
【ASⅢ】2年生+3年生=...? / Students in different grades working together


 今年度になり、ASの授業も週1回、1時間のみとなっています。外に出てデータを集めたり、じっくり実験を行うことがなかなか難しい中、どの班も限られた時間を有効に使って研究を進めています。物理室と地学室の2箇所で研究を進めていますが、下の写真で分かるように、地学室は前に2年生ASクラス、後ろに3年生ASクラスがおり、何ともにぎやかです。2年生の研究テーマが決まると、2年生が物理室にも進出(?)し、異学年間で交流しながら研究を進めていく予定になっています。継続研究の班が出てくるか? それとも、今までになかった超ユニークな研究が始まるか? 乞うご期待です!

























  Today's AS III session began with an explanation for the three groups that are hoping to participate in the SSH Research Presentation in Kobe in August. A presentation is scheduled for this time next week, on May 9, to choose the school representative who will go to Kobe. All three groups are now working hard to prepare for next week. Even with a limited time left, we’re sure that everyone will give their best. We have high expectations for them!

 Although they used to have two hours’ research time a week, this year they have only one hour instead. While it is becoming more difficult for them to go outside to collect data or conduct time-taking experiments, all the groups are making effective use of the limited time to conduct their research. They have been working in two classrooms: the Physics and the Earth Science rooms. As you can see in the photos, in the Earth Science room, all the 2nd graders are working in the space in front, while some 3rd graders are working in the back. Later this term, some second graders will join them in the physics room, which will make all the 2nd and 3rd graders in AS class working in the same room.  It will make it easier for them to ask questions or make suggestions to each other, and hopefully that will make each research even more interesting. Would you like to see what would happen? Please wait for our next article!