【ASⅢ】2年生+3年生=...? / Students in different grades working together
今年度になり、ASの授業も週1回、1時間のみとなっています。外に出てデータを集めたり、じっくり実験を行うことがなかなか難しい中、どの班も限られた時間を有効に使って研究を進めています。物理室と地学室の2箇所で研究を進めていますが、下の写真で分かるように、地学室は前に2年生ASクラス、後ろに3年生ASクラスがおり、何ともにぎやかです。2年生の研究テーマが決まると、2年生が物理室にも進出(?)し、異学年間で交流しながら研究を進めていく予定になっています。継続研究の班が出てくるか? それとも、今までになかった超ユニークな研究が始まるか? 乞うご期待です!
Today's AS III session began with an explanation for the three groups that are hoping to participate in the SSH Research Presentation in Kobe in August. A presentation is scheduled for this time next week, on May 9, to choose the school representative who will go to Kobe. All three groups are now working hard to prepare for next week. Even with a limited time left, we’re sure that everyone will give their best. We have high expectations for them!
Although they used to have two hours’ research time a week, this year they have only one hour instead. While it is becoming more difficult for them to go outside to collect data or conduct time-taking experiments, all the groups are making effective use of the limited time to conduct their research. They have been working in two classrooms: the Physics and the Earth Science rooms. As you can see in the photos, in the Earth Science room, all the 2nd graders are working in the space in front, while some 3rd graders are working in the back. Later this term, some second graders will join them in the physics room, which will make all the 2nd and 3rd graders in AS class working in the same room. It will make it easier for them to ask questions or make suggestions to each other, and hopefully that will make each research even more interesting. Would you like to see what would happen? Please wait for our next article!
【ATⅡ】ようこそ、後輩! / Welcoming 2nd Graders
本日のATⅡでは、2年生の後輩たちが3年生の研究について質問に訪れる「質問タイム」が設定され、3年生の教室がいつも以上ににぎわっていました。2年生は、昨年度末に作成されたポスターを見て、研究内容に関する不明点や継続研究を見据えての質問を準備してきたようです。3年生は班員と協力しながら、1つ1つの質問に丁寧に答えています。中には、21人もの後輩たちが質問に訪れた班も! 緊張した面持ちで、最初はなかなか質問できなかった2年生でしたが、3年生が逆に2年生の去年の研究について尋ねたり、研究に関する意見を求めたりすることで場の雰囲気が和んでいきました。
In today's ATII, our classrooms were more crowded than usual because of “Question Time,'' during which 2nd graders came to ask questions about 3rd graders’ research. They prepared questions beforehand by looking at their research posters. There even was a group which had as many as 21 visitors! The 2nd graders looked a little nervous at first and could not really ask questions, but the seniors gave them a warm welcome and talked to them with smiles, which gradually made the younger students feel more relaxed.
Group 4, shown in the photo (research theme: “Let's investigate bus usage and contribute to revitalization!), had eight visitors, who actively asked questions about the issues involved in conducting the study and the current efforts being made to promote the use of buses.
Not only is this “Question Time” activity very meaningful for the 2nd graders, but it also helps the 3rd graders realize what they are missing in their research. Today, some of the groups found some research clues by talking with younger students. With this limited research time, making the most of each hour of activity means a lot. Keep up the good work, everyone!
【ATⅡ】より良い研究を目指して / Aiming for Better Research
Students started today’s AT II with checking their research posters so that they could identify areas in need of improvement in their research. Many groups have been struggling with having enough data as well as discussing results clearly. Some groups may even need to check if their hypothesis could be verified within the limited time left. Students are having discussions to make their last year in high school fulfilling.
A group trying to make a specialty of their town was reviewing the prototype product they made last year. They have been trying to make some orange pies using local oranges called “Dekopon.” Today they were calculating costs of their future products and discussing whether they should also try other citrus fruits. (Sounds delicious!)
Another group studying local folktales seemed to have decided to look into folk tales from inland areas as a comparison target. At the moment, the stories from Gifu Prefecture are in their mind. What are the characteristics of folktales from regions with different climates and culture from Amakusa? We cannot wait for the results!
In ATII, there are many groups conducting research not only in the natural sciences such as chemistry, biology, and physics, but also in the social sciences and humanities. We hope that the members of the groups can collaborate and interact with other groups to promote research activities that can contribute to the local community in their respective fields of interest.
【ASⅢ】研究が進んでいます! / Research in Progress
In today's second AS III, the head of SSH Department, Mr. Miyazaki first explained the research schedule and presentations for the year. Then the students immediately began their research activities in their groups. This year ASⅢ students moved to the Physics Room on the 3rd floor, and our 34 brilliant young researchers are now working on their research with enthusiasm!
For an hour today, each group made use of their time by sharing the progress of their research, preparing for experiments, and discussing and analyzing data. The photo below shows the "Electromagnetic Induction" group working on their research using a handmade shishio-doshi (a traditional Japanese water-filled device used to scare birds in the garden), and group "Soundproof" is working hard to build a soundproof room. Surprisingly, they have been using a heated cutter to make walls in various shapes - they are such great craftworkers! Anyway, each group is doing what they should be doing, not wasting a single second!
The biggest difference from last year is that their class period has been reduced to only 1 hour a week as opposed to 2, which means they must conduct their research even more efficiently than last year. First of all, the ARP Presentation in July will be the first presentation outside school this year for them. We hear that some of the groups have already started writing research papers! We hope that this year will be a fruitful one for all of you!
【ASⅡ】先行研究...からの情報交換会! / Sharing Information in Groups
その後、生徒たちは先行研究の調べ方を学びました。昨年度のASⅠでも先行研究を経験してはいますが、信頼できる論文や研究をこれまで以上にしっかり調べることが、今後の研究テーマや仮説の設定、研究計画の立案などに必ず生きてくるはずです。今日の授業では論文検索サイトの「J Stage」を活用して、自分が興味のある分野の論文や、今後の研究の参考になりそうな論文を探す時間を取りました。ここで得た情報を自分の言葉でプリントにまとめ、7限目には6班に分かれての「情報交換会」を行いました。
Today in the ASⅡ, we had a talk from Mr. Inoue and Mr. Tanoue at the beginning of the class. First, Mr. Inoue, a math teacher, talked about "non-Euclidean geometry," which he learned in college, and how mathematical knowledge such as statistics can be used to substantiate research results. Then Mr. Tanoue, a physics teacher, talked about "Newtonian mechanics." He also talked about the "data acquisition," which many senior students have been struggling with.
The students then learned how to research previous studies. Although they did some previous research in the AS I last year, researching reliable articles and studies more thoroughly will help them formulate research themes, hypotheses, and research plans in the future. Today, they spent some time using a website called "J-Stage" to find interesting articles.
In the 7th period, the students exchanged the information they got in smaller groups. Today’s classes would surely be another valuable learning opportunity!