

【ASⅢ】研究成果の波及のために / How can we contribute to the city? 


 「音」班が「うーん」と頭を抱えていたのは、「天草市への貢献」の部分。この班はこれまで、防音壁の形状を主に研究してきました。天草に特有のものを研究対象としていないため、自分たちの研究と天草がどうつながるか、悩んでいるようです。「難しく考えずに、身のまわりで『うるさいな』って思う場面を思い浮かべてみたら?」というアドバイスに、ぽつぽつ意見が出始めました。「いつも使っている防音室が、意外と防音できていない」「模試のリスニングのとき、部活の声が気になる」「吹奏楽の練習時間と定時制の授業時間が重なっていて工夫している」などなど、どんどん身近な「音」問題が出てきます。さて、これをどう「市への貢献」につなげるか? ここからが腕の見せ所です!













  In today's AS III, each group worked on rewriting their papers they submitted last week. They need to add some advice to the 2nd graders, and also write about how their research could contribute to Amakusa city. 

    The “Sound” group was having a discussion with a puzzled look. They have mainly studied the shape of soundproof walls, and were wondering how their research could be connected to Amakusa city. Then they got a piece of advice from a teacher, saying “why don’t you just simply think of some situation where you wish to have soundproof walls?” Students started to state their opinions little by little. “The soundproof room I always use is surprisingly not soundproof,” ‘I am bothered by the voices of club activities outside during mock exams,’ ‘Our brass band practice after school might bother students of night school,’ Now that they have some good ideas - they should be able to think how they can contribute to the city too! 

     With only five AS III classes left, each group is working hard until the last minute. We are sure they can pass on what they have learned through their research activities to the younger students, and spread the results of their research to the local community. Good luck!