

【ATⅡ】 討論会に向けて... / Getting ready for the "AT Debate"


 さて、本日の活動では、3年生には来週の討論会の流れとそれまでにすべきこと、研究テーマ決めのための話し合いをしている2年生には、テーマ設定の際のポイントの確認やAmataka Scholorの活用の仕方のアドバイスがあった後、それぞれ活動に入っていました。

 1学期末に「異学年交流」が始まって、今日で3回目のAT。少しずつ一緒の教室での活動が当たり前になりつつも、教室によってはどことなくよそよそしい雰囲気も感じられる2,3年生です...。でも、研究はやっぱり一人ではできません。自分だけでなく、班のメンバー、他の班の人たち、他学年の生徒との話し合いや教え合いを経て、きっと研究の質も向上していくはずです! ATでは今後、2、3年生のシャイなみなさんのために、授業中の「ワクワク交流タイム(仮)」も設けようと思っています。これを機にぜひ、仲良くなってください!



















  In today’s AT, the third-year students prepared for the ”debate” to be held at the next AT. It will be an opportunity to exchange opinions prior to the preparation of proposals. Each group makes a presentation to the other students about their research and how they will propose the results of their research to the community. Groups listening to the presentations can point out areas that are difficult to understand, ask questions, and offer advice. We expect that the experience of this debate will lead to better proposals.

 This is the third AT since the “Cross-Grade Exchange” program started at the end of the first semester. While it is becoming natural for the students from the different grades to stay in the same classroom, we teachers know that it takes a little more longer for some students to get used to this new environment. However, the quality of research will surely improve through discussions and mutual learning among students in other grades! In the future, we are planning to have time for “socializing” during AT class. We hope you will get to know each other and make your research even better!