







【ASⅡ】本評価を行いました / An Evaluation Day


 さて、本評価が終わった生徒から地学室に戻って研究の続きです。研究が進むごとに「インスタ映え」しそうな機器や手作り実験器具があちらこちらで見られるようになってきて、これぞAS!といった風景になっています。週に2時間、自分の好きなことを突き詰めることに授業時間を使えるなんて、なんて贅沢なんでしょうね。(と、大人になった私たちは思います。生徒はどうでしょう?) さて、各班の様子を見てみると、データをもう少し増やすために実験を重ねたり、検証のための追加実験を行うなどしながら、3月19日のAPR探究成果発表会に向けて準備を進めているようです。これまで順調に研究を進めてきているように見えた班がちょっと足踏みしていたり、熱心にディスカッションしていたり、急ピッチで実験を進めていたりなど、各班様々に頑張っています。






























     Today was the main evaluation for B2 (Collecting Numerical Data), C1 (Processing Numerical Data), and D4 (D4: Using English). After filling out their own self-assessment sheets in the Earth Science room, each student went to a separate room for the interview with their supervisor. The students tried their best to explain in their own words, sometimes with gestures, about the experiments they had conducted so far and their results, and how they used English in the JICA study tour.

 Now, after this evaluation, the students came back to continue their research. As the research progressed, various equipment and handmade experimental apparatuses were utilized here and there. What a luxury to be able to spend two hours a week of class time on figuring out what they love to do! The students are preparing for the APR (Amakusa Research Process) Presentation on March 19 by conducting additional experiments to add a little more data and to verify their findings. Some groups that had seemed to be making good progress until now are at a standstill, some are having heated discussions, and others are trying hard to obtain some more data. 

 At their presentation in March, students will have the opportunity to share what they have found with some university professors, researchers, and undergraduate students - those who they do not always have the opportunity to meet. These students’ AS class will play a leading role in both the presentation and management of the day. We hope that each group tries their best in every class so that they can make their presentations successful in March!