

【ATⅡ】本評価を実施しました / An Evaluation Interview Day


 さて、今日はARP探究成果発表会のスライド・ポスターの1次提出締切日にもなっています。特にスライド発表班は1からスライドを作るので大変ですが、どの班も少ない時間を有効利用して頑張っています! 7月の発表会でこれまでの探究成果をしっかり伝えられるよう、担当者とのディスカッションを重ね、より良い発表資料に仕上げていってください!

 An evaluation has come! After completing their evaluation sheets, each student is interviewed by their supervisor in a separate room for the main evaluation. The evaluation this time is called “C2,” which evaluates if the students have considered things well in their research and drew proper conclusions. As this is the third year of the inquiry activity, the evaluation is becoming a little more difficult. The students all looked a little nervous in the interview. In class, students are almost always using their chromebooks  to gather and summarize information, but during the interview, of course, they are unable to refer to chrome or anything else. Each student was recalling their previous research and carefully explaining in their own words how they had discussed with others, how they had set up and tested new hypotheses, and so on.

 Today is also the deadline for the first submission of the slides and posters for the ARP Inquiry Results Presentation. The slide presentation groups in particular need lots of work in creating their slides from scratch, but all groups, including poster presentation groups are trying their best. Students, please keep discussing with other students or teachers to make your slides or posters even better so that you can convey the results of your research at the presentation in July.

【AS・AT】SSH特別講演会 / SSH Special Lecture







【ASⅡ】「運命の」論文探し!? / For “Fateful Encounter” with Papers



 論文の調べ方・活用の仕方は、その後の研究の質に大きな影響を与えます。研究がはじまって間もないこの段階でしっかりと論文を読みこむことにより、今後の研究活動はより充実したものになることでしょう。ひらめきは大切、でも、研究が思い込みや行き当たりばったりにならないよう、しっかりとした下調べもまた大切です! 専門家が書いたボリュームのある論文を読むのは、高校生にとってなかなか根気のいる作業かもしれません。それでも、今後の研究を左右する論文と出会えるよう、検索の仕方も工夫しながら、あきらめず1つ1つ論文にあたっていきましょう!











     In AS II, each group has been coming up with various ideas and discussing them with their teachers, but students are beginning to feel that it’s getting harder to make plans based only on their own ideas. As such, it was decided what the students should do in today’s class, which is  "searching for papers." This is to find out what is known and what is not, in order to understand the current status of the research they want to do.

 Mr. Miyazaki, the SSH Research Director, gave them some tips on how to search for papers on the electronic journal platform called "J-STAGE." He gave them specific search tips, such as sorting by "publication date" instead of "hit rate," excluding too old articles, and searching for other articles and materials from the references in the articles. The students were trying to use these methods so that they could search for papers that were more relevant to their research.

 Researching good quality papers will surely have a great impact on the quality of subsequent research. By reading papers carefully at this early stage of research, future research activities will be more fulfilling. Inspiration is important, but it is also important to do thorough preliminary research to ensure that our research does not become conjectural or haphazard! Reading voluminous papers written by experts may be quite time-taking and a hard task for high school students. Even so, by searching through papers one by one, without giving up, the students can come across papers that will lead you to better research in the future. Never give up!





【ASⅢ】実験日和! / A Great Day for Experiments

 梅雨入りしたはずが意外と雨が少なく、天草では綺麗な青空が広がっています。今日のASでは実験を頑張っている班が多く見られました。ASの授業中は、指導担当、兼、取材担当の私(=SSH研究部員)がいつも教室をうろうろし ています。生徒たちはカメラを向けられても全く動じないばかりか、最近は「先生、シャッターチャンス!」と言って、インスタ映え(?)しそうな活動の場面に私を呼んでくれるようになりました。






       レゴで実験!「テトラポッド」班           おいしそう(?)な「イシクラゲ」班





















   They say the rainy season has already begun, but surprisingly we have the beautiful blue skies again here in Amakusa. Today in ASⅢ, many groups are working hard on their experiments. During these AS classes, I, who is in charge of teaching and reporting AS, always wander around the classroom with a camera. Now, having gotten used to having me take their pictures, almost no students pay special attention to me when I go close to them and take some photos. In fact, Nowadays they even call me, saying "Come over to get a perfect photo, Ms.!” 

 The photos above are of the students doing some experiments. The "Tetrapod Group," which has been planning an experiment on wave attenuation using LEGO, is finally conducting an experiment using their original walls made with LEGO & a 3D printer. The experiment "Nostoc Commune Group" is doing almost looks like cooking!  “Nostoc Commune,” sometimes called “Star jelly” or “Mare’s eggs”, looks like the seaweed we eat in miso soup.  The students are soaking their “jellies” with various liquids (river water, detergent, even bath salts!) in petri dishes. The "Electromagnetic Induction group" is counting numbers along with their rolling of coils, as if they were doing muscle training. Of course they are not doing this to build muscles, but it is part of their power generation experiments. 

   The results of their research, including these experiments, will be presented at their ARP (Amataka Research Process) Presentations on July 18. The stage presentation will also be available online, so we hope you will make plans to attend.

 For more information on the ARP Presentations, please click here↓















【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】学年を越えて / Working Together



 このような活動形態になってまだ2週目ですが、場所によってはどれが何年生か見分けがつかないくらい、溶け込んで(?)いるところもあります! これから2年生の研究が進むにつれて、きっと3年生は困ったときの道しるべとなってくれることでしょう。なかなか自分から話しかけるのが苦手な2年生も、わたしたちスタッフがサポートしますので、心配はいりません。学年を越えてみんなで「協働」していきましょう!









  It has been a week since students in AS II and III started working in the same classroom. How are they doing? Let's take a quick peek into the classrooms.

 The three pictures below show, from left to right, the Earth Science classroom, the Physics classroom, and the Chemistry lab during AS class in the seventh period today. The 3rd graders are shown in light green, the 2nd graders in blue, and orange are their teachers. Now you can see how they are in the same classroom. 

 This is only the second week with this environment change, but students of different grades blend in so well in some places, that it is sometimes hard to tell which one is which! As the second-year students' research progresses, the third-year students will surely be able to help guide the younger students when they need help. Even if you are rather shy, don't worry, as we teachers are always here for you to support. Let's all enjoy working together in class!

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】よく遊び、よく学べ / ”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. ”

  英語のことわざに、” All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. “というものがあります。直訳すると、「仕事ばかりで遊ばないジャックは、退屈な少年になる」。日本語の「よく学び、よく遊べ」ということわざに相当するとも言われるこのことわざにちなんで、今日はよく遊んでいる(!?)様子の、ASⅡ・ASⅢの4つ班にスポットを当ててみました!!

 最初に目に留まったのは、物理室で活動している3年生の「テトラポッド班」。この班は先週も楽しそうにレゴで遊んで(?)いて、気になっていました。高校生が、なぜ授業中にレゴで遊んでいるのか?? 実は、この班は名前の通り、「テトラポッド」と波の関係を調べています。レゴで作っていたのは、「空隙率(すきま)」の異なる壁。この壁を利用して、波の減衰との関係を実験するのだそうです。

 次に訪れた地学室で見つけたのは、車と信号の絵の「お絵かき」をしている班。この2年生の「プログラミング班」で今考えているのは、AIの画像解析などを利用して、信号の赤・青の切り替えをより効率的にする方法なんだそうです。ということは、今後は「渋滞で仕事に遅刻」という状況もなくなるかもしれませんね!! この研究、期待できそうです...!

 同じ教室で、「水遊び」している生徒たちも発見! この、3年生の「メタンガス班」は、2名と少人数の班で、とても仲良しで有名(?)です。今日は、水上置換法(久々に聞きました!)で、メタンガスを別容器に移し、これからガスの濃度を調べるとのこと。がんばって!


 このように、ASⅡ・ASⅢの授業は多くの「遊び」、もとい、多くの学びにあふれています! 今週から3教室にて2,3年生が入り混じって研究活動を行っています。学年を超えて学びあい、更にパワーアップしそうな気配の生徒たちです。「研究者の卵」の今後にご期待ください!


   テトラポッド班       画像解析班        メタンガス班        音班








 There is an English proverb that says, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” It means almost the same as a Japanese proverb, “Learn well and play well.” As you can see in the photos, students in ASII and ASIII always enjoy their research by “playing well.“ Now we’ll introduce four groups that seem to be having a lot of fun in class.

 The first group that caught our eye was the “Tetrapod Group.” They were having fun playing with Legos last week too!  But why are they “playing” with Legos in class? Actually, as their group name suggests, they have been investigating the relationship between “tetrapods” and waves. What they were building with Legos were walls with different “porosity.” They will use these walls to experiment with the relationship with wave attenuation.

 The next group we found was “drawing” pictures of cars and traffic signals. What this “Image Analysis group” is currently working on is a more efficient way to switch red and blue traffic signals using AI image analysis and other methods. This may mean that there will be no traffic jams anymore so we will never be late for work again! This research looks promising...!

 We also found students ”playing” with water! This “Methane Gas group” is using the water displacement method to displace methane gas into a separate container to test the concentration of the gas. Hope you can get the result you need!

 Lastly, we found some students frying a cutter with a gas burner. They are using the cutter to process a urethane sound-absorbing board to create a soundproof wall with a more sound-absorbing shape. Well, actually they have been doing this for quite a long period -  may it be completed soon so they can experiment!

 As you can see, AS II and AS III offer many opportunities to “play,” or “learn!” Starting this week, 2nd and 3rd graders will be doing joint research activities together in three classrooms, and it looks like the students will have even more fun. If you are interested, please learn more about them on our school website.