

【ATⅡ】急いで、急いで!/ Chop-chop!

 ATⅡの授業前の休み時間のことです。今日はみんなポスターやスライド制作に精を出すことだろう...と思っていたら、廊下でジップロックに入れたみかんを手にした3年生を発見! 家庭科室で最後の実験を行うとのことだったので、久々に家庭科室におじゃましてみました。

 家庭科室に近づくにつれて、「ガタン、ゴトン」と、何とも家庭科室らしくない(?)音が聞こえてきます。恐る恐る覘いてみると、なんと20人以上もの生徒が、せっせと何やら切ったり、煮たり、つぶしたりしている様子。(益田先生、大勢で押しかけてすみません... )それぞれの班を周って何をしているのか聞いてみると、晩柑を加工して精油を抽出しようとしていたり、捨てられる豚肉と鶏肉の部位をミンチ状にして活用法を模索していたり、オリーブを潰して成分を取り出そうとしていたり、みかんの入浴剤を作ろうとしている班もいます。50分間の授業で片付けまでしなければならないこともあり、誰一人ぼーっとすることなく、忙しく動き回っていました。



              晩柑の皮、刻み中...                             ミンチ大作戦!












 During break time before AT II class, while assuming everyone must be frantically working on posters and slides today, we saw some students rushing toward the cooking room with something in their hands. It was an ATⅡ group going to conduct their last experiment, so we decided to go after them.

 As we got closer to the room, a clattering and thumping sound was heard. It did not sound like a home economics room at all!  Looking into the room, we found more than 20 students working hard to cut, boil, and mash something. (Thank you to Ms. Masuda, the home economics teacher who is always willing to help us!) In the room, some were trying to extract essential oil from mandarin oranges, some were mincing pork and chicken parts that would otherwise be thrown away.  Some others were crushing olives to extract their components, and the rest were trying to make mandarin orange bath salts. They had only 50 minutes for the experiments and clean-up, so everyone was busy moving around.

 A SSH special lecture is scheduled for the next week, and the week after next is already the first submission date for this evaluation & posters/slides. We hope everyone tries their best for their last presentations!