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In one group, which tries to get to know the best movement of a runner to run the fastest, all three of the members are watching a movie of their experiment.

They are planning to analyze the result of the experiment later, and add the date they got it on their poster.

Students in another group are making the draft of their presentation and are practicing reading it.

I was moved by their hard work to get as much of a good result on their experiments as possible.

I hope they will have a wonderful performance on their presentation.


【ATⅠ】今年度最後の本評価でした / The last evaluation interview this semester




    In today's AT I, we conducted the C1 assessment: Processing Numerical Data. In this assessment, students are evaluated on what kind of numerical data they have obtained in previous experiments and surveys, and whether they can summarize their discussion of the data through writing and graphs. The students looked somewhat nervous going into the interview with the teacher in charge.

 After the evaluation, the students regrouped to discuss and include graphs and other information in order to finish up their posters. They have only one more ATⅠ class to go before the deadline.

 Their "mini presentation" on March 14 will be a valuable opportunity to summarize what they have done throughout the year, explain it to people outside the group and receive some advice. We cannot wait to see what their posters will be like. Keep up the good work!



【ASⅡ】時間との戦い / Against the clock

 研究成果発表会まで約1か月となりました。限られた時間の中で可能な限りデータを追加しようと、どの班も実験などに必死な様子です。実験や調査結果の考察をするには、「信頼できる」かつ「ある程度の数の」データを集めることが必要です。さて、あと1か月で必要なデータを揃えることはできるのでしょうか? 時間との戦いです!

 とはいえ、色々な道具を駆使して実験を行っているみなさんは、いつ見ても楽しそうです。イシクラゲの細胞を観察したり、発電量を調べたり、ドローンを飛ばしたり! 研究は一日にしてならず。仮説の検証に向けて、一歩一歩進んでいくしかありません。みんなの「コツコツ」の集大成を3月の発表会で多くの方々に見てもらえますように!




















   Students have about a month to go before the presentation at Amakusa Civic Center. All the groups have been working hard to add as much data as possible in the limited time, and they are struggling with their experiments and other activities. In order to discuss the results of experiments and surveys, it is necessary to collect a “sufficient” amount of "reliable" data. Now, will they be able to gather the necessary data in just one month? It is a race against the clock!

 Although many of them are in a big hurry to collect more data, it is always fun to see everyone conducting experiments using a variety of tools. We can see a group observing the cells of a kind of cyanobacterium, another checking the amount of electricity generated, and another flying a drone outside. Needless to say, research is not done in a day - they have to go step by step to verify their hypotheses. We hope that many people will come and see the fruits of our labor at the presentation in March!

【ATⅠ】ポスターできるかな? / Poster Time!






  Today in AT I, each group began making posters for their presentations in preparation for the mini "Exploratory Results Presentation" scheduled for March 14. The students, who have not made posters since last year's presentation, must create graphs and tables based on the research proposal they made in October, and summarize their findings from the subsequent experiments and investigations. They realized that they did not have enough data, so they had to plan additional surveys (questionnaires), discuss whether they could formulate a hypothesis in the first place, and work on their posters at a rapid pace, as there was not much time for preparation before their presentations.

 In ATi I, students in the four second-year classes are divided into 26 groups for group research. Students choose their research themes based on their interests, both in the humanities and the sciences. Some research is in the sciences or physics, while others are working on social themes such as tourism or regional development. Although one hour per week is not a lot of time, each group is systematically working on their research, and they will spend two years carefully completing their research and making recommendations to the local community and the world.

 Now, we have one month until the mini presentation. Will they be able to present the results of their research to the other groups of students and teachers in an easy-to-understand manner? Each group should do their best, making use of the advice of their teachers.