest wooden buildings in Asia, which was completed just last year; and a Chinese-style garden called the "Yunnan Garden," which is popular among tourists. The students were given a tour of the building's structure, plantings, and plants. They were very interested in the structure of the buildings and the plants planted here and there in the campus. It was a very valuable experience for us to be able to visit a part of the vast site, which is said to be 43 times the size of Tokyo Dome, and to see the NTU students in their daily lives.

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 3日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 3 [Vol. 2]





 The first group to present today was the “AI Traffic Signal” group, who worked hard together to present the mechanism of AI Traffic Signals, the differences between AI Traffic Signals and ordinary Traffic Signals, and the challenges faced by AI Traffic Signals and their proposed solutions (in English, of course!). The second was the “Sea Level” group, which had a presentation on the prediction of sea level rise using diatoms and pollen, and making a hazard map based on the prediction. The last group, the “Cluster Amaryllis” group, presented how to utilize the poison contained in the flowers called Cluster Amaryllis, for weeding abandoned farmlands. Do you want to know how the presentations were? Well, although they had practiced, when it came time to present, they got nervous and confused. Especially in the Q&A session, some groups had difficulty in understanding the questions, and there were many occasions when they froze. It was also pointed out that the presentation slides lacked creativity in making them easy to understand. On the other hand, they were praised for their interesting subject of our research and received some very helpful advice for their future research.

 At the meeting afterwards, students reflected on today's results and expressed their opinions and determination on what they would like to try harder tomorrow. Although there were many aspects of today's activities that did not go well, they realized some important things; what they should have done beforehand, or what they should do to improve their English skills to make their presentations more effective. There is only one day left of our stay in Singapore. Let's each of us do our best so that we will not have any regrets!

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 3日目(その1)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 3 [Vol. 1]

 南洋理工大学(NTU)での研修に向けて朝からパリッと制服姿の生徒たちは、心なしか緊張している樣子ですが、しっかり朝食をとると、大学へ向けて出発しました。ホテルから大学までは少し距離がありますが、最寄りのPioneer駅までは予想したほどの混雑もなく、無事に到着しました。駅からはバスで大学に向かうのですが、既に駅の時点で周りはNTUの学生と思われる若者で溢れています。そして、バスの車内は、人、人、人…! 短い乗車時間ではありましたが、3万人以上の学生数を誇るNTUの規模の大きさを改めて感じた出来事でした。


【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 2日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour Day 2 [Vol. 2]

 さて、午後の研修ではチャンギ空港の近くにある離島「ウビン島」へ向かいます。今日の移動では、シンガポールで初めてのバス乗車に挑戦! ここで私たちが活用したのはシンガポールで販売されている「ツーリストパス」、つまり、公共機関が乗り放題になる旅行者向けのパスです。このパスを機械にタッチし、乗車。早速、2階に向かいます。そう、シンガポールの路線バスは2階建てバスが多いのです(ざっと見たところ半分以上!?)。2階からの眺めを楽しみつつ、ウビン島行きのフェリーターミナルに向かいます。終点のチャンギ・ヴィレッジから船に乗り、わずか10分ほどでウビン島へ! さぁ、いよいよ離島上陸です!




 In the afternoon, we are visiting Plau Ubin, a remote island near Changi Airport. For today's trip, we tried riding a bus for the first time in Singapore! We used the “Singapore Tourist Pass,” a pass for that allows unlimited rides on public transportation. All you need is touch this pass to the machine and board the bus. We immediately headed for the second floor. Yes, many buses in Singapore are double-decker buses (more than half of them, at a glance!). Enjoying the view from the second floor, we headed for the ferry terminal to Pulau Ubin. From the terminal at Changi Village, it is only a 10-minute boat ride to Pulau Ubin! Now, it is time to land on the remote island!
 According to the Singapore government website, Plau Ubin is approximately 10 square kilometers in area and retains the rustic beauty of a bygone era. The island, with its ponds, wetlands, coastal forests, and once-operating granite mines, is home to palm trees, mangroves, dragonflies, butterflies, fish, birds, small animals, and a wide variety of other creatures.
 Upon arrival there, we first had lunch in Kampong, one of the last villages in Singapore, and then headed for the wetlands, observing a wide variety of flora and fauna. We walked about 3 km, looking at colorful tropical flowers and trees with fruits that we had never seen before, and arrived at our destination. It was quite a good exercise! Unfortunately, the lizard we found eescaped quickly so we were unable to get a good look at it, but we observed cicadas with a different sound than in Japan, uniquely shaped fish, birds with a sound unlike anything we had ever heard, and even groups of monkeys. After the observation, we had a discussion about the differences in soil and vegetation from the Shiratake wetlands we observed in Japan, as well as the organisms we observed, and were able to deepen our understanding of the ecosystem of Ubin Island.
 The second day's schedule ended with a presentation practice after dinner, and the training at Nanyang Technological University will finally begin tomorrow. Our six students are looking both hopeful and anxious, wondering whether they will be able to give their presentations and answer questions in English. We will do our best to support them so that they can make the most of this unique training opportunity.

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 2日目(その1)



 余談ですが、この講義では国際交流の支援などを行っている「クレアシンガポール事務所」の会議室をお借りしました。クレアのオフィスがあるこのRuffle's Placeというエリアは、シンガポールの中心業務地区なのだそうです。駅を出ると立ち並ぶビル群に迎えられ、感嘆の声をあげるや否や、一斉に写真を撮り出す生徒たち。さらに、クレアが入っている近代的な高層ビルのセキュリティや近代的な設備(エレベーターも段違いの性能。30階まであっという間です!)に、自然豊かな天草からやってきた私たちは、ひたすら驚くやら圧倒されるやらでした。




 The second day in Singapore started with a buffet breakfast. In addition to bread and coffee, there were some unique dishes such as peanut porridge and kaya jam (jam made from sugar, eggs, coconut milk, and pandan leaves) used for kaya toast, which is considered one of Singapore's soul foods.

     In the morning, we had a lecture was given by Mr. Horie of HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited). In preparation for this lecture, the students had been researching HSBC's business and decarbonization initiatives, but he also talked about his past experiences in Japan and overseas, the differences between Singapore and Japan, and the way of thinking of the country and its people. The lecture, which was conducted in a discussion style, was very fulfilling, and the two hours went by very quickly.  As you can see one of the photos above, we also had a chance to see the Merlion, which was only a 3-minute walk from the lecture hall!

 By the way, for today's lecture, we borrowed the conference room of Clare Singapore Office.  Clare is an organization which provides support for international exchanges (We have a Clare in Kumamoto too!) The office is located in the area called Ruffle's Place is the central business district of Singapore. As soon as the students exited the station Ruffles Place, they were so amazed by a row of buildings, and they started to take pictures at once. We were all astonished and overwhelmed by the security and modern facilities of the modern high-rise building where Clare is located.

 We didn't know that the three active people who helped us, Mr. Kuroiwa and Mr. Yamaguchi of Clare, and the lecturer, Mr. Horie (from Amakusa), are all from Kyushu. Through this wonderful opportunity, the students should have become familiar with the idea of studying and working abroad and realized their own potential. We would like to thank everyone for their support - thank you very much!

 In the afternoon, we are saying goodbye to these high buidings in Ruffle's place and visiting “Ubin Island,” a remote island where nature remains as it did in the past. If you are interested, please stay tuned!


【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 1日目(その3)/ Singapore Study Tour [Vol. 3]




 After dinner, students had a presentation practice & meeting. First, they practiced their presentations in English and had a Q&A session. The students participating in this training program belong to three groups: the Sea Level Group, which aims to develop hazard maps reflecting sea level fluctuations; the AI Traffic Signal Group, which is researching the practical application of AI traffic signals in Japan; and the Cluster Amaryllis Group, which aims to inhibit weed growth on abandoned farmland by utilizing toxins contained in the flower. Although their presentations still need lots of improving, we could see each group tried hard to make their presentations easy to understand by memorizing their scripts or thinking of ways to attract the audience's attention. The students listening to the other groups also worked hard, asking questions and giving them advice in English. Well, we know it's not easy to have presentations in English, but you can continue to work hard to make it better until the last minute. We are sure you can do it!

 Tomorrow morning, we will have a lecture by a person who works at HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation), and in the afternoon, we will conduct an ecological survey on the island of Ubin. We expect that the students will make the most of their prior learning in Japan, and learn things that they can only experience here!

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 1日目(その2)/ Singapore Study Tour [Vol. 2]




 After a deceptively smooth immigration process which made us so releaved, we finally departed from the airport for the city of Singapore. Outside the baggage area, our tour guide, Alex, welcomed us with a warm smile. We used Singapore's MRT subway system during the tour There were some transfers, but thanks to Alex's attentive assistance, it didn't take long to get to the hotel.
 Although we did not have any classses or workshops today, the students seemed to have experienced and learned a lot. At Changi International Airport, we were surprised at its good smell (where did it come from?), and found using the Wi-Fi was so easy, or enjoyed a soothing green and water spots that made us feel as if we were in a park.They also made a discovery on the subway. Unlike the train and subway lines in Japan, the MRT in Singapore is so easy to change trains as the next train arrives just outside the door. No need to walk at all! Another learning experience was a stop at a shopping mall connected to the station. There were several Japanese chain stores (doughnuts, yakiniku, fried chicken, etc...), a big rock climbing facility at the end of the escalator, a sports store that only accepts credit cards, etc. They were all new to our students.
 Dinner was served at a restaurant in the hotel. We enjoyed a delicious meal of egg soup, fried rice and rice noodles, and stir-fried Chinese-style vegetables. After dinner, meeting & presentation practice awaits. Good luck, everyone!

【ASⅡ】シンガポール研修 1日目(その1)/ Singapore Study Tour [Vol. 1]



 シンガポールまでの搭乗時間は5時間と少し。備え付けのテレビでは定番のものから新しいものまで映画も見放題で、この分だとあっという間に着いてしまいそうです。映画には英語で字幕もつけることができ、入国前に耳慣らしもできそうですね! 当たり前かもしれませんが、外国の航空会社ということで、機内食やドリンクの注文もすべて英語。大丈夫かな?と生徒たちの樣子をうかがってみましたが、日頃の英語の勉強の成果か!?それぞれしっかりお目当ての食事をゲットしたようです。ちなみに、今日の機内食は「牛丼orシーフードパスタ」。キンキンに冷えたざるそばまで付いています。食事後はハーゲンダッツのアイスクリームまで出ました。早起きと移動の疲れも、少し取れた気がします。次の記事は、シンガポールからお送りしますね!

   It's a departure day! The six students gathered at the school before dawn, looking excited.  After taking a bus, a bullet train, and underground, we arrived at Fukuoka Airport for our international flight - it is alreay a long way from Amakusa! The airport was a bit crowded, but the automatic baggage check-in machine, which was introduced in May this year, did a great job and made our check-in very smooth.

 We passed the passport control without any problem, and we were on our way to the boarding gate in no time at all. We will be flying with Singapore Airlines, which won first place in the “World Airline Ranking” last year. On the plane, we could hear languages other than Japanese here and there, and we were feeling we were going abroad finally.

 The flight to Singapore takes a little over 5 hours. The TV set on the plane is equipped with so many movies you can watch, both new and old favorites. The movies can be subtitled in English, so it's good for our students who need to familiarize themselves with the language before entering the country! Needless to say, all in-flight meals and drink orders are in English, but against our worries, each of the student succeded in getting the meal they wanted.  Today's meal was either "Beef bowl (gyudon)" or "Seafood pasta." It even came with a bowl of cold Zaru soba (buckwheat noodles), which was acutally very tasty. After the meal, Haagen-Dazs ice cream was served. Hurray! It relieved our fatigue of waking up early and traveling.

    More articles from Singapore shortly!









【ASⅡ】白嶽湿地での実習 後半 〜SSH海外研修に向けて〜



【ASⅡ】白嶽湿地での実習 前半 〜SSH海外研修に向けて〜

