

【ASⅡ】久々の研究活動 / Enjoying our research

 海外研修の代替研修も無事終了し、今週のASⅡでは久々の研究活動が活発に行われています。何かを作ったり、機械や装置などを使ったりしている班も多く、みんな生き生きとしています! 中には、3月19日に行われるARP探究成果発表会に向けて、スライドを作り始めた班もあります。KSH、JICA研修など、学校外での発表経験も少しずつ増えてきています。これまでの経験を活かし、データに基づいた考察をしっかりと行うことで、発表会では各班、研究の成果をしっかり見せたいところです。


 色鮮やかな鯉や、のんびり日向ぼっこをする鴨たちを見ながら歩くこと15分。わが町が誇る、国の重要文化財!祇園橋までやってきました。なかなか風情があって素敵な石橋です。でも、うーん、川底は石や砂ばかりで、お目当てのヘドロは見つからず。困って「ヘドロはどこ?」と検索したところ、検索結果の上位に来たのは人気ゲームの「くろいヘドロ」の入手方法でした... すみません。ちゃんと自分たちの足で探すことにします。

 またしばらく歩くと、だんだん海の匂いがしてきました。塩分濃度を測り、水の流れが少ないところを探して、スコップを挿してみます。「黒いのあった!」「匂ってみて!」「くさい!やった!ヘドロだ!!」...うん、若者にこんなに喜んでもらえるなんて、ヘドロもきっと本望だと思います。バケツに「戦利品」を入れて、ついでにプラスチックゴミも拾いつつ、帰路についた2人。学校に帰ったら、このヘドロからの発電量を調べる作業が待っています。汽水域のヘドロと、それ以外の場所のヘドロの発電量はどう異なるのでしょうか? もしかしたら他にも違いがあるかも!? 気になる人は、是非3月の成果発表会で「汽水域班」の発表をお聞きください!






















   In AS II this week, Many of the groups are making something or doing some experiments, and it looks like everyone is enjoying their research! Some of the groups have started to make slides for the ARP presentation to be held on March 19.  We hope that each group can make the best of their presentation experience, and of course, can share what they have been devoting themselves with the audience!

      Today, the “Brackish-water” group went out to the river wearing waders. They were walking towards the ocean in search of sludge outside the brackish water area, as well as measuring the salinity of the river water. After 15 minutes of walking, they arrived at the Gion Bridge, which is a lovely and elegant stone bridge built in 1832.  Searching around the bridge, the river bottom was full of stones and sand, and there was none of the sludge they had been longing for…  feeling lost, they googled: "where is sludge?"  Do you know what they got? - Well, the top result was how to get one of the Pokemon items, "Black Sludge"...  looks like they have no other choice but to look for the “real” sludge by themselves.

       After walking again for a while, they gradually began to smell the ocean. The students measured the salinity, looked for a place where the water flow was low, and inserted a shovel into the mud - “I can see the black stuff!” “It smells really bad!” “Hurray! We got it!”  With their black "treasure" in the bucket, they headed back to school, picking up some plastic trash along the way.  After returning to school, they will have to investigate the amount of electricity generated from this sludge. How does the amount of electricity generated from sludge in brackish water differ from that of sludge in other areas? Maybe there are other differences too! If you are interested, please come and listen to the presentation by the "Brackish Water Group" in March!