

【ASⅢ】研究✕笑顔=???/ Can’t tell you what fun it is! 







In the 7th period, most ASⅢ students are preparing for the “ARP Inquiry Study Presentation,” which will be held on July 13th at Amakusa Civic Center.  (“ARP stands for “Amataka Research Project.”) You have no idea how energetic they are in the computer room!  There is little time left until their big day, but no one looks frustrated at all!  Everyone is fully enjoying what they are doing, smiling and even laughing!  Their smiles may be proving that their research days have been full of enrichment.

Some students are making presentation slides, while others are adding some more explanations on their abstracts or checking their data again.  They are focusing on what needs to be done in each group. Still, they are enjoying themselves indeed.  ASⅡ students, who have just started, would probably enjoying what they’re doing just like their seniors are now.  They will be strongly united as a group: discussing and advising each other.  Looking at what their seniors are doing with passion always inspires juniors.  

We wish they could tell the pleasure of studying to their juniors!  We hope they could tell people inside/outside school about what they have devoted themselves to, and the significance of their study would be fully acknowledged!  

July 13th - your proudest moment of school life will come soon! 

【ASⅡ】研究計画書の奥深さ / Polishing the research plans





With their submitted research plans, ASⅡ students are polishing their plans with teachers’ advice.  Today Prof. Tamaru (from Sojo University) is with us - he is the person who always listens with a warm smile and draws out students’ spontaneous ideas - such a strong supporter for us!

Reading the research plan of the group “Essential Oil," which is trying to figure out the oil’s effect on relaxation,  Prof. Tamaru is concerned about their research background.  He said, “If you say you want to research the relaxing effect of oils, there should also be the fact that people are not relaxed enough or well.  You need to write that in the background with related data, so that you can prove the need of your study.  Otherwise, your hypothesis or research plan won’t make sense. '' He also advised that students can try searching images online, which may lead them to the useful data for their research.  The students immediately tried image search, and it helped them a lot.  Now they are actively discussing how to rewrite their research background.

Another group called “Sound,” also got similar advice on their research background.   They are to study soundproofing and sound absorption, but the professor pointed out that they need more persuasion in their research background: “It’s ok to start your research from your interest, but that is not enough to explain the necessity of what you are trying to study.” Students were listening with strained faces. The professor added, “There is no one and true answer, so feel free to tell me whatever you think.” Then, students gradually came to tell their thoughts in their own words.  He drew out ideas by asking questions like “What problems are you trying to solve?” or “Why would you use wood, but not other objects?” - There seems to be a lot more to discuss in the group.

The first step of their study - “The Research Plan” - is not only for themselves, but also something that can convince others of the necessity and significance of their study.  Probably much more profound than what they initially thought, right? Although students say they are finished planning, can we ever consider their research finished? There probably is no “perfect research plan” in this world, but at least it needs to be the one which tells others our true intentions.  Such a profound thing, a research plan!  


























6限目は「天草の生物多様性」というテーマで、九州大学理学部准教授の新垣 誠司様に講義いただきました。「変化に富んだ熊本の海が場所の多様性を生み、生物多様性に繋がっている」というお話を聞き、天草の海の魅力の要因を知ることができました。また、比較研究の対象には注意が必要であることなど、今後の研究上の注意点もわかりやすくお話しくださいました。

7限目は「天草と災害について〜天草の成り立ちと自然災害〜」をテーマに、熊本大学大学院最先端科学研究部地球環境科学分野教授の松田 博貴様に講義をいただきました。「天草の自然を知りどんな災害が起こり得るのかを知ることが大切」という言葉を聞き、生徒たちも自分ごととしてお話を聞いていました。


























【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】締切迫る!研究報告書 / How nice to have reliable seniors!






Students’ activity reports are due today, so this is the final sprint!

 One group studying “Maihagi,” or telegraph plant in English, has been thinking about how to digitize the movement of the plant.  They found some previous research on the plant, but found it difficult to fully understand.  They are putting their heads together and discussing the best way.

Another group “Sphenoceranus,” where students are studying a kind of clams that lived during the Cretaceous period, is planning their study trip to Goshonoira, which is known as “Fossil Island.”  There is a place, so-called “The Wall of Sphenoceranus,” which has thousands of fossils, since it used to be at the bottom of the ocean.  Heeding advice from a teacher, they are trying to make more detailed plans, and deciding what kind of data they should collect.

Another one called “Essential Oil,” is continuing the study of their seniors before.  They are trying to extract essential oil from locally-grown plants such as cypresses or olives in order to learn about their relaxing effects.  How can we measure the “relaxing effect”? They are currently figuring out how. 

In the seventh period (two hours before the deadline!) came ASⅢ students, and some 2nd graders didn’t miss the chance to ask questions to their seniors.  While a student studying fertilizer made from fish feces was asking a senior for advice, a student studying electromagnetic induction was asking another senior to check the activity report.  How nice to have reliable seniors!