【ASⅢ】協力して研究を進めています / Working as a team
Students in ASⅢ have been carrying their studies forward working as a team. A group studying electromagnetic induction was discussing using physics formulas and observing the streamflow from the window. They were rethinking the hypothesis and determining the direction of their study. Meanwhile, students studying on producing bioethanol from eelgrass, were planting more eelgrasses and cleaning the water tanks they use. They say they have to clean the tank every day, to keep the eelgrass photosynthesized properly. Their daily efforts will surely prove the saying “Continuity is the father of success.” some day.
This Saturday some students of the Science Club and ASⅢ students will participate in an academic conference at Kumamoto University. They will be joining poster presentations representing our school. As COVID-19 disaster has been settling down gradually, students are expecting to have more chances for presentations. We hope they can do their best!
【ASⅡ】バイオエタノール班にインタビュー / An interview with a group producing Bioethanol
Q どんな作物を使ってバイオエタノールを生成する予定ですか。
A 現時点では、サトウキビを原料として考えています。天草で栽培されていることと、廃棄する部分が多いのも理由です。
Q ほかの材料も考えていますか。
A サトウキビは穫れる期間があまり長くないので、麦芽や米、ぶどうやじゃがいもなども候補には入っています。
Q 先生方などから受けた助言があれば、教えてください。
A 3年生の先輩がアマモからバイオエタノールを生成する研究をされているので、よくお話を伺ったり、相談したりしています。今日、化学の先生から研究の新規性をもう少し考えることと、初めから多くの原料を試すのではなく、1つの原料でポイントを絞って研究するという助言をいただいたので、もう少しグループで話し合ってみたいと思います。
Today's AS class started with a presentation as usual. Although students watch a presentation every week, each presentation has a teacher's particular intention. Today they watched a presentation about producing hydrogen by using tea leaves. Students were expected to learn how to visualize what we cannot actually see with our eyes (in this case, hydrogen). After discussing the presentation, students formed 11 groups and planned how they will proceed with their research this year.
Here is an interview with students who study the production of bioethanol. They are to produce bioethanol from crops harvested in Amakusa, aiming for the future production of ethylene, without making noxious chemicals.
Interviewer (I): Which crops do you have in mind to use for your study?
Students(S): We’re thinking of sugar canes because they are grown here, and we hear much of their stems are not being used and are thrown away.
I: Do you have any other crops in mind too?
S: Yes, since sugar canes are seasonal crops, we might also consider some other local crops such as malt, rice, grapes, or potatoes too.
I: Have you received any useful advice from others?
S: There is a 3rd-grader’s group studying “production of bioethanol from eelgrass, so we talk to them and ask for advice now and then. Still, one teacher pointed out we needed to have novelty in our research, so we need to discuss it more.
<サンゴ班> サンゴの生態調査と保全を研究しています。
<化石班> 御所浦島の生痕化石を研究しています。
<赤潮班> 赤潮による被害の軽減を目指して研究しています。
<ホタル班> 天草のホタルの遺伝的変異を研究しています。
<アマモ班> 魚糞を活用したアマモ肥料の開発を研究しています。
【ATⅠ】田辺市の取組に学ぶ「これからの地域づくり」/ Learning advanced approaches in regional revitazation
In today’s ATⅠ, we had Mr. Nabeya Yasunori, a Tanabe City employee, who now works as an assignee at Kumamoto Univ. He told us about some advanced approaches his city has been taking to revitalize the city.
Experiencing the population decline, Tanabe City in Wakayama launched a project called “Tanabe Mirai Sojo Juku,” a project for local people to learn and start new business plans. One perspective he introduced to us today was “creating win-win situations for both regions and businesses.” If companies and their people can’t make a business out of what they do, it would be something far from sustainable. He told us about a French restaurant featured in the Michelin Guide 2022, which uses local ingredients and makes compost from food waste. He also introduced an eel company that has produced a new product using their eels and Japanese pickled plums, which had long been regarded as a taboo (people in the old days believed that eels and plums don’t go well together). Many people in Tanabe don’t think their city is having a difficult time, but rather, believe they have more chances for a brighter future.
Mr. Tanebe’s energetic presentation, done with his powerful Wakayama dialect, fascinated students, and the twenty-minute lecture flew by in a blink. In the following discussion, they talked about the “cool adults", who have been trying their best for their region, or connecting with others and did produce results.
Next week we’ll have a look at some unique activities done by cool adults in our city. We hope these special lectures will help students find their own research topics in the near future.
【ATⅠ】「持続可能な天草」とは/ “Sustainable Amakusa” would be like…
本日のATⅠでは、熊本大学 熊本創生推進機構地域連携部門部門長の金岡省吾先生より、2回目の講義を受けました。地域経済分析システム「RESAS」による「将来人口メッシュ増減率」の2050年の予想を見てみると、東京と名古屋以外のほとんどの地域で人口は減少しており、天草はというと、やはりほとんどの地域で人口は大幅に減少しています。では、人口減少が天草に及ぼす影響は具体的にはどのようなものなのでしょうか。また、私たちには何ができるのでしょうか。
We had a second lecture on Regional Revitalization from Professor Shogo Kanaoka from Kumamoto University. Today he introduced us to “RESAS,” a system for analyzing the regional economy in Japan. Looking at what would happen by 2050, we found that all regions, except Tokyo and Nagoya areas, would have a population decline, needless to say, the same would happen to most areas in our hometown. How would this affect people in Amakusa in particular? What could we do to prevent its disappearance?
During the lecture, students wrote down what impressed them or questions they had on their worksheet. They then discussed their ideas in groups of four. Here are some of the opinions, ideas, and questions they had.
- If there were less and less stores or petrol stations, which we cannot live without, there would be more people who cannot live there even if they want to.
- If we could travel to Kumamoto city in half an hour, for instance, it would be possible for people to live in Amakusa and work or study in Kumamoto city.
- We wondered if the population decline first happens, which leads to the decrease of stores, or vice versa.
Prof. Kanaoka says, “I hear many of you say you will, or want to leave Amakusa in the future. Of course it is ok. Still, I do want you to know that more and more people in big cities have found provincial regions very attractive. You may not believe me, but so many big companies and people in urban areas say it is very cool to do things in those regions!”
Through activities in this Inquiry Studies’ classes, students will probably learn not only about problems in Amakusa, but also about “cool adults,” in Prof. Kanaoka’s words, and their innovative activities here. Furthermore, we are also expecting them to find what they want to study after graduating high school. One day, they will surely realize why we call Amakusa “Treasure Islands of Japan.” Yes, we teachers try our best to be “cool adults” for them too!
【ASⅡ】研究の方向性は決まりつつありますが... / Brainstorming and discussions
As usual, today’s ASⅡ started with watching, then discussing, a research presentation. Today’s presentation was about research related to the unique structure of a flower. Students were impressed at how well the presenter prepared for the question and answer session: she answered every question without any hesitation, and already had an “answer slide” for anticipated questions. In today’s class, students also discussed which points made that research presentation superior to others. Two points noted were that experiments included models made by the researcher, and verified results of what she found out in the previous year.
Looking through the activity report the student started last week, students have studied previous research quite well, and most of them have a basic idea of what they would like to study. On the other hand, many of them need to narrow down what to study as well - they need to have a more specific idea on what kind of experiments to have, or what sort of figures they are expected to discover through their research. Students were struggling in deciding what to study. Meanwhile, some teachers visited each group, giving them some advice or helping them deliver better ideas. Brainstorming and shaping their plans at this initial stage will lead students to interesting research in the future. Keep up the hard work!
【ATⅠ】SDGsの取り組みを知ろう / SDGs-related actitivies around us
Going off of our last class, students spent time looking up information on the actual SDGs initiatives all over Japan. ETIC., an NPO corporation in Japan, provides us a database of “SDGs on-going initiatives” online, in which we can read thousands of SDGs-related activities all over Japan. For example, they introduced about 30 activities related to Goal No.13, a goal on climate change. Research on the sea level change due to global warming - done by our school’s graduates - is listed there too!
In class, each student chose two goals they found interesting and tried to learn what kind of activities there were based on those goals. Then they summarized each article so that they could share the information with their classmates. By looking at various activities related to SDGs, they came to realize there are many SDGs-related activities rooted in several communities all over Japan.
Today’s class will surely help students in choosing their research topic in ATⅠ. With what they experienced through last year’s ASⅠ classes, we hope students will seek their own ways to carry on inquiry-based studies!
【ATⅡ】「活動報告書」始めました! / Keeping an Activity Report
In today’s ASⅡ, students watched a presentation on the motions of swings, followed by a question-and-answer session. They discussed its good and bad points after watching. Having experienced this activity several times before, students are now better at finding both good and bad points about the presentations. Yet, it still remains difficult for them to point out problems of the presentation’s study itself.
After the discussion, students tried to get more information about the field they are interested in, which will be a help to decide on the themes of their group studies. Some students who already had some ideas in mind, were looking at as much previous research as they could to find a fresh concept of their own to study in the future. Some others were asking teachers for advice.
From today on, students will keep an activity report every time they have AS class. By writing it as soon as they finish the day, they will be able to look back on what they did and also foresee what they should do in their next class. This activity report will be a strong support for their study.