

【科学部】GLS2日目 / Global Link Singapore – Day 2



 夕食は、参加者全員でのfarewell dinnerでした。生徒たちはくじ引きで席を決め、他校の人と一緒のテーブルで食事をとりました。初めて話す人もいて最初は少し緊張していた様子の生徒たちでしたが、食事が終わるころにはすっかり打ち解け、笑顔で話したり、一緒に写真を撮ったりしていました。ホタル班のみなさんも、日本各地の高校だけでなく、台湾やタイなど海外の生徒とも積極的に交流し、友情を深めていました。高校生のパワーには本当に驚かされます。



     Today, nine groups from Basic Science, Applied Science, and Social Science, had presentations.  Each team did unique presentations, and they were all so fascinating.

     After that, we had the award ceremony, and then listened to the judges.  They gave us some tips in making slides and some important points we should focus on during the research.  This advice would surely help us a lot in the future!

     After the closing ceremony, we had dinner together at a Chinese restaurant.  Students’ seats were decided by the lottery, so they all sat with the students from different schools.  At first, everyone looked a little nervous, but by the time the dinner was over, they were already great friends, taking pictures together with a big smile.  These amazing future scientists always surprise us adults.

     Back at the hotel, we had the last meeting before the departure.  We discussed what we could have done and talked about what we should pass on to our juniors.  Tomorrow, on the last day of GLS, they will have a chance to have a tour at NTU (Nanyang Technological University) and listen to a lecture on insects.  We hope they will enjoy their stay until the last minute before leaving Singapore.  Keep learning!