

【AS・AT】世界津波の日(番外編)/ In Three Days!

    ジャジャーン! 見てください!! 今年度の世界津波の日高校生サミットにかかる天草でのスタディーツアーで使用する手ぬぐいが、ついに完成しました!


 いよいよ3日後に迫った22日の天草交流で、この手ぬぐいがお披露目されます。さて、どのように活用されるのか、海外の高校生の反応はいかに…!? 当日の様子は、またブログ記事でご紹介します。是非お楽しみに!

    Ta-da! Look at our ”tenugui," or Japanese hand towel, to be used during the study tour in Amakusa for the High School Students Summit on the World Tsunami Awareness Day! This tenugui was designed by two of the 2nd-year students who will participate in the summit, and then made by a dye shop called "Shikoku Somemonoten” in Amakusa. The blue used for the simple yet dynamic design is called “Royal blue,” which is known as the official color of the British Royal Family. We would like to thank everyone at the Shop for their great assistance from the design stage to the finishing touches. We will use it with great care!

 You are interested in how this tenugui will be used, and how the students from overseas will like it, right? Please visit our blog again in three days and find out!

【AS・AT】世界津波の日(番外編その2)/ Time for Art!

 芸術の秋! 2年生の生徒数名がせっせとコラージュをしています。外国の美しい建物の写真もあれば、神社の写真もあり、美味しそうなウインナーの写真と海鮮丼の写真がコラボ…














 A beautiful autumn day! Several 2nd-year students are working hard on their collages. We can see pictures of beautiful foreign buildings, a shrine, delicious-looking sausages or a picture of a seafood bowl....

Now, what are these “works of art”?

 Actually, it is the Earth Science Lab where they are enjoying themselves. This group is going to exchange with German students on the 22nd, which is an activity planned as part of the World Tsunami Awareness Day Study Tour. They were making a welcome board with a collage of things famous in Germany and things they wanted to introduce from Amakusa.

 Three days later, high school students from Germany, Cambodia, India, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu will be coming to our school. In the Earth Science Room, welcome boards for the other countries are also being made. We hope that our students can have a wonderful exchange with the young people coming from all over the world.






【ASⅡ・Ⅲ】質疑応答は難しい! / Another Q and A session


 その頃3年生は... もちろん今日も、必死で(?)研究論文に取り組んでいます。ついこの間、あちこちで楽しそうに実験していたような気もしますが、もう論文を書いている姿を見ると、時が過ぎるのは早いものです。さて、あっという間に授業終了10分前になりました。質疑応答の時間です! 各班、先週とは別の3年生を対象に、それぞれの研究について説明し、質問に1つ1つ答えていきます。今日お邪魔したある班は、3年生からの鋭い質問に、班員同士顔を見合わせ、言葉に詰まってしまいました...  

    質疑応答、難しいですよね。でも、実践あるのみ! 今日答えられた質問と答えられなかった質問を整理して、今後につなげていきましょう!





















3年生、論文頑張っています!           実践あるのみ! 2年生の質疑応答


   In the seventh period, the AS II “Turf” group returned from outside and measured chlorophyll in the turf they grew using a measuring device. However, all the members here have never seen or touched the device before. Now, will they be able to measure the data successfully...?? 

 Meanwhile, the 3rd graders... as usual, they are working hard on their research papers. It seems like just a few weeks ago that they were doing experiments, but time flies and now we see them writing their final papers. 

    Now, the time for the Q&A session has come! Each group explains their research and answers questions one by one to the 3rd-year students. One of the groups we visited today, was at a loss for words as they looked at each other in response to the sharp questions. Q&A sessions are difficult, but we can be better only by practicing again and again! Let's all review the questions we had today, and keep trying hard!

【ASⅡ】外へレッツゴー! / Let's go outside!



 さて、活動が始まると、「芝」班は育成中の芝の生育状況の確認と葉の採取に、「ヒガンバナ」班はもちろん実験に用いる彼岸花を取りに、そして「耕作放棄地」班は、雑草の状況を測定しに、それぞれ元気よく飛び出して行きました(すみません、あまりに早かったので追いつかず、今回写真がありません,,, 次回こそ!)。クロームブックや論文とのにらめっこそろそろ、じっくりディスカッションすることももちろん大事ですが、やはり、そろそろ実際にアクションを起こし、データを集めていきたいところです。











 In ASII today, students were first told about their presentation to be held next month; each group is scheduled to make a poster presentation. Then, they checked what they needed to do before the “main evaluation.”  

   After that three groups went outside for their research:  the “Turf” group went out to check the growth status of growing turf and collect leaves, the “Cluster amaryllis” group went to get some flowers for the experiment, and the “Abandoned Land” group went to measure the weed situation. They all looked excited!