

【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】学年を越えて / Working Together



 このような活動形態になってまだ2週目ですが、場所によってはどれが何年生か見分けがつかないくらい、溶け込んで(?)いるところもあります! これから2年生の研究が進むにつれて、きっと3年生は困ったときの道しるべとなってくれることでしょう。なかなか自分から話しかけるのが苦手な2年生も、わたしたちスタッフがサポートしますので、心配はいりません。学年を越えてみんなで「協働」していきましょう!









  It has been a week since students in AS II and III started working in the same classroom. How are they doing? Let's take a quick peek into the classrooms.

 The three pictures below show, from left to right, the Earth Science classroom, the Physics classroom, and the Chemistry lab during AS class in the seventh period today. The 3rd graders are shown in light green, the 2nd graders in blue, and orange are their teachers. Now you can see how they are in the same classroom. 

 This is only the second week with this environment change, but students of different grades blend in so well in some places, that it is sometimes hard to tell which one is which! As the second-year students' research progresses, the third-year students will surely be able to help guide the younger students when they need help. Even if you are rather shy, don't worry, as we teachers are always here for you to support. Let's all enjoy working together in class!