

School Promotion Video Project! Vol.3



















 At the beginning of English classes today, we had a little award ceremony.  This is to acknowledge those who were chosen to be representatives for the promotion video making project in each class.  William-sensei gave each winner a “medal” (made with some sweets as you can see). Every winner looked a little shy but proud of the award. Some students even kept wearing their medals during the class!

   The winning groups need to do some editing on the video, and we will add narrations by volunteer students. In April, hopefully we can “release” the completed video, which means the all five videos together with some narrations to connect them. It will surely be a very unique and fascinating video! We can’t wait to watch it soon!

School Promotion Video Project! - Vol.2



 今回のプロジェクトを通して、生徒たちの輝く姿をたくさん見ることができました。「英語は苦手」という生徒が笑顔でナレーションを考えていたり、動画編集が上手な生徒が他の班にレクチャーしていたり。お互いの良さを認め合う、素敵なプロジェクトになりましたね! さて、クラス代表はどのグループになるでしょうか? 来週月曜の結果発表をお楽しみに!












Today in English Communication II, we watched the finished promotion videos in class. Although all the videos in the class were created on the same theme, each came out very unique. Listening to other groups, students learned things like good use of charts and diagrams, or creative use of subtitles. We teachers were also surprised at how stylish and cool the videos were. The young are talented in using digital devices indeed!

 After watching the videos, students looked back on what they have learned through the project. Almost all wrote positive comments, such as  "It was fun," "We were able to cooperate as a group," and "I enjoyed using English.” William the ALT, was very impressed with how each group created a unique video in a short period of time. On the other hand, there are some problems in some videos; there were some subtitles spelled incorrectly, and some were hard to hear as the volume and quality of the narration needed improvement.

 Through this project, we were able to see the students shine. Students who are not confident in English were smiling while making narrations. Also, there were many other “video editing masters” who looked happy lecturing the others. It was a wonderful project in which we recognized each other's strengths! 

    Now, we’re sure our students are feeling relieved after completing the hard work. Well done, everyone! Please wait until Monday next week to see which group will be the class representative!











英語コミュニケーションⅡ School Promotion Video Project!





























    In English Communication II class, students are working on the "School Promotion Video” project this month. They have been working hard to make a school introduction video in English for people overseas to watch. Each class is working on a different part of the video, and the themes of each group are as follows: 

   Class 1: Classes 

   Class 2: Club Activities

   Class 3: Extracurricular Activities

   Class 4: Events 

   Class 5: Facilities

   The submission deadline is this Thursday & Friday.  As you can see in the pictures above, the students are exchanging ideas on which scenes to use and how to narrate them. Some students even went outside to record - actually it was such a beautiful day and it was so relaxing in the courtyard!  All the groups seem to be enjoying themselves a lot. Once they’re done, the best video of each class will be chosen, and “the best five” will be combined to make the “School Promotional Video.” Now, which group will be chosen? We are looking forward to the completion of the video, each full of individuality! 

数科学探究Ⅰ「シャボン玉実験!?」 / Soap Bubble Experiment!?



 生徒たちは、周りと相談しつつ様々な予想をしています。意見が出尽くしたところで、「答え合わせ」! それぞれの図形をバケツに沈め、そっと取り出してみます。さて、膜はどこに張っているのでしょうか...? 

 今回は3つのモデルを使って同じように実験をしてみました。さて、ここで本題。どうしてこのような膜の張り方になるのでしょうか?? 生徒たちは顔を見合わせています。どうも、この理由を知るヒントの1つは、「安定」という言葉が鍵になりそうです。なお、正四面体の中の膜は「メタン」と同じ構造をしているとのことですが、これを読んでいるみなさん、この形に見覚えがありますか?

 しばらく考察を行った後、生徒たちは実際に膜の面積や角度を計算することになりました。中には化学の資料集を持ち出して情報を得ようとしている生徒もいます。予想した膜の張り方と、実際の膜の張り方では、何が違うのか? まさに「数学と化学の融合」の数科学探究。みんなが楽しみつつ、真剣に学習している様子が印象的でした。












  In today's “Math-science explorationⅠ” class, the teacher was going to use an interesting experimental tool, which looked very interesting. She started the class with some objects and a bucket of liquid in her hand. Everyone was staring at her with excited faces, wondering what was going to happen. 

   When the chime rang, models of tetrahedrons and cubes appeared from the bucket, with a question from the teacher: "What will the shape of the bubble-soap films be after dipping each shape in the liquid?" I see, it was the soap bubble solution she had in the bucket!

 The students consulted with their classmates and made various predictions. When all the opinions had been expressed, the teacher showed them the answer using the models and walked around the classroom so that everybody could see them. She tried the same experiment using three different models. 

   Now, here is the main question. Why are the films stretched like that? The students look at each other. Apparently, one of the clues to understanding the reason for this is "stability."  By the way, she explained that the film inside the tetrahedron has the same structure as "methane" (sound familiar?).  

   After a short discussion, the students were asked to actually calculate the area and angle of the films. Some students brought out their chemistry resource books to get some information. What is the difference between the predicted films and the actual ones? This is truly a "fusion of math and chemistry" class. It was impressive to see everyone having fun while learning seriously.