

【ASⅢ】実験日和! / A Great Day for Experiments

 梅雨入りしたはずが意外と雨が少なく、天草では綺麗な青空が広がっています。今日のASでは実験を頑張っている班が多く見られました。ASの授業中は、指導担当、兼、取材担当の私(=SSH研究部員)がいつも教室をうろうろし ています。生徒たちはカメラを向けられても全く動じないばかりか、最近は「先生、シャッターチャンス!」と言って、インスタ映え(?)しそうな活動の場面に私を呼んでくれるようになりました。






       レゴで実験!「テトラポッド」班           おいしそう(?)な「イシクラゲ」班





















   They say the rainy season has already begun, but surprisingly we have the beautiful blue skies again here in Amakusa. Today in ASⅢ, many groups are working hard on their experiments. During these AS classes, I, who is in charge of teaching and reporting AS, always wander around the classroom with a camera. Now, having gotten used to having me take their pictures, almost no students pay special attention to me when I go close to them and take some photos. In fact, Nowadays they even call me, saying "Come over to get a perfect photo, Ms.!” 

 The photos above are of the students doing some experiments. The "Tetrapod Group," which has been planning an experiment on wave attenuation using LEGO, is finally conducting an experiment using their original walls made with LEGO & a 3D printer. The experiment "Nostoc Commune Group" is doing almost looks like cooking!  “Nostoc Commune,” sometimes called “Star jelly” or “Mare’s eggs”, looks like the seaweed we eat in miso soup.  The students are soaking their “jellies” with various liquids (river water, detergent, even bath salts!) in petri dishes. The "Electromagnetic Induction group" is counting numbers along with their rolling of coils, as if they were doing muscle training. Of course they are not doing this to build muscles, but it is part of their power generation experiments. 

   The results of their research, including these experiments, will be presented at their ARP (Amataka Research Process) Presentations on July 18. The stage presentation will also be available online, so we hope you will make plans to attend.

 For more information on the ARP Presentations, please click here↓
