

【ATⅠ】「かっこいい大人」たちと共に築く持続可能な天草/ Recreating sustaibale Amakusa with “cool adults” around us 本編 










Today’s lecturer is Mr. Shimasaki from Amakusa City Hall. He has a unique background: working in Japan’s Self-Defence force, at a nursery school, a restaurant, and dairy farming, before finally deciding to work for Amakusa.   

After he explained what population decline could result in, he introduced us to some of the “cool adults in Amakusa.”  He talked about a person who opened a dining bar which supports families with children.  He also talked about another person who visits elderly people’s homes as a skilled hairdresser.  Many adults in Amakusa are using their skills in order to meet regional challenges. Above all, they seem to enjoy themselves working for others and their hometown!  

We adults hear many students say: “we have nothing here.” Since Mr. Shimasaki once left Amakusa, his words carry some weight to us.  Although many students still don't fully get it now, his words, and words of “cool adults,“ shall win their hearts and minds some day.

“Why don’t you go meet cool adults this summer?”

“Amakusa WILL get more and more interesting. Don’t miss it!”

“Don’t wait for fun given by someone else, go find some yourself!”

Our sincere gratitude to Mr. Shimasaki, as well as to the Professors and staff members from Kumamoto University and Amakusa City for these lectures.  We will do our best in our research!